Monday 30 January 2023

"Nine He Gave To Mortal Men..."

"...Proud and great, and so ensnared them."

This 28mm scale metal model of a Nazgul is produced by "Games Workshop", and these days can only be bought as part of the Nottingham-based manufacturer’s nine-piece resin Nazgûl boxed set. Luckily, I was able to purchase my 'dreaded ring-servant of the Dark Lord Sauron' separately at a wargaming show's second-hand stall several years ago.

The Ringwraith was quite embarrassingly still primed from when I had planned to enter it into last year's Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC), so I simply smoothed this out with a single application of "Citadel" Abaddon Black. I then robustly dry-brushed the figure with “Vallejo” Heavy Charcoal before drenching it with “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

"Artisan Guild" WIP - This Giant Clay Golem is slowly having all its details 'picked out'

The Nazgul's armour and sword were ‘picked out’ using a combination of “Vallejo” Gunmetal and “Citadel” Nuln Oil. These areas were later dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Gunmetal. Finally, in order to better tie-in the palette with that of his master Sauron, I applied a little “Citadel” Reikland Fleshshade to the former King’s armoured gloves and boots.

With my latest submission for the AHPC completed I have made some more progress on the 80mm tall Giant Clay Golem (Kneeling) by "Artisan Guild" I plan to field as a 45-point unit for "Age Of Fantasy: Skirmish". This 3D printed monster has now had its impressive bulk layered, shaded and repeatedly dry-brushed with a handful of "Vallejo" primers/paints, and now predominantly just needs all its numerous runes to be carefully 'picked out' with the "Citadel" Contrast colour Flesh Tearer's Red.

"Nyverdale Tabletop" WIPs - These four B2 Droids have been primed, and shaded.

Alongside my Golemmar Gnomes' 'slow moving strider', I've started another small-scale project using some STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from "Nyverdale Tabletop" on "Cults". All of these "Star Wars" Super Battle Droids can be found for free inside Duncan's B2 Droids Collection (Fan Art) and probably demonstrate both the best, as well as worst, aspects of semi-professional 3D printing.

The figures themselves are absolutely excellent, with the set containing no less than  fifteen different B2 Droids. However, their pre-supported versions are all quite bizarrely placed face down onto the build plate, so suffer quite horribly from the pimple/acne effect of their struts. Admittedly, the fact the miniatures are so low to the ground does result in a fast print-time, yet this is debatably off-set by their rafts' significant footprints only allowing five models per batch. So with hindsight, I may well have been better off standing them upright and supplying them with my own supports using "Chitubox" Basic...

Thursday 26 January 2023

"Bound To The Unrelenting Will Of The Necromancer..."

"The Castellans of Dol Guldur are mindless spirits born out of malice." 

This trio of 28mm scale Castellans of Dol Guldur are produced by "Games Workshop", and can be bought as a three-figure blister from their Dark Powers of Dol Guldur miniatures range. Sculpted to be "formidable Minor Heroes" for "The Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game", I actually plan to use them as Black Númenóreans for my Barad Dur army having discovered that the Nottingham-based company no longer manufacture specific figures based upon the "fallen group of Númenóreans descended from those who were loyal to the Númenórean Sceptre but in opposition to the Valar and relations with the Elves."

All of the metal "mindless spirits" frustratingly required some considerable cleaning prior to priming as their casting appeared to have resulted in some significant flash and spikey tags. They were then given a double-helping of "Citadel" Abaddon Black, feverishly dry-brushed with “Vallejo” Heavy Charcoal and had their belts lined with "Citadel" Doombull Brown. Each piece was subsequently drenched in “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

"Artisan Guild" WIP - This Giant Clay Golem has been primed, layered, shaded and dry-brushed
In addition, I picked out the miniatures' ornate armour, swords and any Morgul Blades using a combination of “Vallejo” Gunmetal and “Citadel” Nuln Oil. These areas were then dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Gunmetal. Finally, so as to better tie-in the palette with that of their master Sauron (which I painted last year), I applied a little “Citadel” Reikland Fleshshade to the ghostly warriors' armour plates, helmet, gloves and boots.

Alongside my latest submissions to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) I have been tentatively working on a rather large 3D print I made some months ago of a Giant Clay Golem (Kneeling) by "Artisan Guild". I've seen this impressive 80mm tall figure selling for a truly outrageous £38.99 on "eBay", so was rather pleased that I got the STL (Standard Triangle Language) file for free as part of the company's Arcanist Guilds "Patreon" subscription service back in October 2022.

3D Breed Miniatures WIP - These Saxons have had their legs/feet layered and shaded

Perhaps somewhat overcautiously, I decided to let the model stand for some weeks due to hearing the horror stories of similarly-sized miniatures splitting open some time after they were produced (and painted) due to trapped uncured resin causing issues inside of them. Touch wood, that now seems unlikely to happen with this piece, so I thought I'd get cracking on it, especially as it'll be my first Golemmar Gnomes unit for Age of Fantasy: Skirmish by "One Page Rules".

Lastly, I have found a little time to finally get some work done on my Battle of Hastings in 10mm using the STL files found inside the Hastings and Stamford Bridge Battles Pack by "3D Breed Miniatures". I'm already a bit behind schedule with this particular project, but having settled upon a fairly basic, tabletop standard for the tiny warriors (using Shades to do much of the heavy lifting as opposed to picking out all the minute details), I'm hopeful I can make up some time before the month concludes...

Tuesday 24 January 2023

"My Yeti Can Destroy You So Easily."

"Now listen, everyone. When the Yeti come for you, don't struggle."

These three 48mm tall metal Yeti were produced by “Warlord Games” as part of the Nottingham-based company's "special limited-time offer" Doctor Who: Web Of Fear set. Somewhat controversially given away for free with any orders of £75 or more, the blister also contained figures of Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart and Professor Travers, and was based upon Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln's February 1968 televised story "The Web Of Fear".

Having previously pigment a trio of the Great Intelligence's hairy automatons using a mixture of "Vallejo" and "Citadel" paints, I decided to make these particular miniatures stand out somewhat by solely using colours taken from "Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats" range. Resultantly, the "cuddly but ferocious" models were primed using two layers of Scorched Earth, drenched in Battle Mud Wash, and dry-brushed with (more) Scorched Earth.

"Big Mr Tong" WIPs - Four Sardaukar awaiting a final heavy dry-brush and shade

Furthermore, I gave each of the "servitors" a light dusting of Dust Bowl, and then dabbed each furry monster's eyes with a little White Star. These areas were subsequently carefully coated with Skulker Yellow, shaded with plenty of Flesh Wash and ultimately brightened with an extra dab of Skulker Yellow. I also used a combination of White Star and Battle Mud Wash on the deadly machines' numerous sharp claws.

Alongside these latest submissions to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) I have managed to get most of the details 'picked out' on the last four Sardaukar troopers by "Big Mr Tong" I plan to enter into the event. This quartet of science fiction soldiers have had their belts, face visors and hand-weapons all base-layered and now simply need to have their protective suits dry-brushed in "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal before being drowned in "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - Two primed Proto Keeler G and a Xeno Brood Sentry

Lastly, I've set about 3D printing and priming three more "Alien" related 32mm scale figures by "Papsikels Miniatures". The first are two copies of Proto Keeler G, whose STL (Standard Triangle Language) file I was given for free as part of their PAPSIPACK Welcome Models subscription set on "Patreon". I actually created a pair of this "Alien: Covenant" inspired xenomorph due to one of its hind legs miscasting on both occasions. There's clearly a slight problem with the this area's supports failing, so I've strengthend the offending limbs with a couple of skulls by "Encounter Terrain".

The last model is the mighty Xeno Brood Sentry, which just about sits snugly upon a "Citadel" plastic 60mm circular base. This STL can also be found inside the PAPSIPACK Welcome Models subscription set on "Patreon" and has already been heavily dry-brushed with Scorched Earth by "Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats" in order to tie it in with my previously painted Cheetah Aliens.

Friday 20 January 2023

"This Is Ripley..."

"...Last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off."

This 32mm scale figure of Silvia Dela Torres is sculpted by "Papsikels Miniatures" and can be downloaded for free as an STL (Standard Triangle Language) file from their PAPSIPACK Welcome Models subscription set on "Patreon". Clearly based upon Warrant Officer Ellen Ripley from the "Aliens" science-fiction horror franchise, the model was produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer.

Having decided to use the sculpt as a test piece for "Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats" paint range, I took inspiration from the character's appearance in the 2014 survival horror video game developed by Creative Assembly entitled "Alien: Isolation" and primed my (not) Ripley with some Cold Corpse Blue. The model was then shaded using Oblivion Black Wash and dry-brushed with (more) Cold Corpse Blue.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - These Castellans of Dol Guldur have been dry-brushed and tinted

With the main bulk of the figure pigmented, I slowly worked my way up by applying Scorched Earth and Battle Mud Wash to her boots, as well as Doom Death Black to the feisty officer's belt, zipper and wrist-bands. The fastener, buckle, belt studs and tracker device were subsequently 'picked out' using a combination of Sir Coates Silver and Oblivion Black Wash. I also applied a little White Star and a short time later, some Battle Mud Wash, to the woman's vest.

Finally, I gave all Silvia Dela Torres' areas of flesh a base layer of Dwarven Skin, treated them to a splash of Flesh Wash, and then highlighted them back up with (more) Dwarven Skin. I also 'picked out' her lips with a smidgeon of Sanguine Scarlet and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson, before giving her hair a coat of Cuirass Leather and sploshing it with Battle Mud Wash. Ordinarily, I would usually go back and dry-brush such wavy locks with more Cuirass Leather. However, on this occasion I rather liked the dark, dank look so left it alone.

"Warlord Games" WIPs - All the gold has been finished on these Spirit Jaguars

Alongside my seventh 3D print by "Papsikels Miniatures" I have also made more inroads on my Castellans of Dol Guldur by "Games Workshop". I have finally finished base coating, shading, highlighting and tinting all the single cast metal miniatures' rather extravagantly-styled armour. So now just need to tidy up their flowing  cloaks and 'pick out' their leather belts in brown (in order to slightly break-up the predominantly "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Abaddon Black colour scheme).

In addition, I've gone back to the "Warlord Games" Inca: Sapa Warlord on Spirit Jaguar boxed set which I recently opened, and dug out the other three resin 'big cats' found inside. With a bit of priming, layering, shading and dry-brushing I've managed to now have all four Jaguars up to the same painting stage, so from now on intend to pigment the pack as a quartet. I'm using a different technique on their ornate gold armour than I usually use, having shaded them with "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade and subsequently used "Vallejo" Silver as a final highlight...

Wednesday 18 January 2023

"It'll Breed. You'll Die."

"Everyone in the company. Will Die."

These three 32mm scale Cheetah Aliens are produced by "Papsikels Miniatures" and can be downloaded for free as part of a six-figure set of STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from their "Patreon" subscription November 2022 release - Aliens Verses Skull Hunters 2. Based upon a species of H.R.Giger's infamous deadly xenomorphs, the figures were produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer.

Inspired by a statue of a xenomorph crouched on all fours which H.R. Giger had exhibited at the opening of the Austrian Ars Electronica institute in 2013, the trio of death-dealing extra-terrestrials were undercoated in Doom Death Black by "Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats" and dry-brushed with Scorched Earth. I then drowned them all with Oblivion Black Wash to help make their base layer decidedly dark.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - These Castellans Of Dol Guldur have had all their metal areas 'picked out'

I next (re)dry-brushed the models with (more) Scorched Earth, before applying a light highlight of Dust Bowl across all the prominent raised areas. Finally, to help blend all the different browns together, I sploshed Battle Mud Wash all over the trio with great gusto. This left me just needing to 'pick out' all the aliens' metal teeth with a combination of Sir Coates Silver and Oblivion Black Wash, as well as apply a coat of Doom Death Black (and later "Coat D'arms" Gloss Varnish) across their foreheads.

One of the things which did concern me about these particular three sculpts was both the fragility of some of the figures' contact points upon their "Citadel" 60mm oval bases, as well as some large open (and arguably therefore boring) areas on their stands. Resultantly, I snuck a few 3D skulls by "Encounter Terrain" under the odd claw, as well as created the odd 'brain pile'. These were pigmented using White Star, Battle Mud Wash and some "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson.

"Warlord Games" WIPs - This Spirit Jaguar has had its gold armour layered and washed

Alongside these latest submissions to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) I have continued to make some progress upon my first batch of Castellans of Dol Guldur by "Games Workshop". Perhaps somewhat naively I had hoped that these predominantly cloaked figures would be a reasonably quick little project (as I own half a dozen of them). But each figure is actually packed full of elaborate detail, whether it be simply their ornate armour, swords, daggers or belt buckles.

Somewhat less fiddly to put a brush-tip to, at least at this early stage, is the resin Spirit Jaguar by "Warlord Games" I recently chose to pigment after randomly selecting it from a set of twelve figure-filled drawers. I'm using the miniature to test out a new technique for bright gold, using a "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade wash and "Vallejo" Silver dry-brush. Currently, things are looking good, even after I realised that I hadn't needed to be meticulously neat with my "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna base coat for the gold armour as I'll be making a mess with my dry-brushing anyway...

Monday 16 January 2023

Miss Fantorical 2022 - An "Undercoat" Painting Pageant

Once again, I have been given the honour of picking my top 10 painted miniatures of the past year for this blog. However, I thought I would do something slightly different this time and pick a favourite miniature for each month, before selecting an overall winner. My choices are based on the miniature, the paint job, the rule of cool and other eclectic factors, such as nostalgia etc. This format means some great models didn’t make the cut, but those are the rules - only one per month! You may disagree, which is fine, as we all like different things.

January - Ro-Jaws by "Wargames Foundry" - January 21st

This was picked because of a number of reasons. I love the metallic green colour scheme first of all. Coloured metals look amazing and this really makes the robot pop for me. However, it is the nostalgia factor that hits me too. Reading "2000 AD" in my youth has great memories for me. The stories and characters were just incredible and really made me love both science-fiction and fantasy to this day, so seeing the smart mouthed robot brought to life was a real treat.

February - sMG34 Machine-gun Team by "Battlefront Miniatures" - February 15th

There have been a large number of blog posts in 2022 featuring Flames of War infantry stands. These are multiple 15mm soldiers on bases that form teams that make up larger formations. Firstly, the details on these diminutive sculpts is amazing. Secondly, the painting is top notch with details picked out superbly, camouflage painted on individual helmets and other great touches that make these really stand out to me. They also look amazing in a group shot and will look stunning in any future battle reports. Fantastic little project.

March - American Civil War Command Strip by "Warlord Games" - March 5th

These "Epic" models are something of a revelation to me. A strip of ten soldiers in one piece of plastic that still have individual details that I think look incredible. Again, the paint scheme elevates them further with each Confederate trooper having different coloured bits of uniform like trousers and jackets. Considering that these models are approximately 13mm in scale that is just insane! But they look great for it. These just look phenomenal to me.

April - Black Widow by "CoolMiniOrNot" - April 30th

This 40mm miniature comes from the Marvel United miniature game and just oozes personality. It is instantly recognisable as the Marvel character from the comics and films, but is just refreshingly different, while also being instantly familiar. It is packed full of detail and the paint scheme captures the ex-Soviet assassin turned Avenger brilliantly. I remember reading this blog post vividly and being blown away by it. Fantastic stuff!

May - Red Skull by "CoolMiniOrNot" - May 19th

Now, before you say anything I want to admit to breaking a rule I had here. I didn’t want to pick multiple miniatures from the same manufacturer/genre to increase variety and not have my favourite themes dominate. However, I just love this miniature. Again, from Marvel United it is a cartoon/chibi-like representation of Hydra's leader that looks sensational. The pose, the haughty look, the paint scheme, I could go on. This has the wow factor for me.

June - Strawbear by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" - June 13th

A total change for this pick. I am still not entirely sure what a strawbear is. Is it a person wearing straw as part of a carnival procession or is it a creature made of straw? Dunno! What it is though is quirky and different. It looks simplistic as it is just straw but the paint scheme just makes me look closer. There are different colours in there like greens that make it look so interesting. Different, unusual and not something I have seen before. All good in my opinion.

July - Space Marine Sergeant by "Games Workshop" - July 4th

I have to confess I love the Horus Heresy. I have read the books, love the lore and do like the models, so it is perhaps unsurprising I have included this Sons of Horus sergeant. I really like the shade of green that these space marines have for their power armour. It looks amazing. This guy also looks full of character as well: his brutal looking Mk3 armour, his sergeant's helmet crest  and that wicked looking claw just make the Age of Darkness come to life for me. Great stuff once again.

August - Sentry Robot by "Twisted Pinnacle 3D" - August 2nd

Sculpted by "Big Mr Tong", this mechanical sentinel bears more than a passing resemblance to the robot bad guys in the 1979 Disney film, "The Black Hole". The film had some great designs for its robots (although the less said about the film’s ending the better!) and this simple but effective paint scheme just captures my memories of those images perfectly. Again, something different that brings back memories and nostalgia. This blog is superb at showcasing the unusual and the quirky and I love it for that.

September - Zygon by "Encounter Terrain" - September 9th

This blog has shown off a lot of miniatures themed around "Doctor Who" and I fondly recall models from other ranges showcasing lots of the BBC science-fiction teleision series' villains in the past. However, once again, we have a different take on the familiar. This 3d printed model is sculpted by SplunJohnny in a very appealing and different style. Slightly comic book, definitely stylised but still eye catching and appealing. The skin tones look amazingly smooth, eye catching and another master class in how to paint eyes. Just memorable on so many levels.

October - Frankenstein’s Monster by "Encounter Terrain" - October 31st

Yes, I know it is a miniature from the same designer as the Zygon. Rule broken again! But just hear me out here. It looks so cool. The design has that classic arms out straight legged walk of so many Frankenstein tropes, and I love it for that. It just makes me smile. Another example of a well designed miniature brought to life that just appeals on so many levels. Are there better painted miniatures on this blog? Yep. However, it isn’t just about that its about so many other things and the fact I smile when I see this means it is the pick of the month!

November - Yeti by "Warlord Games" - November 8th

I don’t really remember these "Doctor Who" villains from the television series back in the day. But I am aware of them as part of the science-fiction programme's pantheon of baddies. I just like the whole package here, the sculpt, the paint scheme, the throwback to a time when the budgets for "Doctor Who" were smaller than the cost of a weekly family food shop today. The fact when I googled them this looked just like the images I saw was everything. Simon is very good at painting fur and although a simple paint scheme again they just pop for me.

December - Lazer Face by "C27 Studio" - December 14th

This (not) Destroyer is once again a character from "Marvel Comics". However, it is a very different style to those already mentioned. I recall this brute from the movie "Thor" and it cut an imposing and destructive figure! I just like this sculpt. It looks big, it looks interesting and it looks distinctive. It is just painted in a metallic hue, but I just love this paint job as it looks amazing. So much so that it has sold me on the "Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats" paint range which were used to bring this to life.

And the winner of Miss Fantorical 2022 is...

Lazer Face by "C27 Studio"

I just love the way this one is painted. Less is more. Get the basics right and it just pops.

Well that was fun. I am looking forward to more of the same in 2023 as I find this blog a source of inspiration to get my own miniatures painted. It's a fun read while enjoying a coffee and a great source of both the unusual and often different miniatures which reminds you that there is a lot more out there than just the stuff produced by the bigger companies. What would you have picked? The world would be boring if we all liked the same thing, right?

Saturday 14 January 2023

"Why Have You Brought Me Here?"

"You forced me to come here and set things straight... personally."

This quartet of 28mm scale Sardaukar were sculpted by "Big Mr Tong" and can be downloaded for free as part of a ten-figure set of STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from his "Patreon" subscription service. Based upon David Lynch's vision of the "elite military force of the Padishah Emperor" as first seen in his 1984 American science-fiction film "Dune", the miniatures were produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer.

The models were undercoated in "Citadel" Abaddon Black, and enthusiastically dry-brushed with "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal. Their belts were then 'picked out using a thin line of "Vallejo" Steel Blue, and their lasguns with Gunmetal. As a final touch, each figure was unsympathetically sloshed in "Citadel" Nuln Oil (so as to recreate the smoky black appearance of their survival suits as seen on the Big Screen) and their distinctive green face-visor fabricated using a combination of "Scalecolor" White Alchemy and the "Citadel" Contrast paint Warp Lightning.

"Warlord Games" WIPs - These three Yeti are just having their claws 'picked out'

I still have another four more Sardaukar to finish for the Thirteenth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC). But I plan to take a short sojourn from them for a little while. However, one of the things which has impressed me so much with these figures, or rather the "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin, is how well they take superglue whenever a small piece snaps off. This unit's commander suffered just such a fate with his weapon, and I did think I'd have to reprint him. Surprisingly though, a small amount of superglue did the job instead, and despite the small contact point the model has subsequently survived both a heavy dry-brushing, as well as frequent handling.

To break up the "Big Mr Tong" factory process I've successfully developed for the AHPC, I've turned my attention upon the trio of Yeti I recently received as a freebie from "Warlord Games". These 48mm tall metal "Doctor Who" figures have proved interesting test pieces for "Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats" range, especially when it comes to the colour White Star.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - These Castellans Of Dol Guldur have been primed and dry-brushed

I've actually changed my technique for pigmenting these classic monsters, having learnt some valuable lessons from when I previously tackled three of them, by applying the paint straight over the entirety of the killer robots' claws without worrying about hitting their black paws. This has helped me see each sculpt's detail much clearer once they were treated to some Battle Mud Wash. But has resulted in all the miniatures getting their previously finished fur splattered in micro-dots of White Star - Which disappointing means I'm going to need to tidy their torsos up again before they are complete.

Lastly, with my eye firmly fixed upon the AHPC World Cinema Bonus Round, I have set to work on a blister of Castellans of Dol Guldur by "Games Workshop". These "formidable Minor Heroes" will actually be used as proxy Black Numenorean Warriors for my Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game Barad-Dur army as the Nottingham-based company strangely no longer seem to sell them. In addition, they'll tie-in rather nicely as representing a Silver Screen production which was filmed "elsewhere in the world from where you live now."

Thursday 12 January 2023

"My Mommy Always Said There Were No Monsters."

"But there are."

These three 32mm scale Cheetah Aliens are produced by "Papsikels Miniatures" and can be downloaded for free as part of a six-figure set of STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from their "Patreon" subscription November 2022 release - Aliens Verses Skull Hunters 2.. Based upon a species of H.R.Giger's infamous deadly xenomorphs, the figures were produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer.

Originally, I had thought about making the cult classic monsters a dark yellow to try and tie them in from being spawned out of some hapless big cats. But this seemed to be too great a variance to the predominantly black, oily coloured killers shown on the Silver Screen. Fortuitously, I then spotted a statue of a xenomorph crouched on all fours which H.R. Giger had exhibited at the opening of the Austrian Ars Electronica institute in 2013.

"The Shield Wall is gone."

The disconcerting looking sculpture was a deep, dark brown with a solid black forehead, so once I had super-glued my miniatures onto some "Citadel" 60mm oval bases, I immediately primed them in Doom Death Black by "Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats". I next gave my half dozen models a thorough dry-brush of Scorched Earth and shaded them all with Oblivion Black Wash to help make their base layer look very dark indeed.

I then more delicately (re)dry-brushed the models with (more) Scorched Earth, before applying a light highlight of Dust Bowl across all the prominent raised areas. Finally, to help better blend this all together, I gave the fearsome fiends an absolute drowning in Battle Mud Wash. This just left me needing to 'pick out' all the aliens' metal teeth with a combination of Sir Coates Silver and Oblivion Black Wash, as well as apply a coat of Doom Death Black (and later "Coat D'arms" Gloss Varnish) across their foreheads.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - Silvia Dela Torres is slowly having her details 'picked out'

Alongside my latest entry for the Thirteenth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) I have also finished/submitted (yet) another 28mm scale Sardaukar sculpted by "Big Mr Tong" which I produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer. Based upon David Lynch's 1984 American science-fiction film "Dune", the miniature was predominantly painted using "Citadel" Abaddon Black, "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal, Steel Blue, Gunmetal, "Citadel" Nuln Oil, "Scalecolor" White Alchemy and the "Citadel" Contrast paint Warp Lightning.

Lastly, and returning back to both "Papsikels Miniatures" and their (not) "Alien" franchise figures, I have almost finished pigmenting space crew maintenance worker Silvia Dela Torres. This 32mm sculpt should bag me a bonus 20-points in the AHPC, as she'll make an excellent proxy for actress Sigourney Weaver when entered in the event's Casting Couch category...

Tuesday 10 January 2023

"Upon Wings Of Fire They Descend Into Battle..."

"...And tear the beating heart from those who would dare oppose the will of the Master of Mankind."

These three 15mm miniatures are nowadays sold by “Alternative Armies” as part of their "The Ion Age" selection deal IAF008 Retained Knight Post Charlie, and are all equipped with Angis Rifle. Ordinarily formed into Lances of twenty-two men by the Prydian Army, I've actually painted these figures to proxy some Rogue Trader-era Blood Angels from the "Warhammer 40K" universe.

Despite eventually being based upon a medium-sized plastic "Flames Of War" stand by “Battlefront Miniatures”, each metal model was initially super-glued onto a wooden strip and undercoated with "Vallejo" Heavy Red. I then heavily washed all of the ‘beaky’ space marines with "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson, before dry-brushing them with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Red.

"They appear to be  some sort of robot, Doctor Kate."

Each figure's hand-weapon was subsequently layered with "Citadel" Abaddon Black, and later treated to a combination of “Vallejo" Gunmetal and “Citadel” Nuln Oil. Finally, I took a size 000 “Winsor & Newton University Brush Series 233 and placed a small amount of “Citadel” Abaddon Black along the eye-ridge of each futuristic warriors' helmet to provide their visors with the suggestion of shadow.

Alongside my latest additions to my ever-increasing collection of painted "The Ion Age" miniatures, I have submitted my latest entry for the Thirteenth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) in the form of another 28mm scale Sentry Robots were sculpted by "Big Mr Tong". the figure was predominantly pigmented using plenty of "Vallejo" Heavy Red, "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, “Vallejo” Gunmetal” and “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

"Warlord Games" WIPs - This Spirit Jaguar has been primed prior to its armour being 'picked out'

Lastly, I have started working on the first of twelve random figures I intend to finish during the next year which have been randomly chosen using a D12 from a stack of small drawers I've copiously filled. With all the 3D printed models I tend to produce and paint these days I fancied doing something which would at least start 'picking away' at my metal/plastic backlog, so took some inspiration from the monthly advent challenge Dick Garrison so successfully runs over on "Rantings From Under The Wargames Table". 

Intriguingly, having perused the container I rolled, I chose one of five resin Spirit Jaguars by "Warlord Games". This awesome-looking piece is part of the Inca: Sapa Warlord on Spirit Jaguar boxed set I recently bought in order to qualify for one of the Nottingham-based company's now sadly Out Of Production (OOP) "Doctor Who" freebies, and could easily stoke my enthusiasm for a future "Mythic Americas" project...

Friday 6 January 2023

"Those Other Robots Aren't Any Friendlier Than Doctor Frankenstein's Monster."

"Think there are any more?"

These four 28mm scale Sentry Robots were sculpted by "Big Mr Tong" and can be downloaded for free as part of a ten-figure set of STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from his "Patreon" subscription service. Based upon Hans Reinhardt's security forces aboard the U.S.S. Cygnus in Gary Nelson’s 1979 American science fiction film “The Black Hole", the miniatures were produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer.

Responsible for capturing Frank McCrae's crew and turning them into "Humanoids", the automatons were primed using plenty of "Vallejo" Heavy Red, and drenched in "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. They were then thoroughly dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Red, and had all their eyes and blasters layered with "Citadel" Abaddon Black." These areas were later ‘picked out’ using a combination of “Vallejo” Gunmetal” and “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

"At an appointed time Baron Harkonnen will return to Arrakis and launch a sneak attack on House Atreides."

Finally, to help illustrate that these particular Sentry Robots were part of Maximillian's "crack squad", I applied a lick of "Citadel" Abaddon Black base layer to one of the panels on the back of their heads, before treating the area to a combination of “Vallejo” Gunmetal” and “Citadel” Nuln Oil. Luckily, this intricate detail is very clear on the "Big Mr Tong" sculpts I 3D printed (as opposed to the ones I bought from “Twisted Pinnacle 3D” on "Etsy", so it wasn't as difficult a task as I initially feared.

Alongside my latest entry for the Thirteenth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) I have also finished/submitted another 28mm scale Sardaukar sculpted by "Big Mr Tong" which I produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer. Based upon David Lynch's vision of the "elite military force" as first seen in his 1984 American science-fiction film "Dune", the miniature was predominantly painted using "Citadel" Abaddon Black, "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal, Steel Blue, Gunmetal, "Citadel" Nuln Oil, "Scalecolor" White Alchemy and the "Citadel" Contrast paint Warp Lightning.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - Silvia Dela Torres has been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

Lastly, I've made some progress on my first 32mm 3D printed sculpt by "Papsikels Miniatures". Space crew maintenance worker Silvia Dela Torres bears a striking resemblance to Ellen Ripley from the "Alien" franchise, so I thought she would make a good start to (yet) another project focusing upon the numerous science fiction characters made famous through "Twentieth Century Studios" movies.

In addition, the figure should gain me an extra 20 points for the AHPC as part of its film studio-based bonus rounds. I wasn't intending to utilise this element of the event. But having almost inadvertently obtained similar rewards for painting Science Fiction and (then) Eighties-based figures, it seemed rude not to; especially as these 'pick me ups' will allow me to attain my target tally of 500-points all the quicker...

Wednesday 4 January 2023

"I Want Fifty Legions Of Sardaukar On Arrakis At Once!"

"This is genocide... The deliberate and systematic destruction of all life on Arrakis."

These four 28mm scale Sardaukar were sculpted by "Big Mr Tong" and can be downloaded for free as part of a ten-figure set of STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from his "Patreon" subscription service. Based upon David Lynch's vision of the Emperor's elite warriors as first seen in his 1984 American science-fiction film "Dune", the miniatures were produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer.

The models were primed in "Citadel" Abaddon Black, and heavily dry-brushed with "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal. Their belts were then 'picked out using a thin line of "Vallejo" Steel Blue, and their lasguns with Gunmetal. As a final touch, each figure was mercilessly marinated in "Citadel" Nuln Oil (so as to recreate the smoky black appearance of their survival suits as seen on the Silver Screen) and their distinctive green face-visor fabricated using a combination of "Scalecolor" White Alchemy and the "Citadel" Contrast paint Warp Lightning.

"Big Mr Tong" WIPs - These Sentry Robots are ready for their metallics to be applied

Alongside my third submission for the Thirteenth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC), I have managed to progress another five-figure batch of Big Mr Tong's 28mm scale Sentry Robots. I've actually painted ten of these miniatures before, back when I didn't own a 3D printer, yet unlike the ones I bought from “Twisted Pinnacle 3D” on "Etsy", none of the hand-weapons broke off the models during their clean-up.

As a result I wanted to make the quintet stand out a little bit from the others, so looked to Gary Nelson’s 1979 American science fiction film “The Black Hole” for inspiration, and found it with Hans Reinhardt's scathing criticism of Maximillian's security forces following Doctor Kate McCrae's rescue from the Cygnus' Hospital - "Your crack unit, outwitted and outfought by some Earth robot and that antique from storage!"

"Alternative Armies" WIPs - Three Retained Knights all ready for shading

This has caused me to start 'picking out' the metallic panel on the back of their heads in preparation for pigmenting them with "Vallejo" Gunmetal and somewhat awkwardly designating them as part of Maximillian's aforementioned elite force, This detail is actually visible on all the Sentry Robots seen in the film (along with some side plates) but was something I never bothered to pick out on my original ten figures,

Lastly, a clumsy spill (or rather splodge) of "Vallejo" Heavy Red has given me some considerable incentive to finish three (more) 15mm Retained Knights by “Alternative Armies”. In the past I've completed quite a few of these 'beaky' sculpts from the company's "The Ion Age" range to use as proxy space marines, so having had my accident, I quickly dusted down a trio of previously-started (not) Blood Angels, and put what paint I could save to immediate good use...

Monday 2 January 2023

(Lead) Mountain Musings - "Flames Of War” January 2023

"Before Allied troops even came ashore, the Germans suffered a bombardment from Naval ships."

This month's themed attempt to diminish my mountain of metal, plastic and resin models will once again have me setting my sights upon my collection of 15mm World War Two Germans by “Battlefront Miniatures”. Rather embarrassingly I've been chipping away at my 50-point strong “Flames Of War” German Beach Defence Company for well over a year, so really need to get the Panzergrenadiers' armoured support and anti-tank teams finished.

Fortunately, I've found my interest in both the period and range of figures to have been significantly re-energised by my recent purchase of "The Fields of Normandy" rule-set by Mike Lambo. Admittedly, the temptation to build some bases in order to specifically represent the Sixth Royal Scots Fusiliers for the solitaire wargame is somewhat strong. But I still have a fair few Panzer IV tanks and support infantrymen to complete first, as well as some extra reinforcements to bolster my company up to 75-points.

"Reactivation completed."

Alongside this 'final push', I am also busy trying to achieve a target total of 500-points in the Thirteenth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC). As a result I have finished/submitted another 28mm scale Cybermen sculpted by "Big Mr Tong" which I produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer.

Strongly influenced by Eric Saward's incarnation of the Mondasians as first seen in his March 1982 "Doctor Who" story "Earthshock", the miniature was undercoated in "Citadel" Abaddon Black and given a double-helping of "Vallejo" Gunmetal. It was then shaded using "Citadel" Nuln Oil, dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Gunmetal, and had its hand-weapons' power cylinder 'picked out' using "Scalecolor" Speed Metal and "Citadel" Flesh Tearers Red.

"3D Breed Miniatures" WIP - These seven 10mm Saxons have been primed and dry-brushed.

In addition, I have my eye on a year-long project to fight the Battle of Hastings in 10mm using the STL (Standard Triangle Language) files found inside the Hastings and Stamford Bridge Battles Pack by "3D Breed Miniatures". This particular period/genre has come completely out of the blue, and has predominantly been inspired by my purchase of "Battles Of Medieval Britain" - another of Mike Lambo's solitaire wargames.

The paperback book contains twelve battles, including all three contests concerning King Harold's forces in 1066, and my idea is to print/paint the relevant forces required for an individual scenario on a monthly basis. This should ultimately lead to me building up quite a substantial collection of Saxons, Normans and Vikings throughout the year, and give me plenty of units to field when the time comes to shift over to a different rule-set (quite possibly "Hail Caesar" by "Warlord Games") which will allow me to use them all at once...