Wednesday 2 October 2024

(Lead) Mountain Musings - "Wargames Foundry" October 2024

"The Coalition forces of the Napoleonic Wars were composed of Napoleon Bonaparte's enemies."
Ordinarily at this time of year I'd be busily setting aside some undead-themed miniatures for Zomtober. However, with my obsession for Napoleonic wargaming still going strong, I felt it would be more prudent to simply continue focusing upon my collection of 28mm early Nineteenth Century soldiers by "Wargames Foundry". Admittedly, I am finding myself increasingly distracted by some of the other figures I own, such as the "Lunar" range by "Black Site Studios". But my desire to field a significantly-sized game involving both La Grande Armée and some Coalition forces in the semi-near future is still spurring me on.

Furthermore, I am now completely falling under the spell of "The Silver Bayonet" by "Osprey Games", and the rule-set's official line of models produced by "North Star Military Figures". I've already managed to rattle off a couple of these monster hunters from the United States Unit I purchased whilst at "Colours 2024", and fully intend to finish the remaining six members of my team before I attend "Warfare 2024" in November. Indeed, one of my main reasons for travelling to the Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre in the near future will be to pick up a couple more warbands, and a few of the supernatural creatures they may well encounter on their adventures.

"Napoleon's overwhelming defeat of the Prussians in the battle of Jena was followed by the rapid collapse of the state."
This interest in "Napoleonic Gothic Horror" has also caused me to dust down my "Elegoo" Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer, and spend a few days meticulously adjusting all its settings so that it can once again produce many more successful models than failures. I've rather neglected this 'revolutionary' machine during the past year. So when I was recently asked to print the ('not Silver Bayonet') French Unit by "Koolkiwi Miniatures" for a friend, I thought I'd take the opportunity to additionally load up a fair few STL (Standard Triangle Language) files I fancy for my own tabletop too.

To get the ball properly rolling for this month though I have cracked on and completed a sixth Napoleonic Prussian soldier from the set PN063 Infantry in Peaked Cap Marching by "Wargames Foundry". As with all his identical comrades-in-arms, the figure was predominantly pigmented using "Vallejo" Sombre Grey, Stormy Blue, Heavy Red, Heavy Sienna, Gunmetal and a selection of "Citadel" Shades.

September 2024 - "Wargames Foundry" rises on a wave on Napoleonic wargaming fervour

Rather encouragingly, the past four weeks have been the third most productive period of the year so far, and have definitely helped me edge ever closer to a game of "Black Powder" by "Warlord Games". In addition to simply completing a number of historical figures, I have also managed to get some wandering creatures for Silver Bayonet tabletop ready - in the guise of some Great Big Bellicose Bears, as well as scratched a few minor itches concerning "Planet Of The Apes" and "The Lord Of The Rings".

However, I do feel that things may well change over the coming days. Whilst I'm perfectly content to stick to "North Star Military Figures" and "Wargames Foundry" for my Silver Bayonet fix, rather than look to something like the Napoleonic Dread range of STLs found on My Mini Factory, I have once again started to look at the myriad of digital files I own for my 3D Printer. This could so very easily become a major distraction for me - especially as I'm already dipping my brush-tip into the realm of science fiction, thanks to "Black Site Studios"...


  1. With the roll you've been on with your Napoleonic's, can fully understand keeping your focus on them, while the muse is there.

    1. Thanks Dave. I did consider doing some zombies or ghouls for Silver Bayonet. But in the end thought I'd just focus on some more French Fusiliers I need to paint for a second infantry unit.

  2. Replies
    1. Cheers Michal. If I can keep this up I should hopefully be able to play some Black Powder with painted figures next year. :-)

  3. I think one of the reasons I haven't really looked into playing Black Powder or any of Warlord's other historical wargames is because the sheer volume of figures needed and the repetition of uniforms would drive me scatty. So hats off to you, Simon for your perseverance.

    Regretfully, I missed Colours this year, as even though I live just down the road from Newbury, it clashed with a family thing. However, I will be heading to Warfare in November, so will keep my eyes peeled for you.

    1. Thanks Jez. Delighted to see you commenting on my old blog again. :-)

      I decided to finally give the 28mm Napoleonic push a go last year - before I get too old to do it justice, LOL - and thought simply starting small with 5 or 6 4-figure (tiny) units would be a good way to start. Then Silver Bayonet came along and made things even easier, so it all seems to be working out well.

      I'll look out for you at Warfare too, as I'm very much looking forward to getting some more Silver Bayonet warbands - if I can finish my United States Unit in time.

  4. I must admit, I'm rather enjoying your jaunt into Napoleonics. I really like the figures that are produced for Silver Bayonet as well.

    1. Cheers Ray. I was a bit worried people would start getting bored with all my Napoleonics - as this blog has always been predominantly sci-fi and super-hero focused. But I'm really enjoying them currently, and still have a long way to go to get to where I want to be.

      The Silver Bayonet figures are excellent too. I was planning on picking up the Canadian units at Warfare. But I've just seen the Egyptian releases and they're awesome too. LOL!!!

    2. I shall look forward to seeing them painted up then, Simon.

    3. Yeah. I don't think you can beat zombie camels tbh. LOL!!! Hopefully "Sarissa Precision" will have a similar display to that at Colours, so they'll be plenty of choice. First up is finishing off the United States Unit though, and a few other North Star minis I've discovered in my backlog. ;-)

  5. shame about Zombtober Simon but understand why you want to continue the streak. I won't be painting zombie minis for Zombtober but I will be releasing a couple of batreps for ATZ in a mini series type of thing

    1. Thanks Andy. There simply didn't seem the interest this year - so I thought I'd continue to paint something I was particularly keen on rather than zombies. As I say elsewhere, I did consider doing some undead encounters for The Silver Bayonet. But I don't own any of that range's figures, and didn't want to fork out on them yet.
