Friday 31 March 2023

"The Pak 40 Was The Standard German Anti-Tank Gun..."

"...Until the end of the war, and was supplied by Germany to its allies." 

This plastic 15mm 7.5cm Anti-Tank Gun team is sold by “Battlefront Miniatures” and is one of two eight-piece sprues (not including crew) which can be found inside the company’s “Hit The Beach” starter set for “Flames Of War”. The models consists of a single Panzerabwehrkanone 40 gun with four soldiers, and is the first of three stands needed to complete a full-strength 7.5cm Tank Hunter Platoon for my German Beach Defence Company. 

Originally primed with two layers of "Vallejo" Dark Yellow, the gun was washed with "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and heavily dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Dark Yellow. I then applied some sporadic patches of camouflage across the weapon, using a combination of “Vallejo” Heavy Brown, Luftwaffe Camouflage Green and Heavy Sienna. All of these areas were subsequently washed with “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade, before being highlighted back up with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Brown, of Luftwaffe Camouflage Green and Heavy Sienna. Finally, I applied some "Citadel" Abaddon Black to the Pak 40's rubber tyres.

"Battlefront Miniatures" WIPs - This Panzer IV tank is slowly having its detail 'picked out'

With the Anti-Tank gun completed, I turned my attention to pigmenting the crew. The majority of these figures were painted in situ. But I quickly decided to paint the team's officer whilst he was temporarily super-glued to a wooden stick. As with all my other “FoW” German soldiers, the miniatures were primed in “Vallejo” German Fieldgrey WWII, shaded using “Citadel” Nuln Oil, and dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” German Fieldgrey WWII. Their details were then ‘picked out’ predominantly using “Vallejo” Gunmetal, German Camouflage Dark Green, Heavy Brown and a series of “Citadel” Shades.

In addition, the crew's fully-open shell box was swiftly treated to some "Vallejo" Buff and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Whilst it's contents were given a lick of "Vallejo" Brass and (more) "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. This exact colour scheme was then applied to the two projectiles which the soldiers were in the process of loading into their weapon. As a last touch, I applied a little "Citadel" Abaddon Black to all the shells' tips...

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - Two FMSKA Failed Experimental Battle Droids & an Omega Zelucerean Tamer

Staying with my "Flames Of War" German D-Day Defence Grenadier Company, I have almost completed the fifth and final Panzer IV needed for a full-strength tank platoon. At a whopping 28-points, this formation will cost over half my allotted total for a small game. But will allow me to at least get another battle in before I've finished the other two 7.5cm Anti-Tank Gun teams I'm currently progressing.

Lastly, I am still adding plenty of pigment to my ever-expanding collection of eclectic science-fiction sculpts by "Papsikels Miniatures." I'm presently applying a brush-tip to a couple of up-scaled FMSKA Failed Experimental Battle Droid Series 1 & 2 figures, as well as a rather tall model of an Omega Zelucerean Tamer. Hopefully, these should all be ready for a dip in the flock tub soon...

Monday 27 March 2023

"The M4 Sherman..."

...Was the most widely used medium tank by the United States and Western Allies in World War II."

This 10mm metal American medium tank used to sold by “Pendraken Miniatures” as Code A10 - Sherman M4A4, no skirts, 75mm gun. However, it now appears to have been superseded by a much more detailed product under Code AMV30 - M4 Sherman, 75mm. I believe I bought it as part of a much larger 'Battle Of The Bulge' project purchase to use alongside my already fully-painted German and Soviet World War Two Winter armies. But such an idea was clearly shelved a long time ago.

However, having found this particular model in an old plastic bag containing five more identical tanks as part of a large-scale clear-out, I thought I'd paint one up as a test armoured vehicle rather than see whether anyone wanted them on the e-commerce website "eBay". Indeed, I actually thought completing the little beauty might actually galvanise me into getting my old 'Battle Of Stalingrad" forces out and giving them some tabletop action once again.

"Battlefront Miniatures" WIPs - A Panzer IV Tank with passenger

Resultantly, the M4 Sherman's turret was super-glued in place, and then the two-piece ensemble stuck to a plastic 30mm x 40mm rectangle. It was then undercoated with two layers of "Vallejo" USA Olive Drab, washed with "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade, and dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" USA Olive Drab. Rather dishearteningly though, this tried and trusted method of pigmenting my 10mm tanks didn't seemingly work all that well, as having returned to the vehicle later to finish its basing, I discovered the "Citadel" Shade had somehow 'eaten away' large areas of the "Vallejo" USA Olive Drab to noticeably reveal the shiny metal surface underneath.

This meant I had to re-undercoat the entire model, this time using a mixture of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black and "Citadel" Abaddon Black, before successfully repeating the aforementioned process all over again. I then 'picked out' the tracks and wheels with a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and a double-helping of "Citadel" Nuln Oil. In the past I'd probably have left things at that, but eventually decided to go just a little further on so small a project by repainting some of its prominent track/wheel mechanisms with (more) "Vallejo" USA Olive Drab and "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade.

"Battlefront Miniatures" WIPs - Two 7.5cm Tank Hunter guns and crews

Finally, I decided to apply a trio of Allied Stars to the M4 Sherman using some supplied by "Decal Details", as well as the title "Bouncing TNT" from their 10mm US Armour Names and Slogans sheet. The model was subsequently flocked using a mixture of different snow products I've collected together in a bin since first starting my German WW2 Winter Army some thirteen and a half years ago.

Sticking with the Military theme though, I have also been busy progressing both a fifth Panzer IV for my "Flames Of War" German D-Day Defence Grenadier Company, and an accompanying 7.5cm Tank Hunter platoon. The "Battlefront Miniatures" 15mm plastic tank is actually quite close to completion. However, I still have quite a way to go on the two guns, albeit I'm about half-way done on the long-barrelled weapons' camouflage patterns...

Friday 24 March 2023

"Containment Is Impossible, Sir..."

"I think they swept the barracks."

These two 32mm scale Gigerian Royal Brood Warriors are produced by "Papsikels Miniatures" and can be downloaded for free as part of a set of STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from their "Patreon" subscription service. Based upon a species of H.R.Giger's infamous deadly aliens, the figures were produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer.

Both Xenomorphs were given a double layer of Doom Death Black by "Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats" and dry-brushed in Cold Corpse Blue. They were then drenched in Oblivion Black Wash before being (re)dry-brushed with (more) Cold Corpse Blue and (much more lightly) Gravestone Blue. In addition, I splashed the pair of models in "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade to help blend all the different blues together.

"Battlefront Miniatures" WIPs - This 7.5cm Tank-Hunter Team is just missing its fourth crewman

Finally, I 'picked out' all the aliens' metal teeth with a combination of Sir Coates Silver and Oblivion Black Wash, and applied a coat of Doom Death Black across their dome-like foreheads. Ordinarily these days, I protect my figures with some "Vallejo" Matt Varnish - which can actually prove to be a bit silky at times. However, for the Xenomorphs' temples I opted to apply some "Citadel" 'Ardcoat (gloss varnish) in order to make the smooth surface appear super-shiny.

Alongside my final submission for the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) I have been steadily working on the 7.5cm Tank-Hunter Platoon I want to field for a game of "Flames Of War" I have planned for next week. Originally, I was going to just field two gun teams for my 50-point D-Day German Beach Defence Grenadier Company. But having recently seen how utterly ineffective my sMG34 Machine-gun Platoon was against my opponent's tanks, I'm now hoping to get three stands completed and swop out the heavy machine-guns.

"Pendraken Miniatures" WIPs - Three of Six Sherman tanks which have been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

Resultantly, I've now sourced and assembled a third Tank-Hunter kit by "Battlefront Miniatures" and already gritted its large base ready for priming. Hopefully, I'll be able to squeeze the team in with the other two before my fast-approaching deadline, as I've now finished all but one of the soldiers staffing my first base, and intend to get the second unit finished within the next few days.

Furthermore, as part of a huge clear-out of long forgotten projects stored in the loft, I stumbled across a bag containing half a dozen 10mm Shermans by "Pendraken Miniatures". These metal models were part of a planned Battle Of The Bulge campaign which never saw fruition. However, as I do still own a significantly sized German and Russian Winter Army in that scale, I thought I'd keep the tanks rather than sell them on "eBay" and simply pigment them up for a quick 'homemade rules' battle involving armoured vehicles in the near future...

Wednesday 22 March 2023

"More Than Seven Thousand Panzer IVs Were Constructed Throughout The Second World War."

"The Panzer IV tank was designed by German engineers before the start of World War II in Europe in 1935."

This plastic 15mm Panzerkampfwagen IV is sold by “Battlefront Miniatures” and can be found inside the company’s “Hit The Beach” starter set for “Flames Of War”. The model consists of a medium tank equipped with "Bazooka Skirts", and is the fourth and final fully-tracked armoured vehicle needed to complete my 50-point strong German Beach Defence Company's Panzer IV Tank Platoon.

Initially primed with two layers of "Vallejo" German Grey. The model was then shaded with "Citadel" Nuln Oil, heavily dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" German Grey, and later more lightly dry-brushed with "Vallejo" Sombre Grey. The Panzer IVs' spade, stowage, machine-gun, muffler and tow-cable were subsequently 'picked out' using appropriate combinations of "Vallejo" Gunmetal, "Citadel" Nuln Oil", "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Whilst its tracks were tied in to my usual basing with some "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, "Citadel" Rakarth Flesh and Agrax Earthshade.

The Americans form up behind as much cover as possible. Whether it be woods or houses

Alongside one of my last submissions to the "Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge" (AHPC) for this year's event, I have finally settled down to play a game of "Flames Of War" against a Veteran M4 Sherman Tank Company. Unfortunately, I still didn't have my 7.5cm Tank-Hunter Platoon ready for the battlefield, but was able to field a cobbled together 49-point force by upgrading my two Panzergrenadier Platoons and bringing along a sMG42 Machine-Gun Platoon (which doesn't come in the "Hit The Beach" Starter Set).

As this was going to be a 'learning game', it was determined that we'd simply play the Annihilation Mission in the rulebook, with the Americans being the attackers for the purposes of deployment and the Germans rolling to go first. Most of the other rules, such as all infantry starting the game in Foxholes (giving them Concealment and Bulletproof Cover), and all teams starting the game Gone to Ground, were ignored.

Quantity over quality..? Unit wise the Germans vastly outnumbered the Americans

However, it was agreed that my Mortar Platoon would be unable to fire Artillery Bombardments in their first Shooting Step. Something which meant going first probably wasn't as great a proposal for the Germans as it first seemed, albeit I did hope it would allow my Panzer IVs to get first crack at the Veteran M4 Sherman (76mm) Tank Platoon it was facing. Resultantly, as all of my Teams counted as having moved for the first Shooting Step regardless of whether they had or not, I (re)positioned my tanks into a firing line along the shore and moved up all my infantry alongside them - sticking to as much cover amidst the buildings and forests as they could find.

Sadly, I wasn't all that impressed with the firepower of General Heinz Guderian's brainchild when my four Panzer IVs subsequently blazed away with their 7.5cm guns, as they caused just one Allied tank crew to bail out - and the cursed Yanks re-entered their vehicle to return fire shortly afterwards. At least I was safe in knowledge that their 80mm frontal armour would keep them in the battle for at least a second salvo...

The American Shermans tear through the German Panzer IVs like a hot knife through butter

Several shots from the American tanks later and my sole-surviving Panzer IV decided that retreating was the better part of honour by scuttling away to the rear of my lines and off the tabletop. So much for my impregnable Vogtländische Maschinenfabrik manufactured machines. Disappointingly though, my 12cm Mortar Platoon wasn't winning me over either, as having needed and then thrown three sixes to hit the victorious Shermans, I then discovered due to my limited number of artillery stands (you really need more than two) that I had to roll a further three sixes so as to hit my targets. Well that was never going to happen.

Buoyed by their success, the Allied armour sauntered down the battlefield's main road, and dominated the centre of the map. With my own tanks completely gone, I decided to shore up my left flank with a unit of Panzergrenadiers, and trust that their Panzerschreck anti-tank teams would do what my Panzer IV's 7.5cm guns couldn't. In the middle I deployed my maximum strength sMG42 Machine-gun Platoon to ward off the fast-approaching Shermans with some withering fire.

Machine Verses Man - The Shermans gun down the Panzergrenadiers.

Needless to say, at this point things went from bad to worse for the Germans. The American tanks' .50 calibre machine guns tore through the Panzergrenadiers and caused them to seek shelter as quickly as they could. Whilst it suddenly became all too clear that despite being "a powerful weapon capable of firing 1200 rounds per minute" (or at least six dice per team), the "Flames Of War" rules don't allow for sMG42 Machine-gun Platoons to have any effect on armoured vehicles whatsoever. So much for the notion of them pinning the Yanks down in the centre.

Incredibly though, things suddenly turned in the Germans' favour at the last minute, when the Allied Parachute Rifle Platoon arrogantly decided to break cover from some Woodland and stroll towards the second Panzergrenadier Platoon on the right. Two Shooting Steps later and there wasn't an American left standing... and it was a good time to bring our test game to an end as a hard-fought draw - at least for Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's forces.

Monday 20 March 2023

"OCP Is Proud To Present The Future Of Urban Pacification."

"RoboCop Two."

This 28mm scale FKMSA Failed Experimental Battledroid Series 1 is produced by "Papsikels Miniatures" and was downloaded for free as part of a set of STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from their "Patreon" RoboCorps March 2023 subscription service, The model was produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer and is clearly inspired by one of the "Roboflops" depicted in Irvin Kershner's 1990 science fiction film "RoboCop 2".

As can (hopefully) be seen the cyborg is incredibly detailed with all its pistons, cables, circuitry and wiring. But also, in my opinion at least, rather fragile when it comes to tabletop gaming and being manhandled across a battlefield. Resultantly, I decided to anchor the figure's ankles down onto a "Citadel" 25mm circular base by placing a piece of rock sculpted by "C27 Studio" between its feet. Only then was the miniature primed with "Citadel" Abaddon Black, and base coated in Sir Coates Silver from "Duncan Rhodes' Two Thin Coats" paint range.

"The Panzer IV was the most numerous German tank."

I next applied some Oblivion Black Wash over the model, and subsequently gave it a dry-brush of (more) Sir Coates Silver. I next picked out both its helmet and rock with "Citadel" Abaddon Black, before using a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Bluegrey, "Citadel" Nuln Oil" and a dry-brush of (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Bluegrey on the stone. Finally, the poor suicidal police officer's skull was pigmented in "Duncan Rhodes' Two Thin Coats" Ivory Tusk, "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade and some watered-down Flesh Tearer's Red...

Alongside my Failed Experiment, I have managed to paint two more plastic 15mm Panzerkampfwagen IV tanks by “Battlefront Miniatures”. Found inside the company’s “Hit The Beach” starter set for “Flames Of War”, the pair of armoured vehicles were predominantly completed using a double coat of "Vallejo" German Grey, a wash of "Citadel" Nuln Oil, a dry-brush of (more) "Vallejo" German Grey, as a much lighter dry-brush of Sombre Grey.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - A Future Killer, Future Saviour and FKMSA Experimental Battle Mech Series 3

In addition I 'picked out' the models' spades, stowage, and tow-cables using a mixture of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil" or "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. I also painted the Panzer IV's machine guns and rear-situated mufflers with "Vallejo" Gunmetal and shaded these parts in "Citadel" Nuln Oil and Agrax Eathshade, before 'attacking' their tank's tracks with some "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, "Citadel" Rakarth Flesh and Agrax Earthshade.

With the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) now officially finished for another year, I am hoping to clear out an already embarrassingly full draw of "Papsikels Miniatures" over the next few weeks, starting with some of the science fiction range's more recognisable STLs. My Future Killer, Future Saviour, and FKMSA Experimental Battle Mech Series 3, have now been dry-brushed with their respective "Vallejo" base colours, so should soon have all their well-defined details picked out...

Saturday 18 March 2023

"Early In The Twenty-First Century, Skynet, A Military Defense Program, Became Self-Aware."

"Viewing humanity as a threat to its existence, Skynet decided to strike first."

These four 32mm scale E-800 Exterminators are produced by "Papsikels Miniatures" and were downloaded for free as part of a set of STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from their "Patreon" The Exterminator December 2022 subscription service, The miniatures were produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer and are clearly based upon James Cameron and Gale Anne Hurd's science-fiction "Terminator" franchise.

The two heavily damaged, crawling figures are actually both Model O, with one of them simply being 'mirrored' using "Chitubox" Basic. As with all my E-800 Exterminators, I have been using the sculpts to try out some of Duncan Rhodes' Two Thin Coats paint range, so like the others I've previously pigmented, they were all primed with some "Citadel" Abaddon Black, and subsequently treated to two layers of Sir Coates Silver and a hearty dousing in Oblivion Black Wash.

"Viewing humanity as a threat to its existence, Skynet decided to strike first."

Built "to wipe out the remains of the human race after Judgement Day", the T-Units were then carefully dry-brushed with (more) Sir Coates Silver and had their eyes picked out with a spot of Demon Red and a dab of "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson. Lastly, due to wanting their metallic hand-weapons to somewhat stand out from the rest of the E-800 Exterminators shiny surfaces, I applied a second shade of Oblivion Black Wash over all the firearms.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - A Future Killer, Future Saviour and FKMSA Experimental Battle Mech Series 3

With the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) now finished, at least for me as I have both achieved my 500-point target tally and made a donation to the Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation fund as my payment for entry, I have been able to better focus upon three more awesome-looking figures by "Papsikels Miniatures". The upscaled Future Killer, Future Saviour, as well as the FKMSA Experimental Battle Mech Series 3, have now all been washed with "Citadel" Nuln Oil, so now just need to be dry-brushed with an appropriate colour before I can begin 'picking out' their details.

"Battlefront Miniatures" WIPs - This 7.5cm Tank-Hunter gun has had its camouflage finished

In addition, I've made some noticeable progress on one of the two 7.5cm Tank-Hunter guns by "Battlefront Miniatures" I initially wanted to incorporate into my 50-point strong German D-Day Defence Force for "Flames Of War". However, as I now have a second game scheduled against a heavily-armoured American Veteran M4 Sherman Tank Company, I have decided to expand this platoon to three guns at the cost of losing my previously-painted sMG34 Machine-gun formation.

Furthermore, I have been busy scrambling around in my loft and managed to dig out some additional armoured vehicles to help bolster my D-Day Beach Defence Grenadier Company up to 75-points. These reinforcements should see my two Panzergrenadier platoons incorporate a few of the aforementioned heavy machineguns directly into their formations, as opposed to using them as a separate single entity, increase the number of Panzer IV tanks I can field, and potentially lead to the presence of either a Panther Tank Company or Stug Assault Gun Platoon...

Thursday 16 March 2023

"The Eleventh Panzer Division..."

"...Had originally been organized in August 1940, in the then German province of Silesia."

This plastic 15mm Panzerkampfwagen IV is sold by “Battlefront Miniatures” and can be found inside the company’s “Hit The Beach” starter set for “Flames Of War”. The model consists of a medium tank equipped with "Bazooka Skirts", and will form part of a larger Panzer IV Tank Platoon for my German Beach Defence Company.

The armoured vehicle was assembled and glued straight onto a large base before being primed with a double coat of "Vallejo" German Grey. It was then washed with "Citadel" Nuln Oil and heavily dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" German Grey. Thinking the miniature looked a tad bland and uninteresting, I subsequently gave it a lighter dry-brush of "Vallejo" Sombre Grey to better bring out all the kit's impressive details.

"The division saw action on the Eastern and Western Fronts during the Second World War."

With the basics completed, I decided to 'pick out' the model's spade, stowage, tow-cable and extra piece of tank-track using a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil" or "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. In addition I painted the Panzer IV's machine gun and rear-situated muffler with "Vallejo" Gunmetal and shaded these parts in "Citadel" Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade respectively.

I also pigmented the tank's tracks with some "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and daubed them with "Citadel" Rakarth Flesh so as to help blend the muddy caterpillar treads into my basing palette once 'drowned' in "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Finally, I applied some decals across the Panzer IV to mark it out as being part of the Eleventh Panzer Division, using the guidance given in the excellent hardback book "Colours Of War" by "Battlefront Miniatures".

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - A Future Killer, Future Saviour and FKMSA Experimental Battle Mech Series 3

To help mark out the vehicle as being the first tank in the first platoon of the first company I also decided to have the Panzer IV's commander be visible. This half-figure was undercoated with two layers of "Citadel" Abaddon Black, and had his headset pigmented with some "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and Gunmetal. These tiny areas were appropriately daubed in "Citadel" Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade.

Alongside my latest submission to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) I have also managed to find some time to print and prime some more science fiction-related figures by "Papsikels Miniatures". All of these figures actually come as 28mm scale STL (Standard Triangle Language) files, so for the Future Saviour and Future Killer I used "Chitubox" Basic to upscale the sculpts by 108.41% so they matched the size of my previously-painted 32mm scale Colonist Marine Cyborg Hero E-900 Exterminator...

Monday 13 March 2023

"Unauthorized Opening Of Cage Three."

"Unauthorized opening of cages five, seven, eight, ten..."

This trio of 32mm scale Gigerian Royal Brood Warriors are produced by "Papsikels Miniatures" and can be downloaded for free as part of a set of STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from their "Patreon" subscription service. Based upon a species of H.R.Giger's infamous deadly aliens, the figures were produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer.

Due to these sculpts looking somewhat different to the other Xenomorphs I've recently pigmented I decided to go with a different palette than the predominantly brown one I've used in the past. Resultantly, whilst the three Xenomorphs were all still primed in Doom Death Black by "Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats", they were then dry-brushed in Cold Corpse Blue before being drowned in Oblivion Black Wash.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPS - Two Series 5 Sexycops and a FKMSA Failed Experimental Battle Droid Series 1

I next (re)dry-brushed the miniatures with (more) Cold Corpse Blue, before applying a light highlight of Gravestone Blue across all their raised areas. Finally, to help blend all the different blues together, I enthusiastically showered them in Drakenhof Nightshade. This left me just needing to 'pick out' all the aliens' metal teeth with a combination of Sir Coates Silver and Oblivion Black Wash, as well as apply a coat of Doom Death Black (and "Citadel" 'Ardcoat across their silky-smooth foreheads.

Alongside my latest submission for the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) I have also continued working on some of the figures from "Papsikels Miniatures" latest "Patreon" release entitled "Corpo Cops". Based upon Paul Verhoeven's 1987 science fiction film "Robocop" and its subsequent sequels, I've actually finished 3D printing the entire release now. But have actually begun rescaling a few of the smaller 28mm sculpts so that they better match the 'girth' of the company's larger 32mm scale figures. Furthermore I am hoping this move might help strengthen some of the incredibly fragile-looking limb joints a handful of the models have at the smaller size.

"Battlefront Miniatures" WIPs - All the details on these Panzer IVs is slowly being 'picked out'

In addition, I've almost finished the four-vehicle strong 15mm Panzer IV unit I require as an armoured support unit for my 50-point German D-Day Defence Force for "Flames Of War". I'm currently really enjoying working on these marvellous plastic kits by "Battlefront Miniatures" and having picked out such little details as fire-axes, shovels, tow-wires and stowage on three of them I've decided to utilise a fifth tank sprue with a view to expanding the platoon up to maximum strength for some 75-point conflicts.

With an imminent battle against an invading force of Americans scheduled for later this week, and my sole-remaining Panzer IV currently sat in the grit-box as part of its post-painting process, I'm now focusing much of my attention upon the eight German soldiers I must swiftly pigment as part of two 7.5cm Anti-Tank gun teams. These heavy weapons were temporarily pushed aside to allow me to work on my tanks. But now the Panzerkampfwagens are almost completed, I've shifted my brush-tip back to them...

Saturday 11 March 2023

"Judgment Day Is Inevitable."

"A T-X was sent back through time to eliminate your lieutenants."

These three 32mm scale E-800 Exterminators are produced by "Papsikels Miniatures" and were downloaded for free as part of a set of STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from their "Patreon" The Exterminator December 2022 subscription service, The miniatures were produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer and are clearly based upon James Cameron and Gale Anne Hurd's science-fiction "Terminator" franchise.

The trio were all primed with "Citadel" Abaddon Black, and treated to both two layers of Sir Coates Silver by "Duncan Rhodes' Two Thin Coats" and a hearty dousing in Oblivion Black Wash. The "artificially intelligent autonomous war machine[s]" were then carefully dry-brushed with (more) Sir Coates Silver and had their eyes picked out with a spot of Demon Red and a dab of "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson. Finally, due to wanting their metallic hand-weapons to somewhat stand out from the rest of the E-800 Exterminators shiny surfaces, I applied a second shade of Oblivion Black Wash over all the firearms.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPS - Two Series 5 Sexycops and a FKMSA Failed Experimental Battle Droid Series 1

In addition to my latest submission for the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) I have also slowly started working on some of the figures from "Papsikels Miniatures" latest "Patreon" release entitled "Corpo Cops". These models vary in scale between 28mm and 32mm, and are clearly strongly influenced by Paul Verhoeven's 1987 science fiction film "Robocop", as well as the $53.4 million grossing movie's subsequent sequels.

For now I'm planning on focusing upon both the FKMSA Battle Police Series 5 Sexycops and a series of FKMSA Failed Experimental Battle Droid Series 1 miniatures. I'm actually finding some of these sculpts to be so finely-detailed that they're probably not destined to survive long on a tabletop unaided. So have already added at least one resin boulder (manufactured by "C27 Studio") to a figure to support its meticulously researched but super-delicate limbs.

"Battlefront Miniatures" WIPs - This Panzer IV has been stripped clean and reprimed

Lastly, I've made more progress on the Panzer IV unit I intend to field as part of my 50-point German D-Day Defence Force for "Flames Of War". Having put aside my frustration with trying to achieve any sort of camouflage on the "Battlefront Miniatures" tanks, I have decided to instead focus on 'picking out' a number of each armoured vehicle's details. These should prove reasonably straightforward to paint and break-up an otherwise rather monotonous dark grey colour scheme.

Initially, I had intended to build a fourth 15mm Panzerkampfwagen from a spare sprue, as I felt the model upon which I piloted my unsuccessful tan-green-brown pattern upon was far too full of clumpy paint to be saved - especially after I tried layering it with two coats of "Vallejo" German Grey. However, I have since soaked the thing in approximately 120ml of Paint Remover by "Green Stuff World" for a few hours. This solution has almost completely removed any trace of my previous disaster, and resultantly lead to me (re)priming the tank in a combination of "Vallejo" Black Prime and "Citadel" Abaddon Black in an effort to bring it my battlefield after all...

Wednesday 8 March 2023

"The Engineers Have A Multitude Of Different Names."

"Deciphered hieroglyphic tablets found in Tanaka 5 referred to them as Ossians."

These three 32mm scale Yurneyan Golem Exofist Mask figures are produced by "Papsikels Miniatures" and were downloaded as part of a free set of STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from their PAPSIPACK Welcome Models subscription set on "Patreon”. Produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer, I had initially planned to 'field' four of the figures. But one of the models' arms failed to print – probably due to my overloading the build plate.

The 55mm tall sculpts are recognisably inspired by Ridley Scott’s 2012 science fiction film “Prometheus” and were predominantly painted using “Duncan Rhodes' Two Thin Coats paint” range. They were all primed with a double helping of Gravestone Blue, shaded using Oblivion Black Wash and dry-brushed with (more) Gravestone Blue. This really helped bring out all the partly organic looking details of their survival suits.

"C27 Studio" WIPs - Conroy has been primed and dry-brushed

However, I thought the “Space Jockeys” looked a little bland so decided to pick out their stomachs, fingers and throats using a combination of Sir Coates Silver and Oblivion Black Wash. This somewhat tied into some of the pictures I have seen of the alien’s costumes for the movies, which appear to have a somewhat silvery/fleshy sheen to them. As a final step I applied Ivory Tusk to their heads, washed these areas with watered-down “Citadel” Carroburg Crimson, and dotted their eyes with Doom Death Black.

Alongside my latest submission to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge, I have been working on a Kevin Conroy tribute sculpt by "C27 Studio". The company ordinarily create 40mm scaled miniatures which are similar in size to those found in the "Marvel Crisis Protocol" super-hero game by "Atomic Mass Games". But this particular figure of the Dark Knight from "Batman: The Animated Television Series", has been crafted at the somewhat smaller scale of 35mm - hence it's been placed on a "Citadel" 40mm circular base.

"Battlefront Miniatures" WIPs - A Panzer IV now sporting a "Vallejo" German Grey colour scheme

In addition, I have been plugging away at the remaining models by "Battlefront Miniatures" which I need so as to complete my initial 50-point strong German D-Day Defence Force for "Flames Of War". Things had been going reasonably well, with my 7.5cm Anti-Tank guns even receiving some odd spots of camouflage over their "Vallejo" Dark Yellow undercoat/wash/dry-brush as a precursor for doing something similar to a quartet of similarly-primed Panzer IV tanks.

Unfortunately for some bizarre reason though, I inexplicably decided to veer away from doing small, self-isolated batches of coloration, and instead chose to use some "Vallejo" Luftwaffe Camo Green as a guide by snaking the odd line over the first of my armoured vehicles. Before I knew it this haphazard spider's web had got completely out of hand, and my attempt to rein it all in with "Vallejo" Heavy Brown just looked like messy splodges. As a result, and in view of having my first game pencilled in for late next week, I have subsequently decided to keep this particular tank formation nice and straightforward, by sticking with "Vallejo" German Grey and some trusty "Citadel" Nuln Oil shade...

Monday 6 March 2023

"Where Is John Connor?"

"Get out."

This 32mm scale Colonist Marine Cyborg Hero E-900 Exterminator is produced by "Papsikels Miniatures" and was sent to me as a free STL (Standard Triangle Language) file as part of their PAPSIPACK Welcome Models subscription set on "Patreon". The miniature was produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer and is clearly inspired by the “less-advanced, reprogrammed Terminator” played by Arnold Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1991 science-fiction film “Terminator 2: Judgment Day”.

Pigmented using “Duncan Rhodes' Two Thin Coats” paint range, the cyborg assassin was undercoated in Doom Death Black, dry-brushed using “Vallejo” Heavy Charcoal”, had his T-shirt ‘picked out’ in Cold Corpse Blue and drenched in Oblivion Black Wash. I next applied a little Sir Coates Silver and splash of (more) Oblivion Black Wash to his belt buckle, pistol and large automatic weapon, before using a combination of Glistening Gold and Battle Mud Wash on the killing machine’s cartridge belt.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - Three Gigerian Royal Brood Warriors on "Citadel" 50mm Round Bases

The Terminator’s hair and boots were treated to some Cuirass Leather and (more) Battle Mud Wash, and his remaining skin picked out with a little Elven Flesh and watered-down “Citadel” Reikland Fleshshade. His exposed exo-skeleton was given a layer of Sir Coates Silver and Oblivion Black Wash, before I dotted his robotic eye with a drop of Demon Red and a dab of "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson. Lastly, to try and break up the all-black colour scheme, I gave his jacket a light dry-brush of more Cuirass Leather and blended this in with some additional Oblivion Black Wash.

Having completed my latest submission to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC), and sticking with "Papsikels Miniatures", I've found the time to almost finish five of the company's 32mm Gigerian Royal Brood Warriors. These sculpts actually gave me quite a headache to base on account of their sweeping tails making their 'footprint' much more circular than the Cheetah-based variants I've previously housed upon "Citadel" 60mm oval bases.

"Battlefront Miniatures" WIPs - These 7.5cm Anti-Tank guns have been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

In the end I opted to super-glue each Xenomorph on a 50mm round stand. But even at this size their tails slope over the edge for a significant distance - and doubtless will end up getting broken at some point in the future whilst wargaming. Furthermore, the move has completed exhausted my supply of that particular base just when "Games Workshop" have frustratingly announced that they ("temporarily") have no more in stock online and I have other miniatures waiting to be painted which require that size.

Finally, I've managed to make some more in-roads on the two bases of World War Two 7.5cm Anti-Tank guns I need for my German D-Day Defence force. These 15mm plastic "Flames Of War" figures by "Battlefront Miniatures" have now had their Panzerabwehrkanone 40 defence cannons primed, shaded and dry-brushed, so simply need a little tidying up before I can get to work on their crews. In addition, I might do a bit of camo on them, despite having seen plenty of images of them without any...

Friday 3 March 2023

"Like Father, Like Daughter."

"Justine Hammer inherited her father's ruthless criminal leanings."

This 28mm scale pre-painted plastic model of the Crimson Cowl was produced by “Wizkids” and is miniature number 091 from their old Marvel “Heroclix” Ultimates range. “The mysterious boss of the Masters of Evil” Justine Hammer’s alter-ego was created by Kurt Busiek and Mark Bagley for the April 1997 issue of "Thunderbolts" by "Marvel Comics".

Snatched from the top of the figure's flying 'clicky' base and super-glued upon a plastic 25mm circular base, the super-villain was treated to a double-coat of “Duncan Rhodes' Two Thin Coats” Sanguine Scarlet and shaded in "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson. She was then heavily dry-brushed with (more) Sanguine Scarlet, before having her eye slits spotted with a smidgeon of Skulker Yellow and “Citadel” Reikland Fleshshade.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - These three Gigerian Royal Brood Warriors have simply been dry-brushed

With so simple a submission to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) completed, I've had the time to progress five Gigerian Royal Brood Warriors I was freely sent as STL (Standard Triangle Language) files by "Papsikels Miniatures" as part of their PAPSIPACK Welcome Models subscription set on "Patreon". These 32mm xenomorphs are somewhat different looking to the other aliens I've pigmented from the company's range, so I wanted to go with a different palette than the predominantly brown one I've used in the past.

To be honest, I've always found these iconic Internecivus raptus somewhat daunting to paint as they're so darkly coloured that I've always felt a simple highlight over a black prime (and perhaps a wash) does little justice to their fascinatingly detailed biomechanical appearance. As a result, I thought it would be worth taking the time to slowly build-up this variant's muted blue via three increasingly light dry-brushes of different blue-greys and a couple of shades too - all from "Duncan Rhodes' Two Thin Coats" range.

"Battlefront Miniatures" WIPs - A pair of German 7.5cm Anti-Tank guns

In addition, and making a rather agreeable change in both scale and genre, I have been tinkering away at the two bases of World War Two 7.5cm Anti-Tank guns I need for my German D-Day Defence force. These 15mm plastic "Flames Of War" figures by "Battlefront Miniatures" have been patiently gathering dust since I first started working on them at some point last year, so the first thing I've needed to do was brush them down.

I also appear to have lost one of the crew's officers or look-outs, so I've been scratching around my various piles of shame looking for a replacement. Luckily, I have found a pair of German large gun teams still on their sprue, courtesy of some reinforcements I purchased at "Salute" in October 2021, and these do seemingly consist of a spare figure. However, quite bizarrely these slightly resin(ish) models are slightly larger than their counterparts in hard plastic. So I'm a little perplexed as to whether the 'new' gunner will annoyingly stand out from his brethren...

Wednesday 1 March 2023

(Lead) Mountain Musings - "Papsikels Miniatures” March 2023

"The enemy of my enemy... is my friend."

Due to the past four week’s encouraging effort to diminish the embarrassingly high summit of my hobby hill by focusing upon a number of 32mm science fiction figures produced by “Papsikels Miniatures”, I thought I’d do exactly the same again for another month. Or at least, target some of company’s smaller 28mm scale Cyberpunk characters which I’ve recently gained access to via their other “Patreon” subscription service.

Of course, I still aim to pigment a number of their larger brethren for my upcoming "Aliens verses Predator verses Terminator" games, as that particular project is far from complete and unsurprisingly always being added to. But I’d also like to get started on their Papsikels City range which comprises of an “alternate future in which cybernetics, magic and fantasy creatures co-exist” – albeit I’ll be predominantly sticking to their human denizens first, before I start 3D printing various Elves, Orcs, Goblins and other part-cyborg creatures.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - A PCPD Blade Walker, Cyborg Ender Type 5432 0 and Miggy Kimosabe

In addition, I’ve set myself a bit of a significant challenge to actually have a game of both “Flames of War” by “Battlefront Miniatures” and “Horus Heresy” by “Games Workshop” before the end of the month, so I can dive head-first into another project concerning the “Warlord Games” Epic Battles models range – their upcoming Thirty Years War. Such a goal means I need to complete quite a few figures from the two aforementioned game systems first and foremost, so I’m hoping to get some 15mm German Panzer IV Tanks completed, along with some accompanying Tank Hunter Gun Teams, within the next couple of weeks.

Then I’ll turn my attention on finishing off the remaining Mark VI Space Marines I require for my Sons Of Horus force’s second Tactical Infantry Unit, before polishing off a third ten-man squad using a mish-mash of “Games Workshop” plastic and “Forge World” resin pieces I’ve accumulated over the past decade or so. Only once these two long overdue projects are done and dusted (at least until I start working on some expansions) will I then dip my toe into the 15mm Pike & Shotte period by pre-ordering the Nottingham-based manufacturer’s Push of Pike Starter Set.

February 2023 - Papsikels Miniatures" is quickly closing the gap with "Big Mr Tong"

Once again the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) has caused me to have a highly productive past month, with almost all of my subjects being 3D printed on my "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro. I have however, also managed to reacquaint myself with my backlog of "Heroclix" plastic figures by "Wizkids", and actually hope to continue this 'reintroduction' into the coming weeks.

Furthermore, my love of "Papsikels Miniatures" has far from diminished, so I'm hoping to continue churning out a string of their E-800 Exterminators, Xenomorphs and instantly recognisable sci-fi characters from the Silver Screen. I may even be tempted to resize some of their smaller scale Cyberpunk sculpts via "Chitubox" Basic so that they can stand eye-to-eye to their larger 32mm comrades-in-resin...