Wednesday, 12 March 2025

"To Many Locals The Kelly Gang Are Heroes..."

"...Fighting against a corrupt and unjust system."

This 28mm scale metal model is produced by “Great Escape Games", and can be purchased as part of their DMHG-NED - Kelly Gang five-figure set for Dead Man's Hand. The sculpt is clearly based upon the notorious Australian bushranger who is infamous "for wearing a suit of bulletproof armour during his final shootout with the police", and was rather embarrassingly bought almost six years ago at "Salute" 2019.

After being dusted down following many a month stuck in one of my wooden hobby drawers, the figure was primed with "Citadel" Abaddon Black, and had his long coat treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Bluegrey and "Citadel" Nuln Oil. This jacket was then dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Bluegrey to bring out the detail of its pockets and buttons.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - This Sons of Horus Praetor's torso is being progressed

I next pigmented the outlaw's trousers and pistol butts using a little "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, and darkened these areas down with a splash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Kelly's 6mm thick iron armour and firearms were simply given a lick of "Vallejo" Gunmetal, before being shaded using one (or two) washes of "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I did strongly consider highlighting the 'helmeted suit of bullet-repelling armour'. But in the end decided to just leave it unpolished.

Despite not planning to purchase the actual "Dead Man's Hand" ruleset - though I did thoroughly enjoy playing a demonstration game at "Colours" 2024 - I have spent some time rummaging through some containers and drawers in order to find a few more of the miniatures I own for "the fast paced Old West Skirmish game." Disappointingly, I've not yet managed to lay my hands on The Malevolent Seven boxed set I know I own. But alongside Ned Kelly's gang members, I have located both Jonah, The Scarred Man, and Rogue John Bridges too.

"Titan Forge" WIPs - These three Death Dogs have been based layered, ready for shading

Alongside this sudden (and definitely surprisingly) sojourn into the Wild West, I'm still making progress on my Sons of Horus 28mm Praetor with Power Axe by "Games Workshop". Due to this rather formidable-looking figure's sheer wealth of detail, I'm merely picking away at a small area every day, so as not to get overwhelmed by all its ornate armour, weapons and iconography. This technique is definitely paying dividends, so I certainly expect to have my traitor legion's leader finished before the month is over.

Lastly, I have also done a little bit more work on a trio of Death Dogs by "Titan Forge Miniatures". These models were created using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 5 3D Printer, and are one of the few things I've produced for myself since upgrading to a newer machine. I was hoping to have both these animals, and their master Death Knight completed by now - Indeed, I'm contemplating making another three of the dogs (mirroring their sculpts), so I can use them as a 'single' warband. But my painting interests have led me in a different direction over the past few weeks...


  1. Great work on Ned Simon, was a very interesting character from Australian culture. Nice progress on the Son, and the hounds are coming along as well.

    1. Thanks Dave. Not sure why Ned took so long to paint. But I clearly was well in the Dead Man's Hand mood when I bought him along with so many others. Just need to find my Malevolent Seven boxed set. It must be close. LOL!!!

  2. Great work Simon, lovin' he Ned Kelly figure.

    1. Cheers Ray. I'm hoping to have the rest of the gang finished before the end of the month.
