Enchanter & Apprentice WIPs - These models took some considerable time to prepare due to 'flash' |
Recently I’ve been increasingly finding myself in the mood
for some ‘medieval’ fantasy wargaming, as opposed to my usual genres of
super-heroes, zombies and science fiction. Whether this is because of the
marvellous looking “Zombicide: Black Plague” “CoolMiniOrNot” kickstarter by
“Guillotine Games” I’ve just backed or due to my having played several games of
the “Steamforged Ltd” ruleset “Guild Ball” over the past couple of weekends,
I am not entirely sure. Whatever the reason I have also been supporting the
“Frostgrave” ‘Nickstarter’ by “North Star Military Figures” and have now
received my rewards….
Apprentices & Construct WIPs - Each miniature is absolutely packed with detail |
Despite the fact I’ve actually acquired quite a few of
the game’s metal miniatures, as well as a box of the company’s multi-part
plastic “Frostgrave Soldiers”, I’ve decided to start small and simply paint up
my opposing wizards. Each magic user is accompanied by an able apprentice, so
I’ve based them up as well. Finally I’ve also started some preparation work on one of the two
constructs I additionally ordered. I don’t currently know precisely what they
do on the tabletop, except presumably protect their party’s leader. But this
small miniature looks rather fun to paint.
Witch & Apprentice WIPs - The dark-skinned magic users are wearing polar bear furs |
As Frostgrave is a frozen city I’ve gone with the
Northland-looking Enchanter for one of my factions. The model looks especially
suitable with his long beard and thick furred garments. For opposition though I
thought it would be interesting to utilise someone from a much warmer climate
and thus have elected to utilise the rather voodoo-inspired Witch.
These look interesting - the whole idea of the frozen city as a battleground is a nice concept, are you planning any terrain Blax?
ReplyDeleteI've already bought a rather nice-looking PVC Tundra printed 3x3 mat and am just waiting on a load of "Gale Force Nine" Gothic scenery to arrive which which to populate it. I've already got their rocky outcrops, so everything should be bleak and grey. Nice and simple, so I can just concentrate on painting up the minis (whilst painting all the others I currently have on the go ;-) ).
DeleteSounds great - looking forward to seeing it all in use!
DeleteWell I couldn't think of anything I'd rather be painting than snowy figures during August ;-) Just got to finish up some of my "Guild Ball" and assorted others first and foremost...
DeleteI've also been bitten by the Frostgrave bug! Dare I ask where you got the GF9 Gothic scenery from? I've got a few pieces but can't seem to find any other than the ones I already have!
DeleteGordon, I've ordered some of mine from "Wayland Games". I'm not entirely convinced as to whether they're come or not though... and certainly have had a few refunds from them in the past where their stock numbers never seemed all to reliable. I've also gone with "Firestorm Games", who seemed to have some the bulkier pieces still in stock.
DeleteI picked up a bunch of stuff a few months ago (including from Firestorm Games) in preparation but there wasn't much around then...much less now. I do live in the hope that GF9 realize they're missing a trick! Anyway, Dark Sphere (fast and reliable) have some Crumbling Remnants left if you haven't picked any of those up yet...and if you do hear of any more 'stashes' let me know!!
DeleteThanks Gordon. I see "Dark Sphere" also sell the "Deep Cut Studios" gaming mat I've bought for "Frostgrave". Nice looking store - thanks for making me aware of it... and I've bought another set of crumbling remnants as you can never have enough ;-)
DeleteHa ha. Just made the same decision for the same reason!
DeleteLOL :-)
DeleteDeep Cut Studios - thanks for mentioning that name. Just been over and spotted they do a rather nice 3'x3' snow mat that will be ideal for my daisho project.
DeleteNo worries Roy. It's what this hobby is all about - Encouraging others to spend money ;-)
DeleteI can fully understand you wanting to go down the medieval gaming path, Simon. It has affected me, too, and I can state that it most DEFINITELY IS because of Zombicide: Black Plague. I'll be watching your progress on this new project with keen interest. Good luck, my friend!
ReplyDeleteThanks Bryan. Very early days yet (I've not even glanced through the rulebook). But I was thinking how very nice a lot of the minis would look using "Zombicide: Black Plague" ;-) And the voodoo witch doctor seems a perfect choice for getting some zombies on the tabletop... not that either of us need an excuse :-)
DeleteReally looking forward to seeing what you do with this Simon, I have been imposed by the quality of the miniatures.
ReplyDeleteCheers Michael. They are fantastically detailed. Indeed they're of such high quality that I always joke I need to take a file to them and make them easier/simpler to paint ;-)
DeleteLooking forward to seeing how you get on with these Simon, I must admit I've seen this game flashed about on TMP for a few week now and it's not really tweeked my interest at all, shame really as I already have loads of snow covered trees I did years ago to go with my "Santa Claus Wars" stuff. Still best of luck with your project even if the game did leave me "cold" (sorry).
ReplyDeleteCheers Roger.
Thanks Roger. This has simply grabbed me for some reason. I'm really not sure why... but the minis are wonderful and I like the 'small-scale' skirmish flavour of the game. Plus the Witch with a white-painted skull-face will be my effort for your "He-Man" month ;-)
DeleteA the rate I'm working at at the moment you'll probably get her finished before me as well!
DeleteWelcome aboard!
Cheers Roger. The Witch is chappie, so hopefully he'll fit right in as part of your and Carrion Crow's He-Man adventure ;-)
DeleteGreat stuff mate, I have a Frostgrave Warband waiting to get some love (At this rate somepoint next year heh). While there is no rules for Orcs/Dwarves ect I'm built/building mine using Foundry Warmonger Orcs/Greenskins
ReplyDeleteCheers Chico. I'll genuinely be looking forward to seeing them as you do tundra-bases as well as anyone I know, and I had your wonderful Saga minis in mind when I decided to 'buy-in' to "Frostgrave". I'll be very interested to see how you get on with your Greenskins... and would have thought some of the more magical races would be making an appearance within "Frostgrave" at some point soon...
DeleteCool (ah, no pun intended) looking figures there. I've just had some North Star figures and the flash is atrocious!
ReplyDeleteThanks Roy. Yes these models are absolutely covered in flash and need quite some time preparing them for painting. However I actually thought, on this occasion at least, that it was because Nick was keen on getting them shipped out quickly to his waiting backers, so didn't have the time to it beforehand. Something which I felt was perfectly reasonable. I've not bought from them for ages so I wasn't aware it was an ongoing problem?
DeleteWell, I say North Star, but my figures were Crusader. I bought three blister packs worth: two arrived in the plastic packs and the third (the flash monsters) arrived in a grip seal bag. I've only ever bought from them a couple of times before so I don't know what they're normally like.
DeleteAha. Not bought from "Crusader" before, at least as far as I can recall. I think the miniatures I got from Nick for the martial Arts 'Nickstarter' deal he did were fine.
DeleteFirst from Crusader for me - then I went and spotted the same figures as-new and cheaper from Col. Bills. Doh! - But you've got to send the mail order to North Star and the figures came on the same day that my Daisho rules from N.S. arrived and both came from the same place. The figures were probably cast at the same place and time as the N.S. stuff so there might be a link - They should get Pendraken to cast their metal, I've had no problem with any of their ranges or Col. Bills (which Pendraken cast).
DeleteI must give "Colonel Bills" a thorough browse next time I'm at a show which he frequents... and I'm a huge follower of "Pendraken" as well you know.
DeleteStuart (Col. Bill) doesn't carry 100% of his stock to the shows, I don't think - as he's some bits and pieces tucked away right at the back of his 'office unit' (converted double garage). Check out his website and look at the second hand figures - I bought a number the other day and all the Foundry and Crusader I bought was brand new stuff at less than a £1 each, the only true 2nd hand I bought was some Japanese Ashigaru that had had 98% of the old paint stripped off.
DeleteI know Martin Cooke bought some Pendraken at the Durham show and then I told him of some vbcw the other day that he was able to get a deal on.
(used unpainted figures lists all of his stock)
Cheers Roy. I'll have a mooch at his stuff over a cuppa :-)
DeleteI can't say that the Frostgrave world grabbed my imagination, but it is fascinating seeing how popular it ahs become and I am looking forward to see where you (and others) go with this.
ReplyDeleteThanks Joe. I'm rather surprised myself tbh. But for some reason it has certainly caught my imagination... and indeed proved a good distraction from "The Age of Sigmar", which I was slowly becoming drawn to purchasing. At least with "Frostgrave" I hope to be able to use some of the models with "Zombicide: Black Plague" in the New Year.
DeleteNot my bag at all. Fantasy is not where I'm headed but I'm interested to see what treatment you give this lot.
ReplyDeleteNo worries Bob. I'm kind of hoping the undead will appear at some point... there is a Necromancer faction afterall ;-)
DeleteThere's always room for the undead dude!
DeleteOh absolutely Bob :-)
DeleteBeen on the fence on this game where the sculpts are concerned. Some seem really well done and characterful, whilst others are bulky plainly lacking well sculpted details.
ReplyDeleteStill, will be fun to live vicariously through your own work!
Thanks Dai. I do have a couple of sculpts that I'm not that sure about. But I'll be posting them up as and when I start painting them. Hopefully they'll be something within these posts to spur you on, even if its not "Frostgrave" related.
DeleteI've been pretty frugal on the Kickstarter front of late. (A campaign or two blowing up in one's face will have that effect.) This one did catch my eye though. Will follow your progress with great interest.
ReplyDeleteCheers Finch. I stopped myself after the "Dust Tactics" KS... But North Star's 'Nickstarter' campaigns have all been good so far :-)
DeleteI like the concept of Frostgrave and it would appear that I may actually have enough suitable miniatures knocking about that I could potentially create a warband/party or whatever the correct term is in the game. However, I think I'll need to read a few more AAR's before I commit. Of course, as I'm currently holidaying in Eternia, with a planned trip to mythical Japan after that, any potential Frostgrave stuff will have to wait. Maybe in...Snow-vember? I'll get me coat...
ReplyDeleteThanks Jez :-) I'm hoping my Witch will prove to be Skeletor-ish when finished in honour of your and Roger's He-Man month. I still haven't had a chance to look through the rules but certainly once I've finished painting enough models I'll be giving it a try and post up a BatRep.
DeleteThese are nice figures was admiring them in my local LGS last week. Look forward to seeing you paint them fella.
ReplyDeleteCheers Simon. I've got a load of 'em. So it'll be a while before they're all finished :-)