Tuesday, 11 February 2025

"It All Began More Than A Century Ago..."

"...On a battlefield somewhere in the Old World."

"Hello Blood Bowl fans. We're delighted to be back with this surprise edition of Tuesday Night Football. I'm Jim Maddenberg, and alongside retired Elven Thrower Thom Grassyglade, I’ll be sharing with you all the latest gossip about Blood Bowl Sevens’ most recent signing - Reuben Redboots.”

“The Dwarf Blitzer has finally signed on the dotted line for amateur side, Bluebeard’s Bombardiers, and will be paid an impressive 80,000 copper pieces per season. However, seeing as the team is owned by wealthy gold mine owner Bruldrin Bluebeard the Third, I strongly doubt he'll be the most expensive player recruited by this burgeoning club.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - Some early progress on the Dwarf Blitzer

“Oh absolutely Jim. This 28mm scale second-hand metal miniature was initially (re)primed with a double helping of “Vallejo” Heavy Blue, in order to completely cover the sculpt’s previous yellow and blue colour scheme. The dark-skinned Dwarf's boots, gloves and shoulder-pads were then treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson, before being patiently highlighted with a little more "Vallejo" Heavy Red.

"All of the Blitzer's metal areas - such as his steel toe-caps, his knee-pads, face-guard, helmet spike, knuckle-dusters and numerous rivets -  were all 'picked out' with a dollop of "Citadel" Abaddon Black, a spot of "Vallejo" Gunmetal, and a generous splosh of "Citadel" Nuln Oil. Lastly, the player's belt buckle was given a lick of "Vallejo" Gold and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, whilst his "Vallejo" Heavy Blue trousers, shirt and helmet were shaded in "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade, and highlighted with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Blue."

"Games Workshop" WIPs - Three upcoming Dwarf Blockers

"And according to a rare interview with a local newspaper reporter just this past weekend, Reuben Redboots isn't the only dwarf old Bluebeard has his eye on recruiting either, Thom. In fact rumour has it that the prosperous proprietor plans to bring in a trio of hard-hitting Blocker Lineman into the squad too..?"

"That certainly seems to be the case, Jim. This wall of heavily-bearded brutality should prove a tough nut to crack in the Blood Bowl Sevens' league, and give Redboots just the sort of protection the blitzer needs to lead his fellow dwarves to endless victories. For now though, the three unnamed individuals are simply at the early stage of having their basic kit fitted."

"Quite so, Thom. Fingers crossed it won't be too long before these beefy fellows are out on the field. For now though that brings this latest broadcast to a close. But please do join us again when we'll be taking a closer look at some of this rising club's other players..."


  1. Looking good. An old favourite of mine!

    1. Thanks Phil. I found enough old sculpts for a Sevens side, so thought I'd crank them out over the next few weeks if I can.

  2. Great work on the Blitzer Simon, and nice progress on the second one and lineman.

  3. Ha! Written in the theme of the original rulebooks no less - love this post! 2nd ed sculpts and rules were by far the best imo. Before the game essentially became WFB-Bowl as it is now.

    Liking the colour scheme. Why only 7 though?

    I have the 2nd ed Dark Elf team around here somewhere. Think they are still painted up in my 90's teenaged livery?

    1. Thanks Dai. This is part of a series of Blood Bowl posts I've done over the years, with the old Citadel figures being used to create Blood Bowl Sevens teams. A couple even contain AARs of matches, so might be worth checking out if you're interested. I do have some old Elf BB figures too, so I may well do a Sevens side at some point too.

  4. nice work on the dorfs Simon, but as an elf player BOOOOO!

    1. LOL Andy.!!! Glad you the Blitzer. Hopefully I can get a few more done over the next month or so.

  5. Great work on Reuben, especially picking out those eyes, as they look superb! Especially as those old school dwarfs are much smaller than the modern ones. Great to see some more Blood Bowl as they are probably my favourite range of GW miniatures and have been consistently good over recent years. I look forward to more players over the coming weeks!
    Jim Maddenberg!? Always makes me chuckle. Great fun.

    1. Cheers Undercoat. It's been a while since Jim and Thom got to commentate so I was pleased to once again pen a Blood Bowl broadcast for them. LOL!!
