Monday, 27 January 2025

"More Of A Legend Than A Living, Breathing Creature."

"The Megalodon is known only by often disregarded tales told by the few who survived their attacks."

This 32mm scale Megalodon Shark Tail was created using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin both on a Mars 3 Pro and Mars 5 3D Printer, and is available as an STL (Standard Triangle Language) file from "Loot Studios" as part of their "Forgotten Beasts" Sci-Fi Subscription bundle. 97mm tall and 95mm in length, the miniature actually comes in two separate pieces, with the 'Splash' needing to be printed on its own.

Once super-glued together, I plonked the ensemble onto a 65mm plastic circular base, and slowly began adding plenty of ripples on the stand's bare surface using Green Stuff. I created the waves by slowing circling the putty with a modelling knife, and repeatedly digging the blade into it so as to cause various swirls. The entire area was then given a couple of coats of "Vallejo" Heavy Blue, and drowned in "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade.

"We're under attack from all sides. Weapons are useless."

I then repeatedly used a make-up blusher brush loaded with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Blue to patiently catch all the numerous ridges sculpted onto the Splash. This paint was increasingly lightened by my adding a little bit more "Vallejo" White to the mix with each passing, and once I was happy with the overall look of blue-tinged waves, I applied some pure White to the spray's very edges.

With the base completed, I next turned my attention to the tail fin and primed it with plenty of "Vallejo" Sombre Grey, before shading the T-shaped print with some "Citadel" Nuln Oil. The Megalodon was subsequently dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Sombre Grey, and later had all its injuries washed with a little "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson. Lastly, it was given a second dry-brush of (even more) "Vallejo" Sombre Grey, and a lick of Neutral Grey.

"Black Tree Design" WIPs - This Armoured Sea Devil is having all its detail 'picked out'

In addition, I have also completed two more 28mm metal models produced by "Black Tree Design" from their "Doctor Who" miniatures range. Available as DW336 - Gell Guard and DW347 - Gell Guard II, these figures are apparently based upon the "shapeless lumpy-globule-like creatures" seen in Bob Baker and Dave Martin's 1972 television story "The Three Doctors", and were predominantly pigmented using "Vallejo" Heavy Orange, Gold, Gunmetal and the "Citadel" Contrast colour Flesh Tearers Red.

With my interest in the BBC Science Fiction show's classic monsters disconcertingly increasing in strength, I've also begun working on an Armoured Sea Devil from Peter Davison's tenure as the Fifth Doctor. Like the Gell Guards I've previously finished, I had primed and based a significant number of these sculpts for last year's Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC), so hope to patiently plod my way through them over the next few weeks...


  1. Excellent work on the Meg, and Gell guard Simon, the Meg tail sounds very large as it should be. Nice progress on the sea |devil as well, still prefer the ones in the netting, but it's looking good.

    1. Cheers Dave. I've just finished assembling the rest of the Megalodon, so may well do a posting just covering that in the near future. The Sea Devil is also completed. I agree that "Warriors Of The Deep" got a lot of things wrong. But for some reason it is by far my gave Peter Davison story, and I really like the samurai-looking Sea Devils, LOL!!

  2. Great work on the Megalodon tail. I am particularly impressed with your sculpting of the water. Absolutely top notch, it fits in with the resin perfectly. Another great blob creature and I have to ask how many Dr Who minis do you own? Lol.

    1. Thanks Undercoat. I was really pleased with the water effect I managed to cut into the green stuff, and how it ties in with the 3d print of the splash. Sadly, I own far too many Dr Who miniatures - but I'm hoping to get a load painted this year, LOL!!!
