Wednesday 21 April 2021

"Northern Bears Are Mostly Peaceful Creatures..."

"...But are easily spooked."

This 44mm tall metal model of a Bear rearing to attack is produced by “North Star Military Figures” and can be bought as code FGX005 from their “Frostgrave" range. Somewhat reminiscent of the illustration found on page 178 of the skirmish wargame’s Second Edition rulebook, albeit disappointingly without that particular carnivoran mammal’s numerous scars and battered ear, the animal is a potential “unhappy” random encounter for any adventurer who dares enter the wintry ruins of Felstad.

The figure was initially undercoated with two layers of “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna, before being shaded with a combination of “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade and "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade. The Bear was then thoroughly dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna. As a final touch I ‘picked out’ the creature’s nose, eyes and claws with a little “Citadel” Abaddon Black, as well as its teeth using some “Vallejo” White and “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade.

"Zealot Miniatures" WIPs - This Stone Golem has been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

Sticking with Joseph A. McCullough’s fantasy wargame in the Frozen City, I have managed to assemble and start working on a Stone Golem by “Zealot Miniatures”. This two-piece resin magical construct “stands 65mm to the top of its head”, and has taken a little while to put together on account of my waiting upon a circular 60mm lipped base to arrive from a disappointingly slow eBay seller.

Originally, I was going to simply paint the living monolith in just my usual “Vallejo” Heavy Bluegrey and “Citadel” Nuln Oil recipe. But having now successfully applied this palette to the figure, I plan to add some additional weathering to the stony sentinel’s surface, and ‘pick out’ its bracelets in either “Vallejo” Bronze or Brass so as to suggest these adornments are what imbue the statue with its unnatural life.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - These four Uruk-hai Bezerkers have been primed in "Vallejo" Heavy Red

Lastly, I am continuing to progress the additional “Games Workshop” metal miniatures I need to field a 500-point Isengard Force for the Nottingham-based manufacturer’s Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game. One of this army’s components I’m especially keen to expand upon are some extra Uruk-hai Bezerkers, who are accompanied with a number of formidable Special Rules in the “Armies Of The Lord Of The Rings” rule-book.

As a result I have been busy rummaging through my backlog of old models and managed to unearth four more of the barbarous orcs to help swell the ranks of my previously-painted three-figure strong unit. Just like my basic Uruk-hai Warriors however, I am going to have to turn to my modern-day collection of “Scale 75” range of "Metal N' Alchemy" water-based acrylics in order to replicate the now well OOP “Citadel” colours I used over a decade ago…

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