Tuesday 16 April 2024

"I Have Spoken With The Nimon."

"I need no one to bring the sacrifices to me."

This 28mm metal model of a Nimon is produced by “Black Tree Design” and can be bought as code DW428 from their "Doctor Who" range. "A parasitic race who travel via artificial black holes between planets", these aliens were created by the writer Anthony Read and appeared in the December 1979 BBC Television science fiction serial "The Horns Of Nimon".

Promising "the Skonnan leader Soldeed the power he would need to make Skonnos a great empire again", the figure was primed with "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black and "Warlord Games" Pitch Black, before being dry-brushed with "Vallejo" Charred Brown. I then applied a wash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade over the bull-headed extra-terrestrial, and was a bit disappointed (though perhaps not entirely unsurprised) that it didn't have the same impact upon the miniature's skin tone as "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade did way back in 2017, when I previously pigmented a number of Nimon.

"Black Tree Design" WIPs - This Roboman is having all his layers 'picked out'

As a result I gave the evil destroyer of planets a second coat of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and whilst this was still wet, decided to apply some Nuln Oil over the brute as well. This still didn't darken down the brown as much as it had been on the other figures finished seven years ago, and with hindsight I might have got a bit carried away with its earlier "Vallejo" Charred Brown dry-brush. However, this particular sculpt could easily stand out as the race's leader, so I didn't let the slight inconsistency in colour demotivate me too much.

I next applied a double coat of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna to the Nimon's loincloth, and then followed this up with a layer of Gold and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. This area was subsequently dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Gold, whilst the life-draining extra-terrestrial's eyes were simply 'picked out' with a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson. Finally, I painted the creature's horns with "Vallejo" Heavy Ochre, shaded them with "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and dry-brushed the deadly energy-blasting weapons with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Ochre.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - Three Alien Legionnaries

Sticking with "Doctor Who" and polishing off spare models I thought I had finished working my way through, I have found another Roboman in my "Black Tree Design" logjam. Resultantly, the mind-controlled minion of the Daleks was plonked onto a base, undercoated, and slowly had his trousers, shirt and hands base-coated.

Furthermore, I've managed to make a little more progress on three Alien Legionnaries by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio". These science fiction troopers are cleared inspired by Emperor Ming's red-robed palace guards from the 1980 movie "Flash Gordon", and to be honest I was soon cursing both the film's costume designer Danilo Donati for all the detail he created for their gas masked heads, as well as the miniatures' sculptor for taking the time to so precisely replicate all the black trim on the models themselves - most of which need careful, precise tracing in "Citadel" Abaddon Black...


  1. Great work on the Nimon Simon, hopefully you don't find more in a drawer now you've got them completed again ! LOL Nice progress on the Roboman and Ming's minions as well

    1. Thanks Dave. I don't know where the little critters come from tbh. I've found a whole stash of more Black Tree Design figs I thought previously painted, but there doesn't appear to be any more Nimon that I can see.

  2. Replies
    1. Cheers Michal. I do like the Nimon sculpt. Much better than the actual TV monster costume. :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray. Simple stuff. But the Nimon is definitely one of the better aging Dr Who sculpts by Black Tree, imho.

  4. It sounds like you had a few trials and tribulations with that Nimon, but it looks like a match with your older ones to me! How many Robomen do you have?!! Those legionaires look superb! Very good representation from a certain film....ah ah!

    1. Cheers Undercoat. I keep double-checking my Black Tree Design stash to see if I have any more of the Robomen as I do like painting them. The Alien Legionnaries are excellent sculpts, but a bit too detailed for my liking with all their black piping. LOL!!
