Thursday 25 July 2024

"The Ancient Icons..."

"...Represented the inviolable and nigh-omnipotent authority of the Emperor."

This 28mm plastic miniature of a Space Marine is by "Games Workshop" and comes from the Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness boxed set by "Games Workshop". The multi-part figure has been assembled wearing MK VI armour and is carrying a Legion Vexilla (Legion Standard) which will allow its unit to add +1 "to the Wounds score used to determine if they win a Combat in the Assault Phase."

Due to the miniature forming part of my second Sons of Horus Tactical Squad for the Horus Heresy, it was undercoated with "Citadel" Sons Of Horus Green, before being heavily washed with Nuln Oil and dry-brushed with (more) Sons Of Horus Green. I then applied some "Citadel" Abaddon Black to his Bolter, the joints of his Corvus Armour, and a couple of parts making up his backpack.

"Their Primarch was Horus, known to them as Horus Lupercal."

The model's power tubes and firearm were subsequently treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil. Whilst I layered his left shoulder-pad, chest buckle and Legion Vexilla with a little "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and Gold. These areas were later given a splash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and highlighted with some additional touches of "Vallejo" Gold on the sharpest edges and rivets.

As a final touch I applied some "Scalecolor" Speed Metal to the Space Marine's eye slits, and then a single layer of the "Citadel" Contrast colour Flesh Tearers Red. I also fixed a couple of the many decals found on the "Games Workshop" Sons of Horus Legion transfer sheet onto his right shoulder-pad and in the middle of his standard's circular central emblem.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - This Russian infantryman is almost finished

Alongside the last of my Sons of Horus MK VI armoured tactical space marine squad, I have also dusted down one of the 28mm metal models I own from “Wargames Foundry" blister RN023 Infantry in Oilskin Covered 1812 Shako Marching. I've probably not touched any of these remaining Napoleonic Russian soldiers sculpted by Alan Perry for a good ten months. But have recently acquired a copy of The Silver Bayonet by "Osprey Games", and figured these miniatures would help make a sizeable Coalition unit to battle the rule-set's supernatural creatures.

Ultimately I intend to field bands solely dedicated to each of the Nationalities covered by the core rule-book. However, for now at least, these winter-clad Infantrymen will join forces with my already painted British Riflemen and Officer. I also believe I have enough painted Frenchmen to represent an elite hunting party from the ranks of La Grande Armée - even potentially utilising the skills of the odd Prussian ally...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks very much indeed, Michal. Super-pleased to have got my second ten-man squad finished. Just a few left to do on my third squad and its finished too.

  2. Very nice Simon! I was interested to see the Russian Infantryman and then read your plans about the Silver Bayonet. I was just watching a fabulous battle report for this done in the style of a Sharpe adventure and found myself considering the possibility of a sneaky foray into Napoleonics. :D

    1. Cheers Michael. I want to build up a 28mm Nap collection which allows me to play Black Powder. But that's a long-term project at the rate I paint. So I thought something skirmish-like would be a great start, and Silver Bayonet looks good for that. I've already got enough for both a Coalition and French warband, but can now expand both to include other nations etc.

      I too thought Peachey's Bat-Rep, and overall coverage of Silver Bayonet has been first-rate - and they're the YouTube videos which convinced me to get the rulebook.

  3. Great work finishing off the MK VI Simon, for some reason I thought you already had, and sounds like you have the makings of a solid plan, for your different Napoleonic's.

    1. Thanks Dave. I think a Silver Bayonet month will greatly help get me a few more Napoleonics finished tbh.
