Monday 13 February 2023

“Beachhead" Showcase 2023

The Main Floor and Solent Hall (Wargames Tournaments) 

Having not visited the Bournemouth International Centre in Dorset for a few years I was rather looking forward to once again attending "one of the South Coast's top convention centres" this past Saturday, and managed to find both a parking space near the event, as well as a local eatery serving breakfast, before its doors had even opened, In the past, the venue has always 'thrown up' some new range of miniatures by an aspiring entrepreneur I've 'bought big into' or seduced me to finally purchase a game/genre I've previously managed to keep at arms bay.

Unfortunately, this simply wasn't the case this time round, and I left the show wondering whether I would be willing to pay another tenner for a similar experience again. In fact, this seemingly sudden standard cost of entry is really putting me off shows, as I was only there for just over an hour, and surprisingly walked away with nothing but a handful of manufacturer's advertising leaflets and flyers. That's not value for money in my books.

"Shiver" by "Parable Games" and "Zoontalis: Battle Royale" by "Dice Heads"

I think one of the main problems was that "Beachhead" didn't really offer me anything that I couldn't purchase with far less hassle over the internet. The usual trading suspects were somewhat out in force in the shape of "Warlord Games", "Blotz", "Great Escape Games", "Peter Pig", "TT Combat" and "Grubby Tanks". Whilst the second-hand dealers were charging an absolute fortune for many of their wares - most notably the old(er) boxed sets by "Games Workshop", which were (perhaps unsurprisingly) priced in the hundreds of pounds. Furthermore, I'd suggest the event's huge array of wargames tournaments (in both the Solent Hall and the Bourne Lounge) were perhaps its biggest draw, and such competitive play isn't for me. 

Having said all that though, there were a few notable attendees who definitely caught my attention, and quite possibly in less frugal financial times may well have had me opening my wallet. Foremost of these was the "roleplaying in the strange and unknown" rule-set entitled "Shiver" by "Parable Games". This horror game definitely intrigued me with its mix of spooky shenanigans, excellent artwork and dedicated dice mechanics. However, as I already own numerous versions/expansions of "7TV" by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" I didn't feel I wanted to fork out another large wodge of dosh on a core game book which brings "their favourite scary movies, spooky television shows, and horror stories to life". I was sorely tempted though...

Some of the demonstration games laid out on the Main Floor

Furthermore, I discovered "Zoontalis: Battle Royale" by "Dice Heads", which on face value struck me as being a much more fantasy-based variant of "Burrows & Badgers" by "Oathsworn Miniatures". I was initially going to pass this particular vendor by, seeing as I already own an embarrassingly large amount of metal and resin anthropomorphic animals. But then I spotted some of the larger figures, and was told that the figures can be obtained as STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from the company's 3D print subscription service on "MyMiniFactory". This offer also includes free access to the various models' Character Statistic Cards, the game's Rulebook and some starter scenarios - another highly tempting future prospect...

Lastly, I was rather taken by some of the numerous display and demonstration games dotted throughout the main floor area. Two particular tables offered an awesome-looking "Hit The Beach - Bougainville" island hopping battle by the US Third Marine Division and the Thirty-Seventh Infantry Division against the Japanese Fifty-Forth Infantry Battalion. I actually spent quite a while talking to one of the informative gents running the game, and was surprised to hear how tea leaves had proved a prominent ingredient in the models' basing. Splendid stuff.

Saturday 11 February 2023

"Don't Let The Nickname Fool You."

"The B2-series battle droid wasn't really all that super."

These four 32mm scale B2 Droids are by "Nyverdale Tabletop" and can be downloaded for free as part of Duncan's fifteen-figure strong B2 Droids Collection (Fan Art) of STL (Standard Triangle Language) files on "Cults". Clearly based upon the Super Battle Droids from "Star Wars", they were produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer.

Having spent a significant amount of time scraping off and sanding down a staggering number of printing 'pimples' on each figure's front (which quite badly battered the odd droid's torso), they were individually based upon 25mm round bases and primed with a coat of "Citadel" Abaddon Black. I then treated them to a generous application of "Vallejo" Gunmetal, heavily washed them with "Citadel" Nuln Oil and dry-brushed the lot with (more) "Vallejo" Gunmetal.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - Three E-800 Exterminators at various painting stages

Whether as a result of me using a flat make-up brush for these 'rough' highlights or not, I disappointingly discovered that the process really emphasised all the pits, dents and deformities of the heavy troops' production, so I initially went back and gave each of the quartet's heads an extra splash of "Citadel" Nuln Oil and 'picked out' their softly-detailed eyes with a line of Abaddon Black. Frustratingly, this didn't seem to distract the eye from each figure's flaws, so ultimately I decided to simply apply a second shade of "Citadel" Nuln Oil over the quartet to darken their overall tone.

In addition, I attempted to contrast some of the Baktoid Combat Automata-built robots' joints, heads and midriff with a further application of "Citadel" Nuln Oil (as I did when pigmenting some 28mm plastic Battle Droids by "Wizards Of The Coast" in April 2019. Infuriatingly, this didn't really work either, so eventually I settled upon carefully painting their waists with "Citadel" Abaddon Black, and 'spotting' a light-emitting diode on one of their chests using a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - These E-800 Exterminators have been primed and shaded.

Setting aside all my grievances with this latest submission to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC), I have started working on a number of E-800 Exterminators by "Papsikels Miniatures". These models are causing me the odd 3D printing failure on account of some dubious pre-supports. But in the main I've been really happy with both the success rate and quality of the sculpting; especially when you consider how complicated the (not) Terminators are with all their pistons and tubing.

Furthermore, the models are giving me another opportunity to settle down with "Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats" paint range - most notably his winning combination of Sir Coates Silver and Doom Death Black. Hopefully, these futuristic automatons will prove pretty quick to complete, as, having subsequently joined "Papsikels Miniatures" Cyberpunk tier on "Patreon" with a view to using many of the "Shadowrun" styled combatants for "X-Crawl", I am quite quickly building up an intimidating backlog of their figures.

Thursday 9 February 2023

"His Mind Focused On The Dread Imperial Troops..."

"...The killers without mercy, the soldier-fanatics of the Padishah Emperor."

These four 28mm scale Sardaukar were sculpted by "Big Mr Tong" and can be downloaded for free as part of a ten-figure set of STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from his "Patreon" subscription service. Based upon David Lynch's vision of the Emperor's elite warriors as first seen in his 1984 American science-fiction film "Dune", the miniatures were produced using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer.

Each figure was undercoated in "Citadel" Abaddon Black, and heavily dry-brushed with "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal. The super-human soldiers' belts were then 'picked out using a little "Vallejo" Steel Blue, and their firearms with Gunmetal. Finally, each model was entirely 'drowned' in "Citadel" Nuln Oil and the Sardaukar's distinctive green face-visor realised using a combination of "Scalecolor" White Alchemy and the "Citadel" Contrast paint Warp Lightning.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - This Yurneyan Golem Exofist Mask has been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

Alongside the last of my Sardaukar for the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC), I have been progressing three more models produced by "Papsikels Miniatures" as part of their PAPSIPACK Welcome Models subscription set on "Patreon". I actually produced four of the Yurneyan Golem Exofist Mask figures. But during the printing process one of them sadly lost an arm.

The miniatures are strongly influenced by the look of the Engineers from the Alien movie franchise, and are absolutely crammed full of fine detail as a result. Like the vast majority of the company's considerably-sized science fiction range I am planning on using them to try out my "Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats", so have settled upon a somewhat simple, predominantly blue-grey paint-scheme for the "beneficent creators of sorts."

"Wizkids" WIPs - Sauron has been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

In addition, I seem to have found myself caught up in the digital "fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping, strategic card battler" known as "Marvel Snap" by "Second Dinner". This frighteningly addictive computer game has definitely got me highly enthused for super-heroes, so having had a rummage around my "Heroclix" backlog, I thought I'd put my passion to good use by pigmenting an old plastic figure of Doctor Karl Lykos' villainous alter-ego I've had gathering dust for many a year.

I'm hoping that by focusing upon this single miniature I will stave off any possibility of me abandoning my painting plans for this month and suddenly diving headlong down a rabbit hole crammed full of Marvel, DC Comics and other Indie comic book characters. Albeit, I have 3D printed a handful of "C27 Studio" sculpts, just in case I fancy tackling a few more of their 40mm scale metahumans...

Thursday 2 February 2023

(Lead) Mountain Musings - "Papsikels Miniatures” February 2023

"Do You Have Any Faith, Sister?"

After last month's dismal effort to reduce my peak of plastic by supposedly focusing upon the remaining 15mm World War Two Germans by “Battlefront Miniatures” I need to complete my 50-point strong “Flames Of War” German Beach Defence Company, I thought I'd spend the next four weeks concentrating upon a range of figures I'm currently 3D printing like the Volkswagen Wolfsburg Plant - namely, "Papsikels Miniatures”.

This company actually have two different Patreon subscriptions covering Science Fiction and Cyberpunk models, which can both be accessed via their penny-saving "Add On" pledge. I'm currently still working my way through their backlog of super-generous welcome packs and monthly releases with an eye upon playing some "Aliens verses Predator verses Terminator" games in the near future.

Papsikels Miniatures WIPs - Some figures being progressed from the "Papsikels Massive Sci-Fi Welcome Pack"

In addition, their Shadowrun-flavoured Cyberpunk models have got me interested in revisiting "X-Crawl" by "Goodman Games", so I have already started producing some Cyber Ravager sculpts on my "Elegoo" Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer to use as a potential band of "superstar athletes taking their chances in a live-on-pay-per-view death sport." For starters though, I'll be sticking with the plethora of various Xenomorphs and E-1000 Annihilators I've already got on my painting table, with the notion that I can always use them as futuristic 'dungeon denizens' at a later date.

Of course I still have a fair few other 'irons in the fire' too with a handful of Sardaukar by "Big Mr Tong", B2 Droids by "Nyverdale Tabletop" and a ton of Golemmar Gnomes by "Artisan Guild" waiting in the wings. But most of these figures are actually close to completion and should be ready for next week's Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) submission window. Indeed, if things go to plan then I should be able to enter some twenty plus 28mm-32mm scale figures into the event as 'a one hundred point bomb.'

January 2023 - "Big Mr Tong" has already taken a strong lead after just one month

The AHPC has certainly sparked a major increase in my output over the past month, with me experiencing one of my most productive starts to a year since I first began recording my output almost a decade ago. This success has predominantly been due to the large number of “Big Mr Tong” sculpts I've pigmented, most notably their aforementioned "Dune" inspired Sardaukar, as well as his marvellous Sentry Robots (from "The Black Hole).

However, I did also surprise myself by painting a few old 28mm metal models from my "The Lord Of The Rings" collection by "Games Workshop". Admittedly, I am hoping to play some more of the Nottingham-based manufacturer's "Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game" once I've reinforced my Isengard army with some Warg Riders. But much of the motivation to revisit Middle Earth principally came from the opportunity to collect some bonus points during the AHPC - something I had previously promised myself I wouldn't get distracted by...