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"But the stranger only grinned a wolfish unsettling grin --" |
This 28mm metal
model of a Barbarian is made by “North Star Military Figures” and can be bought
together with a Thief as code FGV201 from their “Frostgrave” range. As I wanted
to paint this wonderful sculpt to represent a young Conan the Cimmerian from
the 1932 short story “The Frost-Giant’s Daughter” I initially undercoated the
figure with “Citadel” Abaddon Black and then painted his leggings and wrist
wrappings with “Vallejo” Heavy Brown, and his wolf-skin boots with Heavy
Bluegrey. These areas were then washed with “The Army Painter” Strong Tone
Quickshade and “Citadel” Nuln Oil respectively.
The rest of the warrior’s fur garments were painted using a combination of “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna and more Strong Tone
Quickshade in order to give the impression of the mercenary being well-wrapped
in a thick billowing bearskin. The miniature’s adornments, ranging from a
number of pouches and ornaments, were painted using “Vallejo” Heavy Blue, Heavy
Red, White and Gold. These oddities were then predominantly washed with “The
Army Painter” Strong Tone Quickshade as well as a little “Citadel” Asurmen
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"Frostgrave" WIPs - The Medium Construct should soon be finished |
Sticking with
this month’s “Frostgrave” theme I have subsequently been painting a rather nice
model of a wooden Medium Construct and re-started work on the range’s Templar figure
too. I’ve actually had the mail armored soldier undercoated and ready for the
Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge for quite a while.
But recently noticed that I had clearly gotten a little carried away applying different layers to the basing of the figure for it to actually remain eligible for entry. As a result I have
re-painted over all that initial groundwork and started again from scratch…
Few fantasy
gamers will not have heard of the furor caused by “Games Workshop” last year
when the company replaced its legendary “Warhammer Fantasy Battles” with “Age
Of Sigmar”; having rather unceremoniously destroyed the Warhammer Universe. Personally
I was rather indifferent to the drastic change in the so-called Evil Empire’s marketing
strategy. But recently have found myself drawn to what is essentially a free
set of fantasy rules where two people can play a seemingly very fast game with
just a handful of miniatures.
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Nurglings WIP - Lots of fiddly detail, boils and sores to be picked out on this unruly back row of daemons |
Having scoured my plastic mountain, and perused
the downloadable war scrolls for Nurgle and Khorne, I thought perhaps I could
dip my toe into these ‘new waters’ by setting up a sort of battle between the Warhammer
Chaos Gods. As a result I’ve started to try and paint three bases of Nurglings
as a starting point, and simply see where this takes me. The malevolent Daemons
are absolutely chock full of cheeky character as well as somewhat annoyingly
detailed. But hopefully I’ll be able to get them, and a few Plaguebearers
finished at some point over the next few months.
I love the nurglings Simon, I must admit I have never truly been tempted by Chaos forces even when my main gaming focus was WFB, however Nurgle has always been full of festering fun and would have been my choice if pressed. Nurglings just remind me so much of those malevolent little spirits just causing mischief! I look forward to seeing these and others on the table ;-P
ReplyDeleteThanks Andy. This'll be something of a long-winded project in all honesty, even for me. But it'd be nice to see what the fuss is all about. I do however have a plan for an imminent "AoS" BatRep, in order to see how it plays. It just won't be one using "Games Workshop" minis ;-)
DeleteThat barbarian has turned out well Simon, really mean and moody (should that brooding?), and the construct is a great looking mini, one of the nicest from the official line I think.
ReplyDeleteThough GW isn't really my cup of tea these days and particularly "Nurgle" (I always thought it looked a bit silly, says the man making He-man figures!!) but I have to admit those nurglings are rather nice and should paint up beautifully.
I picked up your most generous gift from the post office today, SJS and Jo Grant! What a wonderful surprise, I know that one of the others is Rose Tyler (though I probably wont use her as such, though its a nice figure, but who is the other one? I'm guessing at Boadicea but I didn't know she had been in Dr Who, am I missing something here? With a little conversion she'd make quite a nice Wizard'ess for frostgrave, or am I talking heresy here.
I haven't had a proper look at the Comic book yet, I hope you have a copy for your self and haven't sent me the one you reviewed. I look forward to perusing it at my leisure though.
Many, many thanks again mate, really most appreciated.
Cheers Roger.
Roger, I can tell you that the Temporal Traveller with the sword that you can't identify is May Killan aka Amy Pond (Karen Gillan).
DeleteMuch appreciated Roger, and you're more than welcome. The mini you're pondering over is actually a future version of Amy Pond from "The Girl Who Waited"; an absolutely heart-rending episode imho. No worries about the comic. I bought it for you as it features The Thing vs The Hulk (albeit different versions) simply to add to your collection... and maybe tempt you to get the rest of the mini-series ;-)
DeleteI'm very happy with the Barbarian and should have the Medium Construct finished just as soon as I complete my final four Aliens. The Nurglings just tick all the boxes in my books. but they're a bit of an impulse buy though I do plan for a bit of "AoS" in the very near future - even if there won't be a "Games Workshop" mini in sight for the BatRep.
Cheers Bryan. Looks like you beat me to the punch about Amy Pond :-)
DeleteMany thanks chaps, I afraid I rather in dark with anything DW post David tenant (I wish I was post Sly McCoy!!).
DeleteCheers Roger.
I wasn't the greatest of fans of Matt Smith when he was in the role tbh, Roger. But having watched a few repeats there are undoubtedly some gems there. "The Doctor's Wife" and aforementioned "The Girl Who Waited" being a couple of them.
DeleteThe Frostgrave Barbarian really does look like a young Conan and is a great figure. I'm looking forward to receiving my Zombicide: Black Plague version of Conan later this year, even though I already own a few not-Conan figures already.
ReplyDeleteI do like your Medium Construct and the colours you've chosen suit him well.
As for your foray into the Evil Empire's new fantasy game, I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised given your mistaken belief that "World War Z" is a noteworthy film. Yes, it's noteworthy... for all the wrong reasons. Shakes head in sorrow!
Thanks Bryan. I too will be getting the "Black Plague" Conan when the second wave arrives - hopefully I'll have had a game of the original boxed set by then [blush].
DeleteI thought my mentioning "AoS" would get a response from some people though your connection to "World War Z" has taken me surprise. Still both are badly under-rated imho :-)
I genuinely think you'll approve of my first foray into the "AoS" ruleset once you see the BatRe, Bryan. Its going to be rather timey wimey :-)
Hmmm, very interesting. Your AoS (I so want to type ArSe!) batrep sounds promising given that you're not using any Evil Empire figures and a certain Temporal Traveller might appear. Bring it on, my friend!
DeleteI'm certainly hoping that the "AoS" rules will let me put down a dozen or so figures and have something of an entertaining all-out mash-up in the space of an hour or so. Having scoured "YouTube" the rules do seem to be either loved or hated.
DeleteMore nice work Blaxkleric. :)
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing the construct progress. :)
Cheers PulpCitizen. Not much more to do on the construct :-)
DeleteCrom! Had to be done, really. Whilst I still haven't picked up a copy of the game, I am tempted by the figures - I received the Enchanter and Witch sets as a surprise present recently, so no doubt we'll see them on my blog at some point. And you're painting up 'pencil-head' too!
ReplyDeleteAnd curse you! There was me thinking that the nurglings I plan on posting today would come as a surprise and you beat me to it!
Nice work, as always, Mr Moore.
Many thanks Jez. I look forward to seeing your Witch as I found the model absolutely packed full of detail and a bit of a pain to paint tbh. Sorry about the Nurglings. A bit of an impulse posting as you may have gathered.
DeleteLove Conan, read loads of the books as an early teen, he looks fantastic. WIPs are coming along nicely too dude!
ReplyDeleteAs an ex-40K addict your nurglings are stirring emotions not needed or welcome. In fact I started a demonic army and had all the other plastic troops bloodletters, pink horrors, even daemonettes. The completist in me is screaming!
Cheers Bob. Like you I read a lot of Conan as a youngster, and these days enjoy listening to Robert E. Howard on audio :-) I thought the Nurglings would get a strong reaction from some quarters. It wouldn't take that long to finish off your demonic army, would it ;-)
DeleteNever again I'm afrĂ id! I quit the buy it again and again thing. Besides I still have a massive Black Templar army about 4/5 painted. A reasonably sized Tau army in the middle of a re-paint. Plus a small to middling Ork force around 2/3 painted and my sons Space Wolves about 90% done before I even get to my fledgling Daemon horde. Oh and a Combat Patrol force of 'nids. Not counting my 4 Blood Bowl teams a totally naked copy of Space Hulk!
DeleteI'd hate to think how much that cost me! So now I don't buy anything until I 've painted what I've got.
Wise words Mr Kinnear, very wise words. I will keep trying to tempt you though as I dip ever deeper into the world of "Age of Sigmar"; Plus there's a fair few "Zombicide" BatReps I have in mind using "GW" minis once I settle down to play "Black Plague" ;-)
DeleteThe Barbarian is superb Simon and reminds me that I have my Conan kickstarter to look forward sometime this year - oh yes another diversion. Speaking of diversions, I'm rather taken by your nurglings, they have certainly sowed a seed. Looking forward to seeing what you have dreamt up for L'amour!
ReplyDeleteMany thanks Michael. I certainly am looking forward to seeing your review of the Conan KS; it was one I simply couldn't afford last year due to "Black Plague". The Nurglings certainly are popular in some quarters. Sadly I was planning on painting Popeye et al for L'armour but have run out of time as I'm trying to clear a space for a big Pulp push towards the end of the month ;-)
DeleteAh yes, pulp miniatures! Must get around to painting some of those.
DeleteIndeed. Though I see Curt has suddenly started putting something of a spurt on himself with 40pts worth of pulpiness this week alone.
DeleteLove that barbarian...you've done a grand job on him!
ReplyDeleteCheers Gordon. Here's hoping Conan will be splitting many a skull on the "Frostgrave" tabletop.
DeleteFab paintjob on a fab model. Awesome job Simon, like the wip as well especially the construct.
ReplyDeleteThanks Simon. Much appreciated. Just putting the finishing touches to the Medium Construct today.
DeleteCrush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women! Or something like that. Time to get started on the rest of the warband sir. :)
ReplyDeleteAn excellent quote Dai and spookily one I was tempted to use for this posting's title :-) However I went with something from the comic adaptation of "The Frost-Giant's Daughter" instead. I've just finished the Medium Construct so I'll be concentrating on the warband's remaining members form now on.
DeleteThough I've little interest in Conan I have at least heard of him and seen a film ! This is a great figure and very Frostgrave orientated (- Frostgrave is a game I'm fascinated by - sort of 'open air dungeoneering 0 if that makes sense)
ReplyDeleteCheers Joe, I'm glad you like it even if Conan isn't your particular cup of tea. I also love your viewpoint of "Frostgrave" being 'open air dungeoning' :-)
DeleteStrangely enough today (monday) eric the shed made some similar observations
DeleteGreat minds clearly think alike :-)