Saturday, 11 October 2014

Graven Images - Cliffhanger - WIP - Part Two

Having definitely been enthused by Zomtober 2014 I’ve been feverishly progressing my painting of this splendid 40mm model of Frankenstein’s Monster by “Graven Images”. As you can probably imagine for so large a figure the coat and trousers were extremely simple to paint and all I’ve had to give them are a couple of coats of brown and then a very heavy black ink wash. The high quality of Jim Bowen's sculpting has also meant that it hasn't taken me too long to ‘black line’ around the hands, shirt, head and shoes either.
I’ve also picked out the monster’s shirt with some dark grey and then his undead skin with some far lighter blue-grey. To try and get the skin tone right I’ve been looking at quite a few pictures of Boris Karloff in full-makeup and realised that for most of the photographs he actually tries to roll his eyes up so that his pupils are barely visible and all you can see are the whites of his eyes. As a result I’ve tried to darken the sockets with black and simply paint in his eyes with white. To create the wash for his decaying flesh I’ve used a mixture of green and brown shades thinned down with water. I’ve still got a few bits to finish off on the miniature, such as his neck bolts and basing but hope to have this all done by tomorrow’s Zomtober deadline…


  1. That is one sweet model! Except he is rotting, of course :)

    At 40mm I suspect it might be slightly easier to paint the eyes, but as I have yet to paint more than three pairs in 28mm (they all failed miserably) I would not know much about it. Even if the painting, as you say, are trying to emulate mr Karloff and his "rolling of eyes", might be facilitated by that fact: Just one colour!

    1. Llama, glad you like him. Absolutely wonderful model to paint and the fact I have a few more waiting in the wings will hopefully mean I'll soon have enough to actually game with. The eyeballs on this thing are actually smaller than many I've seen on 28mm models hence my utter delight when I realised Karloff liked to show just his whites. Thanks for commenting :-)

  2. That's a bloody big zombie dude!

    1. Cheers Bob. As I missed the start of Zomtober I wanted to get some zeds up on the painting table as quick as possible and as Frankie was already in the queue he became model number one. Lovely figure and I'm now just waiting for the flock to dry for tomorrow's post :-)
