Friday, 21 February 2025

"I Have Found The Doctor."

"And you have your orders. Kill him."

This pair of identical 28mm metal models are produced by "Black Tree Design" and can be bought individually as DW510 - Armoured Sea Devil from their "Doctor Who" miniatures range. "Awoken in 2084 A.D. by a group of Silurians who believed peace with humanity was impossible", the sculpts are clearly based upon the "amphibious Earth reptiles" seen in Johnny Byrne's 1984 television story "Warriors Of The Deep".

'Identified by historians as an example of a Silurian subspecies', the two figures were primed using a couple of layers of "Citadel" Abaddon Black, dry-brushed with "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal, and subsequently sploshed in "Citadel" Nuln Oil. Some of the details on the shock troopers' uniforms, along with each creature's hand-weapon, were then 'picked out' using a little "Vallejo" Gunmetal and a dash (more) of "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"Black Tree Design" WIPs - All of this Dalek's sensor globes have been patiently picked out

The Sea Devils' faces and paws were simply given a lick of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, before being shaded with some "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Finally, despite the models' costumes not quite matching the samurai-looking helmets shown on the small screen, I decided to treat their ornate headwear to a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

Due to currently still being rather obsessed with classic "Doctor Who", I thought it was about time I corrected a major omission in my collection, by finally putting a brush-tip to some old multi-part Daleks. Perhaps unsurprisingly to many, I actually own a considerable number of these "Black Tree Design" miniatures from the planet Skaro. But up until now, I've always been put off painting them due to the numerous sensor globes surrounding their Mark III Travelling Machines.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - This Sons of Horus Space Marine's gold areas have been completed

To get over this 'hump' I've therefore decided to paint a pilot piece up using the fairly straightforward blue-grey/black colour scheme seen in such broadcast storylines as "Genesis of the Daleks" and "Resurrection of the Daleks". Hopefully this'll encourage me to then produce another handful using the same palette, before moving on to the silver/blue livery depicted in some of the science fiction series' earlier adventures.

In addition, I have made more progress on the last of my MK IV wearing Sons of Horus from the long out of production (OOP) Betrayal At Calth boxed set. This particular "Games Workshop" Space Marine has proved a bit intimidating on account of being equipped with a Legion Vexilla (Legion Standard). However, now I've finished all the gold areas on the traitor's Maximus armour, I'm pretty sure I'll soon have him ready for a 31st Millennium battlefield...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal. I think these two will be the last for the foreseeable - at least until I stumble upon some more in my Black Tree Design backlog. LOL!!

  2. Two more great looking sea devils Simon, although I'm sure there is probably more to come ! LOL Nice start on the Dalek, could be worse on the sensor globes , they could have been gemstones ! LOL Nice progress on the MK IV son, what mark's have you got left to paint ?

    1. Cheers Dave. I'm pretty sure I have a second bag full of more Sea Devils and Silurians somewhere. But I can't put my hand on it currently. LOL!!! I've already finished my pilot Dalek piece, and am working on a second one - I'm not a fan of all the globes already. I have loads of Horus Heresy space marines and Imperial Guard to assemble, paint etc. It's just a question of finding the momentum to work on them when I have other stuff I want to paint.

  3. Two more Seadevils must mean you now have enough to take over the world surely? Looking good. The Dalek is coming along nicely and I am sure painting his balls will be worth it. Get a move on with those Sons of Horus! The Warmaster has a galaxy to burn and he needs them.

    1. Thanks Undercoat. I believe that's the last of the Sea Devils, for now at least. The Dalek is already finished, and I'm beavering along on a second. I'm hoping to get the Space Marine completed shortly too.

  4. Replies
    1. Cheers Bill. I definitely seem to be in a Doctor Who mood currently.
