Monday 26 April 2021

"In The Annals Of Ancient Felstad..."

"...There are occasional mentions of vapour snakes."

These three 28mm scale metal Vapour Snakes are produced by “North Star Military Figures” and can be bought as code FGV344 from their “Frostgrave" range. Described as being “strange, smoky entities sometimes formed as the result of the mystical refinement process of the alchemical fuel used for much of the city’s lighting and heating", the “wispy fumes” are sold as a pack of three miniatures, comprising of “one large Vapour Snake” and two smaller ones.

I was actually hoping that these particular random encounters would prove a pretty straightforward little painting project, but unfortunately the three models I received had loads of flash upon them. This resulted in me spending a good hour snipping away strays pieces of metal from many of their tendrils, and subsequently filing down some incredibly sharp points so I could simply safely handle them whilst pigmenting them.

"Why these creatures look so much like actual snakes is anyone’s guess."

Once super-glued to their individual 30mm circular lipped bases, I primed all three of the figures with “Vallejo” White and gave them a wash of Pale Grey. The Vapour Snakes were then dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” White, before having their eyes ‘picked out’ with a combination of Heavy Grey and “Citadel” Biel-Tan Green.

With the latest additions to my “Frostgrave” Bestiary completed, I have momentarily turned my attention to the recent arrival of “Zombicide 2nd Edition” by “CoolMiniOrNot” and finally made the decision to see whether I can actually paint one of the “nonstop, electrifying zombie-killing action” board game’s plastic miniatures. In the past, this has always been a rabbit hole I have been truly loathe to bolt down, as I wasn’t all that impressed with some of the soft detail found on the original release’s range, and frankly intimidated by the sheer number of figures I’d need to put a brush to.

"Zombicide 2nd Edition" WIPs - President 16 has been re-based, primed and dry-brushed

However, having picked up the Presidential Box Survivor Pack as part of the Kickstarter, I thought the figure of President 16, or rather Abraham Lincoln, might prove a nice pilot piece. I’ve already re-based the miniature onto a standard 28mm base (with the intention of supergluing some tiny ball-bearings to its underside) and given the American statesman an undercoat of “Vallejo” Gloss Black.

If successful then I might contemplate painting up one or two more of the Presidents found inside the six-figure expansion set, and even set to work on a dozen or so of the core box’s zombies. This might then encourage me to dedicate this year’s Zomtober Challenge to tackling some of the other one hundred and sixty seven miniatures found inside the game’s reboot, not counting its Washington Z.C. campaign set…

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