Sunday 3 November 2019

"The Demon's Fist Belongs To The Shadows"

"No, Trigon -- They might not fight you, but I will."
This 28mm scale figure of Raven is one of the eleven multi-part resin miniatures which can be found inside the Teen Titans Bat-Box for the "Batman Miniatures Game" by "Knight Models", and depicts the Cambion wearing a costume which is similar to that worn when she reformed "the Teen Titans as the New Teen Titans [so as] to fight her father." A "powerful empath who can sense emotions and control her soul-self" Rachel Roth's alter-ego was created by Marv Wolfman and artist George Pérez, and made her first appearance in the October 1980 issue of "DC Comics Presents".

Despite the "daughter of a demon father" coming in just two pieces, the model still proved something of a problem to prepare for priming, courtesy of the delicate cloaked head and separate main torso resisting all efforts to remain super-glued together. However, after a lengthy wait I was finally able to prime the figure with two coats of the old 'out-of-production' "Citadel" Foundation colour Necron Abyss.
"Star Trek" WIPs - These Borg drones have been base-layered prior to being washed with "Citadel" Nuln Oil
Perhaps understandably, this paint took a fair bit of stirring in the pot before it provided an even pigmentation, but it eventually gave Raven a nice disconcertingly blue undercoat, which I could then later shade with "Citadel" Nuln Oil. The miniature was subsequently dry-brushed using (more) "Citadel" Necron Abyss, and this process took a fair amount of time as I was very aware of just how fragile the connection was between the magic user's petite feet and her circular slotta base. 

With the vast majority of Trigon's daughter now complete, I 'picked out' her flesh using a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Skintone and "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade. These areas, especially her face were later highlighted with a touch more "Vallejo" Heavy Skintone. I also used this opportunity to angle the dark shadows masking the woman's eyes, and dabbed a spot of "Vallejo" Heavy Violet and "Citadel" Druchii Violet over her lips.
"Black Cast Bases" WIPs - These tiny squirrels just need a bit of a tidy up before being finished
Finally, I applied a layer of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna across the empath's belt, covered this with some Gold, and later washed it in "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade. To be honest, there are a number of extra details on the official "Knight Models" paint-job which I would dearly loved to have followed with this figure, but for sanity's sake simply could not tackle, or, in some cases, even see on the physical model. These were most notably some of Raven's fingers poking out through her fingerless gloves, her hood's throat clasp and her all-white eyes.

Every now and then I stumble upon a range of miniatures which makes me scratch my head in wonder, and then purchase a few to test my painting skills. One such genre are these 28mm scale Squirrels by "Black Cat Bases", which can be found as part of the Hampshire-based company's Small Animals collection. I've bought a few as I hope to use them as potential 'wound' makers for my "Heroclix" Squirrel Girl once I've finished her re-paint...


  1. Great job on the Borg models!
    While I think you did a good job on Raven, I feel she would have looked better if you brought a slight variation in colour to differentiate the cloak from her suit and boots.

    1. Thanks Wouter. I can certainly see your point with Raven's colouring. However, I went with the comic book palette which is identical and generates the impression of everything but her head disappearing into the folds of her cloak - which this paint-job does :-)

  2. I like the Raven figure but the more you mention your difficulties in assembling them the more pleased I am that I'm not collecting Knight Model figures. Also, I agree with Wouter - she lacks any variation in colour - unless that's just the photo. Maybe she looks better in the flesh.

    1. I would stick well clear of "Knight Models", Bryan, and now only plan to paint up what I own and any OOP metal minis I might come across. I really don't know what "KM" have done but this 'new' resin is awful! Raven has already snapped at the feet and needed to be repaired, and that was caused by me just picking her up :-(

  3. Great work on Raven Simon, nice to see the Borg progressing and squirrels look interesting

    1. Thanks Dave. Hopefully I can my Borg-filled decks over the next week or so, and clear some space.

  4. Raven was definetly worth all the hassle you had with the sculpt, she looks superb and very menacing. I don;tthink I could have the patience putting together as many multi-part kits as you do - kudos to you for the effort you put into them.
    Nice progression on the Borg too btw.
    The borg drones in the final pic look a lot like squirrels to me ;-)

    1. Cheers Joe. I have a few more of these "Knight Models" resin minis to assemble and paint, having preordered the Doom Patrol before I realised how poor they are. The Borg squirrel drone pic has been fixed!! LOL!!!

  5. The Borg looks great as does Raven .... squirrels bless them.

  6. Nice work Simon. I have heard nothing but disappointment about Knight Models Resin that they use. Especially the Harry Potter range which the sell in a metal tin without any padding.

    Great job on the Borg.

    1. Cheers Simon. I own the original "Harry Potter" box, so at some point will doubtless give that a go too. I don't think the resin is quite the same as this dirty grey stuff the Teen Titans come in though..?

  7. Good stuff mate. Raven looks spot on for the comics.
