"It's dead, that's what's wrong with it." |
This 32mm scale plastic model of a stuffed Norwegian Blue parrot is produced by “CoolMiniOrNot” as part of their Monty Python's Flying Circus expansion for "Zombicide", and was sculpted by "Big Child Creatives". Described in the boxed game's pre-order advertisement as an "undead parrot" who on "an unlucky roll" can "quickly make you an unlucky survivor", the lifeless figure clearly represents John Cleese's famous dead pet from the British comedy series' most famous sketch.
Mistakenly seen as having "passed on, ceased to be, expired and gone to meet its maker", the undead playing piece was simply undercoated using a mixture of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black and "Warlord Games" Pitch Black, before being layered with "Vallejo" Heavy Blue. The large, prone bird was then shaded using "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade and dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Blue to bring out all of its fantastic feathers.
"CoolMiniOrNot" WIPs - The Spanish Inquisition have been shaded with "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson |
I next applied some "Citadel" Abaddon Black to the parrot's feet, and beak, as well as some White Star by "Two Thin Coats" to its exposed rib-cage, and facial plumage. The bones were later treated to a couple of splodges of "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson and a smidgeon of heavily watered-down Flesh Tearers Red. To add some 'shading' to the white feathers - albeit these too would later be 'bloodied up' with "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson - I carefully gave them a lick of strongly diluted "Two Thin Coats" Carchardon Grey, and subsequently 'picked out' the dead bird's throat area using a combination of Skulker Yellow and "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade.
Lastly, I dotted the miniature's eyes with (more) Skulker Yellow by "Two Thin Coats" and subsequently made them a bit more gory by splodging them, alongside a few other parts of the parrot, with both "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson and Flesh Tearers Red. The model's base was then treated to my usual colour combination of "Citadel" Doombull Brown, Rakarth Flesh and Agrax Earthshade.
"CoolMiniOrNot" WIPs - This Knight with a Raw Chicken is slowly having his details 'picked out'. |
In addition to this deceased pet bird, I have also made a little more progress on my three members of the Spanish Inquisition by giving Cardinal Ximénez, Cardinal Biggles and Cardinal Fang a generous shading of "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson. I'm actually hoping that this wash, alongside a future dry-brush of "Vallejo" Heavy Red, will do most of the heavy-lifting on these figures, and let me just 'pick out' a few fine details before they're tabletop ready.
Furthermore, I've started paying attention to the boxed set's survivors and finished working on the suit of armour adorning the 'Knight with a Raw Chicken'. The "poultry paladin" still needs his gambeson (or arming doublet) to be pigmented, along with a few gold embellishments on his chest plate. But hopefully these can be done in short(ish) order...