Sunday 4 October 2020

Few More Posts And Projects Section On New Wix Website

Both an Updates and Projects section have been added to the new Wix website
I've put a few more new postings up on the new Wix website, predominantly covering this month's planned Zomtober entries and some "Black Tree Design" Doctor Who finished miniatures.

I've also created a Projects section which can be accessed via the website's title menu. This will lead to a page dedicated to the past six month's painting projects, and record my progress. You can click on a finished miniature and will be taken to the posting covering its completion. I hope to have more projects added as time progresses...

In addition, I've put together a short Updates summary section at the top of the Wix website to also provide updates as to how the new Fantorical is going. My intention is to regularly update that area and then copy over the text to this old blog weekly.