Monday, 17 February 2025

"They Outnumber Us Ten To One!"

"We can't stop them!"

These two 28mm metal single-cast figures are produced by "Athena Miniatures" as part of their Apocalypse Survivors range, and are part of the eight-man squad found inside the Swindon-based company's AS11 British NBC set. Purchased as part of a much larger impulse buy whilst I was wandering around the stalls at "Warfare" 2024, these miniatures are based upon the disconcerting notion of Russia suddenly invading the United Kingdom following some great calamity - whether that be a nuclear strike, zombie incursion or some deadly extra-terrestrial attack.

Both models were undercoated with "Vallejo" Heavy Grey, and drenched in "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. I then layered the soldiers' boots, gloves, gas masks and firearms with "Citadel" Abaddon Black. Lastly, the troopers' L98 A2 rifles and lenses were treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I did consider adding a little "Vallejo" Heavy Grey to parts of their semi-automatic weapons, as seen in the official photographs I was using for a colour guide. However, I felt this would just make them 'disappear' amidst the NBC suit, so decided to leave well enough alone. 

"Games Workshop" WIPs - This Primaris Space Marine has been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

I did however want to mark them out from their Soviet opponents, so took some inspiration from the pictures of the figures' ammunition pouches, and splodged these equipment bags with some round(ish) dollops of “Vallejo” Heavy Brown, Luftwaffe Camouflage Green and Heavy Sienna. This basic camouflage pattern - which I unashamedly borrowed from my days painting 15mm German Panzergrenadiers for "Flames Of War" - was later splashed with “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade, before each area was highlighted back up with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Brown, Luftwaffe Camouflage Green and Heavy Sienna.

In addition to my latest "Invasion! 1999" reinforcements, I have also started working on a 28mm plastic Primaris Space Marine I was very kindly sent for free by the "eBay" shop "ibstock_tackle". Now, to be brutally honest I have little interest in Warhammer 40K these days. But did fancy testing out a colour scheme for the Dark Angels Chapter which I could then later possibly apply to some of Lion El'Jonson's warriors from the Horus Heresy.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - Two members of the Moscow Militia

Admittedly, according to "Games Workshop" lore the Loyalists of that era were all dressed in black armour. However, I've had enough of painting miniatures "Citadel" Abaddon Black recently, and can't shake the mental image of the First Legion always being adorned in their (modern day) green hue. Resultantly, I wanted to see if I could come up with a palette I could use for both timelines, and felt this particular miniature would make the perfect pilot piece.

Finally, I've somehow found my enthusiasm for my Napoleonic project also gaining ground once again, so have dived into a couple more figures from the RN043 Moscow Militia with Muskets blister by "Wargames Foundry". I'm currently hoping to get a quartet of these marvellous Alan Perry sculpts finished before the end of the month, and perhaps then move on to some (more) French opponents, or perhaps the start of an Austrian Jäger unit..?


  1. Great work on the NBC suit Simon, I imagine you've got quite a few more to do with your recent visit to Beachead ! LOL Nice progress on the marine, not been tempted by the Primaris at all. Good to see you have found renewed enthusiasm for your Napoleonic's.

    1. Thanks Dave. I've only got another two British NBC Suits to go and that'll be it for them. Then another four Soviet NBC Suits - which I did pick up from Beachhead. LOL!! I don't like the Primaris either tbh. But it's proving a useful test piece for the colour scheme I'm working on. Hopefully I can get a few more Moscow Militia finished before the month is out, and catch back up to where I'd like to be with my Napoleonic Project.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Andy. I've a couple more British to go, and then it's on to another four Russian NBC troopers.

  3. I always wanted proper scale and official Space Marines from GW and then they heard my plea and gave us Primaris.... and I was elated. Better designed armour, scaled realistically within the bounds of "Heroic scale". I've mentioned it elsewhere, but seeing stuff like this makes me want to get back to my own Space Sharks mini-project (I just wish I had the time).

    Excited to see the Soviet chem troopers!

    1. Cheers Dai. I believe this is the first Primaris I've painted, and he certainly is rather large compared to all the Horus Heresy Space Marines I've painted in the past. The Russian NBC Troopers shouldn't be too much further down the road.

  4. A nice trio of minis. Your British soldiers are always a treat to see and I like the green on those Moscow militia a lot. I am interested to see what you come up with for the Space Marine though. I am a firm believer that 30k is better than 40k so don't distort the mighty first legion too much! Lol.

    1. Thanks Undercoat. I should hopefully have the last of the British NCC Troopers posted up next week, and then I'll be moving on to the second half of my Russian NBC soldiers. I'm happy with how the green turned out on my Dark Angels test piece - though not sure I'll do much more on that particular model, as I've little interest in the latest version of WH40K.
