Wednesday, 19 February 2025

"Doctor, Be Careful. It's Obviously A Dalek."

"You were lucky to find the Tardis in all that jungle."

This 28mm metal model is manufactured by "Black Tree Design" and can be bought as DW155 - Vicki from their "Doctor Who" miniatures range. "A student of a 25th century school system", the sculpt is clearly based upon one of the first Doctor's travelling companions as seen in David Whitaker's 1965 television story "The Rescue", and has languished in my collection for at least a decade. Indeed, I may even have purchased the figure as far back as twenty five years ago, when it was cast by "Harlequin Miniatures".

Probably primed with a double-helping of "Vallejo" White in late 2023, when I had planned to pigment the 'fourteen year-old space traveller' as part of a large "Doctor Who" project, the orphan then had her boots and dress base-layered in "Citadel" Abaddon Black. At the time I recall thinking that her legs were bare. However, having recently spotted some artwork capturing the young girl's early adventure on the planet Dido, it appeared that Vicki was actually wearing a pair of stockings.

"The outcome is certain. The ape primitives are no match for my warriors. They will be crushed."

Resultantly, the model's legs were treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Sombre Grey and "Citadel" Nuln Oil, before being carefully dry-brushed with a little more "Vallejo" Sombre Grey. This aforementioned illustration also convinced me that the time traveller's dress wasn't plain black either, so it was subsequently picked out in "Vallejo" Storm Blue, and later darkened down a bit with a splash or two of "Citadel Nuln Oil."

To be honest the actual casting on this piece was pretty poor, especially on the child's bare arms. So in the end I simply settled for giving all of Vicki's skin a coat of "Vallejo" Heavy Skintone and dash of "Citadel" Reikland Fleshtone. I then went back with an incredibly fine brush-tip to highlight some of the more flat areas back up. The companion's hair was painted with a base layer of "Two Thin Coats" Skulker Yellow, a dousing of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, and a dry-brush of (more) "Two Thin Coats" Skulker Yellow. In the photographs of actress Maureen O'Brien's on-screen character it seemed that her collar was decorated with a silver pattern of some kind. However, there was no such detail sculpted onto the dress which I could see, so considering how very small the figure was, I decided to leave the area bare.

"Great Escape Games" WIPs - Both Butch & Sundance have been primed and base-layered

Sticking with both "Black Tree Design" and "Doctor Who", I have also managed to finish another 28mm metal Sea Devil too - A classic monster from Peter Davison's tenure as the time travelling Doctor. Available as DW510 - Armoured Sea Devil, this miniature was predominantly painted using "Citadel" Abaddon Black, "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal, "Citadel" Nuln Oil, "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade.

Lastly, I simply haven't been able to resist starting work on the Butch & Sundance figures by "Great Escape Games", which I recently bought at "Beachhead" 2025. I must confess to being a bit surprised that the 28mm metal sculpts were multi-piece miniatures - albeit, they are dynamically posed. But once they were assembled, I've managed to get the beginnings of a base layer or two on the gun-slinging pair of outlaws for Dead Man's Hand.


  1. Great looking figures Simon, the Sea Devil looks like a knock off of Darth Vader, but its probably the other way round?

    1. Thanks Ray. This particular Sea Devil costume was for a Peter Davison story, so is after Star Wars. However, the creators went for the Samurai-look as opposed to the classic blue net vest attire, because they wanted the monsters to look more militaristic - as they were supposed to be an elite commando force. Hope that makes sense.

  2. Great work on your companion, and another Sea Devil completed. Can understand the multi part nature for Butch and Sundance, as they would be impossible to cast as a one piece in metal, without wrecking the mould every cast ! LOL

    1. Cheers Dave. Hopefully I'll have Butch & Sundance finished soon - I just hope it doesn't send me down the Dead Man's Hand rabbit hole. LOL!!

    2. DMH is a great game bud, its all good down here in this rabbit hole...

    3. I did manage to play an intro game at Colours last year, Andy, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I've also just seen Wargames Illustrated's video on Dead Man's Sword, which is a medieval version of the rules. Highly tempting as you can imagine. LOL!!

  3. Vicki looks great! Even got eyes painted on as well. Even with her being a bit soft in the details dept, I think she is spot on.

    1. Thanks Dai. Vicki is clearly a very old sculpt, LOL. Not sure she was particularly well cast either - so I'm pleased I've got her finished.

  4. Great work as always. Making me want to pick up some Dr. Who figures myself!

    1. Cheers Bill. I do have a soft spot for the old Black Tree Design figures - especially the sheer range which they covered. But it's a shame Warlord Games didn't produce more in their larger scale before they gave up the licence.

  5. some nice minis here bud, i do like those sea devils

    1. Cheers Andy. Got a couple more Sea Devils to post and that'll be it for them - at least until I spot some more in my Black Tree Design backlog, LOL!!

  6. I don't think Vicki is one of the best minis I have ever seen in your blog and I suspect you are right in that the casting of it is a bit ropey. Still you have done a stellar job researching that paint scheme! Another Sea Devil? I think you have more of those than there are green bottles on a wall!! I do like those Butch and Sundance minis, they look great.

    1. Thanks Undercoat. Vicki is rather tiny too, which perhaps won't show until I plonk her in a BatRep and you can more easily see her size compared to some of the ranges other models, LOL!!
