Tuesday 26 July 2022

"Have You Met The Goon Squad?"

"Maximilian and my robots only run this ship the way I wish it run."

These four 28mm scale 3D printed resin models of some Sentry Robots are sold under licence by “Twisted Pinnacle 3D” and were sculpted by Mike Tongue (a.k.a. Big Mr Tong). The figures are highly evocative of Hans Reinhardt's security forces aboard the U.S.S. Cygnus in Gary Nelson’s 1979 American science fiction film “The Black Hole”, and were painted accordingly.

The miniatures arrived without any obvious support struts still remaining on them from the 3D printing process. But were covered in several small ‘bobbles’ of resin which needed to be removed with a sharp modelling knife. I also found that a couple of the automaton's blasters had been broken during transport. These pieces, particularly the weapons' long slender barrels, were thin to begin with and I unfortunately broke off another one whilst cleaning them.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - Three of the ten MK VI Armoured Space Marines currently being progressed

"Silent and obedient", each model was undercoated with a double-helping of "Vallejo" Heavy Red, before being drowned in "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. They were then enthusiastically dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Red, and had both their eyes and blasters layered with "Citadel" Abaddon Black." Finally, these areas were ‘picked out’ using a combination of “Vallejo” Gunmetal” and “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

Alongside my Sentry Robots, I've spent a third hour working on a ten-man unit of 28mm plastic Tactical Space Marines wearing MK VI armour by "Games Workshop". Having finished dry-brushing them all with "Citadel" Sons Of Horus Green, I'm now patiently starting to 'pick out' a number of different areas in Abaddon Black - starting with their bolters.

"Alternative Armies" WIPs - These Retained Knights just need some shading 

I did initially begin this factory line process on the squad's sergeant, applying "Citadel" Abaddon Black to all the various weapons, armour joints, and equipment I could find in preparation of finishing him off first. However, I actually found this process rather tedious and demotivating, so instead of pigmenting all the black parts on an individual model in one go, I've split this chore down into a few separate sessions, such as bolter, shoulder-pads and joints. Hopefully, this should make matters a bit more digestible.

In addition, I have been working on another three-man base of "Alternative Armies" 15mm Retained Knights, as I want to expand my 'Sons Of Horus' infantry contingent some more. These figures are actually quite close to completion, and just need their metallic areas to be painted and shaded...

Saturday 23 July 2022

"The Most Ancient Black Puddings..."

"...Are vast pools of inky death."

This pre-painted 28mm scale plastic miniature of an Elder Black Pudding is by "Wizkids" and is one of the "randomly assorted monsters" found in their "exciting line of Dungeons & Dragons miniatures, Icons Of The Realms." Happily however, I didn't need to attempt to collect all forty-five of the "Boneyard" models, and instead picked it up from a dealer at this year's Southampton Comic Con.

Reaching an impressive 95mm in height, and sculpted so as to allow a 'normal-sized' foot figure to be placed inside its grisly expanse, the model was actually left on its transparent stand and simply super-glued to a "Citadel" 100mm circular base. The creature was then primed with two coats of "Citadel" Abaddon Black, dry-brushed with "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal and finally drenched in "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"The Warmaster's Own"

Alongside my "gargantuan Ooze" I have also pigmented three more 15mm metal miniatures taken from "The Ion Age" range by “Alternative Armies”. These 'beakies' are all from IAF008 Retained Knight Post Charlie and are carrying Angis Rifles. Ordinarily, the sci-fi soldiers are fielded in Lances of twenty-two men by the Prydian Army, but as I intended to use them as proxy Sons Of Horus space marines they were super-glued upon a medium-sized plastic "Flames Of War" base by “Battlefront Miniatures”.

Each model was undercoated with two layers of "Citadel" Sons Of Horus Green, before being shaded with "Citadel" Nuln Oil, and later dry-brushed with (more) Sons Of Horus Green.  I next applied some "Citadel" Abaddon Black to their shoulder-pads, as well as the tops of their backpacks and firearms. All the miniatures' power units and rifles were subsequently treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"Twisted Pinnacle 3D" WIPs - These four Sentry Robots have been dry-brushed and base layered

Finally, I carefully placed a thin line of watered-down "Citadel" Abaddon Black into both models' visor slits and 'picked out' the ridges of  the occasional shoulder-pad with a little "Vallejo" Gold and a dash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Due to the thickness of their single-cast stands, the Retained Knights required a few sausages of Green-stuff to encircled them before I could grit (and flock) their bases.

Staying with science fiction, I have made some more progress on the Sentry Robots sold under licence by “Twisted Pinnacle 3D”. The models have now all had their metallic eyes and blasters layered with "Citadel" Abaddon Black, ready for some "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil...

Wednesday 20 July 2022

"Long Before The First Shots Of The Horus Heresy Were Fired..."

...Horus was planning how best to cement his control over the Legions, his own especially."

This 28mm plastic miniature of a Space Marine is by "Games Workshop" and comes from the now OOP (Out Of Production) Burning Of Prospero boxed game. The multi-part figure has been assembled wearing MK III armour, and is one of ten figures I plan to field as my first Sons of Horus Tactical Squad for the Horus Heresy.

The figure was initially undercoated with "Citadel" Sons Of Horus Green, before being heavily washed with Nuln Oil, and dry-brushed with (more) Sons Of Horus Green. I then applied some "Citadel" Abaddon Black to both his shoulder-pads, as well parts of his backpack and Bolter.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - Three Sons of Horus Tactical Space Marines

The model's power tubes and firearm were subsequently treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil. Whilst I 'picked out' all the ridges on his shoulder-pads and helmet's brow with a little "Vallejo" Gold. These areas were later given a splash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and highlighted with some additional touches of "Vallejo" Gold on the sharpest edges and rivets.

As a final touch I applied some "Scalecolor" Speed Metal to the Space Marine's eye slits, and then a single layer of the "Citadel" Contrast colour Flesh Tearers Red. I also applied one of the many decals found on the "Games Workshop" Sons of Horus Legion transfer sheet onto the space marine's right shoulder-pad. I did consider placing a second, different decal onto the other one, but then thought it was something I might do at a later date - as I rather liked the bare black colour scheme.

"Twisted Pinnacle 3D" WIPs - These four Sentry Robots have been primed, layered and shaded

In addition to my finished pilot piece, I have also been making some steady progress on three more similar Space Marines. These miniatures are arguably close to completion, as they essentially just need their "Vallejo" Gold trim to be applied before all their metallic areas are washed, and then the models simply tidied up.

Lastly, I've managed to get some "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade onto four more of the Sentry Robots sold under licence by “Twisted Pinnacle 3D”. To be honest I'm finding these resin figures' blasters a little fragile, as a few snapped off during their postal trip, and then broke off during priming. Hopefully though, I won't have any more accidents, and these fine-looking 3D printed figures will be on the tabletop soon...

Monday 18 July 2022

"I Come To Set Straight That Which Is Twisted..."

"...To cleanse that which is unclean; to judge he who is guilty; to punish he who has sinned."

This pair of 15mm models are nowadays sold by “Alternative Armies” as part of their "The Ion Age" range and can be found inside SKU:YocTwo Year Two Collection and IAF082 Taranis Repulsar Drones respectively. Quite embarrassingly, I have actually owned the Witch Knight since she was first released as a free miniature in November 2014, and at the time thought she would make an excellent proxy figure for a "Warhammer 40k" Inquisitor.

As a I intended to use these metal models as a character stand, they were super-glued upon a small-sized plastic "Flames Of War" base by “Battlefront Miniatures” and undercoated with "Citadel" Abaddon Black. I then dry-brushed some "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal over the Witch, applied two layers of Gunmetal onto the robot, and later shaded them both with "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"Alternative Armies" WIPs - These three Retained Knights are almost finished

I 'picked out' the Inquisitor's loincloth with "Vallejo" Heavy Red, the shaft of her rifle-turned-broomstick with Gunmetal, and her wide-brimmed conical crown with German Fieldgrey WWII, These areas were all subsequently washed using some "Citadel" Nuln Oil. The clandestine agent's straw brush was given a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Ochre and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Whilst her hair was treated to a layer of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and a splash of (more) "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade.

So as to make the figure stand out even further on the tabletop, I applied some "Vallejo" Gold to her hat's buckle, and the edges of her shoulder-pads. These areas were shaded with (even more) "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Finally, 'Lady Garielle' had her bare midriff and face painted with "Vallejo" Heavy Skintone and "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - Slowly working on the metallic areas of three Sons of Horus Tactical Marines

The two-piece automaton had a number of its buttons pigmented with "Vallejo" Sun Yellow and dashed with "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade. I also gave its repulsors a lick of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson to mark them out from the rest of its predominantly "Vallejo" Gunmetal body,

In addition to finishing my Witch Knight and Taranis Repulsar Drone, I have been working on another three-man base of "Alternative Armies" Retained Knights, as I want to fill out my 'Sons Of Horus' contingent a little more. I've also been slowly progressing my 28mm squad of plastic MK III armoured Tactical Marines by "Games Workshop". These figures are actually quite close to completion once I've done all their metallic areas.

Friday 15 July 2022

“Who's The Flashy Black Hat?”

“S-T-A-R. Special Troops Arms Regiment.”

This 28mm scale 3D printed resin model of a Sentry Robot is sold under licence by “Twisted Pinnacle 3D” and was sculpted by Mike Tongue (a.k.a. Big Mr Tong). The figure is very reminiscent of Hans Reinhardt's former “number one” automaton S.T.A.R. in Gary Nelson’s 1979 American science fiction film “The Black Hole”, and so was painted up accordingly.

The miniature initially had several small ‘bobbles’ removed from it with a sharp modelling knife and was then primed using two coats of “Citadel” Abaddon Black. It was then cheerfully dry-brushed with “Vallejo” Heavy Charcoal and doused in “Citadel” Nuln Oil. Finally, the android’s eyes and blasters were ‘picked out’ using a combination of “Vallejo” Gunmetal” and (more) “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

"Twisted Pinnacle 3D" WIPs - These Laser Drones have been primed, layered and shaded

Alongside my Sentry Robot I also received a quartet of Laser Drones as a much-appreciated free gift and have subsequently made a start on two of them. The sculpts are clearly heavily influenced by Terry Nation’s Daleks, so I thought I’d predominantly paint them in the same way as I have previously pigmented the “extra-terrestrial race of mutants.”

In addition, I have built the HQ choice for my 28mm Sons of Horus force for "The Horus Heresy". This model is predominantly comprised of pieces taken from the Praetor with Power Axe plastic kit found inside the Horus Heresy: Age Of Darkness starter box by "Games Workshop", but was then 'converted' mid-assembly using a "Forge World" resin shoulder-pad and a Mark III helmet taken from the Burning Of Prospero board game.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - A converted Praetor with Power Axe

To be honest this was one of the most difficult figures I have ever had to put together. I don't mind models coming in lots of separate parts. However, "Games Workshop" seem to have taken this to a new level with this particular sculpt, as even the individual folds in the space marine's cloak came as small, individual bits of plastic.

Obviously my kit-bashing didn't help matters either, especially when I realised that the seemingly whole bare right shoulder-pad I replaced wasn't actually as complete as I imagined, and had been slightly adapted to fit underneath the Praetor's cloak strap. Luckily, copious amounts of colourful metaphors and super-glue did eventually see the ensemble stuck together, and a well-placed severed head taken from a Bloodletter banner even blocked any sign of the officer's power leads not connecting properly around his Mark VI armour...

Wednesday 13 July 2022

“We Call Them The 'Tall And Strong' You Know."

"The Havelock's are a real life saver on the battlefield."

This 15mm "white metal kit" of a Havelock Type 57 Battlesuit are sold by “Alternative Armies” as part of their "The Ion Age" range and can be bought as code IAF020 with no less than five ranged weapon options included. As I wanted this particular sculpt to be an anti-infantry combat walker I fitted it with a Moth 88 Rotary Cannon and Anda Missile Pod.

The multi-part miniature was super-glued to a medium-sized plastic "Flames Of War" base by “Battlefront Miniatures” and primed with a double helping of "Citadel" Sons Of Horus Green. I then heavily shaded the entire ensemble with "Citadel" Nuln Oil, before enthusiastically dry-brushing it with (more) Sons Of Horus Green using a soft-bristled make-up brush. With the majority of the paintwork finished, I next applied some "Citadel" Abaddon Black to the Battlesuit's Rotary Cannon and various mechanical devices across its torso.

"Alternative Armies" WIPs - These two Ventus Bike riders have been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

These areas were later treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I also carefully 'picked out the Havelock's cockpit windows, and outer shoulder-pads with "Citadel" Abaddon Black, before applying a little "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, Gold and (finally) "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade" to the right pad to make it stand out all the more. Lastly, I gave all of the vehicle's missiles a splodge of "Vallejo" Heavy Red, and shaded them with "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson.

Due to wanting this particular figure to form part of my 15mm Sons Of Horus force as a proxy dreadnought, I applied a couple of decals taken from the Traitor Legion's transfer sheet by "Games Workshop". These tiny gold emblems fitted rather nicely onto the model's left shoulder, and right knee-pad.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - These three MK III Space Marines are having their details 'picked out'

Sticking with both Horus Lupercal's space marines and the Ion Age range by "Alternative Armies", I am currently working on a couple of Retained Knight riders on Ventus Bikes. Unlike the 'official' basing, I'm not planning on having these vehicles mounted upon flight stands. But instead hope to base them up as a pair on a medium-sized plastic "Flames Of War" base by “Battlefront Miniatures”.

Unsurprisingly, I am also beavering away in the background on my first thirty-one Sons Of Horus space marines for "The Horus Heresy" by "Games Workshop". I've actually been spending a little time on a handful of MK III armoured Tactical marines lately, and managed to get them primed, shaded, dry-brushed and partially-detailed with a little "Citadel" Abaddon Black.

Monday 11 July 2022

"Horus Heresy" 15mm Battle Report: Sons Of Horus Verses Imperial Guard


This game was played using some homemade rules (M.I.S.S.) so as to allow us to play through a short campaign utilising many of my painted miniatures from "The Ion Age" range by "Alternative Armies", and took place upon a 36" x 28" "Deep Cut Studio" playmat. The battlefield was populated with a variety of "Battlefield in a Box" scenic ruins by "Gale Force Nine".

“The story so far… The Warmaster, Horus Lupercal, has treacherously decided to murder the Emperor, and replace him as sole ruler of the Imperium of Mankind. However, in order for his plan to succeed the Traitor Legions must first take the Red Planet and this world has already been fortified by the loyal Imperial Guard. Realising that the Sons Of Horus might not be strong enough to be victorious alone, the Warmaster summons demonic reinforcements, and launches an attack upon the planet's already bombarded capital..."


The Imperial Guard started on the eastern side of the battlefield. It's forces consisted of two units of infantry and a heavy weapons team to the south-east, a command unit with a heavy las-cannon tank at its centre, and a unit of infantry with two heavy weapons teams to the north-east. Across from their position, along the western edge, stood two units of demon warriors, a Sons of Horus command unit with accompanying tank, and a combined unit of Sons of Horus space marines with (more) demon warriors.

The ruin-covered tabletop had five strategic locations, each worth an unknown number of victory points from one to six. These would only be revealed once they had been discovered during the confrontation and could only be claimed by an unopposed unit being in direct contact with them at the end of Turn Six.


The Emperor's forces won the initiative and all moved west towards Objective One [Northern Villa] and Objective Five [Southern Villa]. In the south-west the demon warriors marched towards Objective Four [Insulae], whilst the Sons of Horus command unit sought shelter just south of Objective Two [Domus]. The Warmaster's tank fired towards the loyal soldiers heading towards Objective Five, but were out of range.

The demon warriors continued their advance east to capture control of Objective Four [Insulae] and claim six Victory Points. Determined to hold the position they formed up in line in front of it. The Sons of Horus and demon warriors to the north performed the same manoeuvre with Objective Two [Domus] to size a further Four Victory Points. Realising that he now simply had to hold these positions until the battle's end, Horus moved his tank up alongside his main body of demon warriors.


In response the Imperial Guard captured Objective Five [Southern Villa] and Objective One [Northern Villa] for Five and Three Victory Points respectfully. The soldiers also managed to overcome their 'fear' of the demon warriors to wound one of the units stood beside the Sons of Horus tank. First blood to the Emperor's forces.

The Imperial Guard infantry continued to fire upon the demon warriors, and those who didn't fail to keep their terror in check managed to score more injuries upon the cruel denizens of the Warp. However, it was clear that they still needed to claim more objectives, so led by their commander, some of the heavy weapon teams pressed further west towards both the enemy's lines and Objective Three [Ruined Tower].


The demon warriors were unable to call replacements from the Warp, so simply took comfort in gunning down some of the soldiers before them. In addition, Horus ordered his tank up to the south-west corner of Objective Three [Ruined Tower] to attract the fire of the Imperial Guard. To the north, the combined force of Sons of Horus space marines and demon warriors brought the supposedly safe Imperial Guard command unit, which was partially-shielded by the Ruined Tower, down to just a single wound.

One of the Imperial Guard heavy weapons teams reached the top of Objective Three [Ruined Tower] and to their dismay discovered it was only worth a single Victory Point. This meant the Emperor's forces had to stop Horus from claiming one of the two objectives his army already held. As a result, the Imperial Guard to the south started whittling away at the armour of the Sons of Horus tank, whilst the heavy weapons teams in the north rather riskily pushed further west right out in the open.


This proved catastrophic for the Emperor's forces, as once the combined cannons of the Sons of Horus tank and his demon warriors had fallen silent, neither of the brave human heavy weapons teams in the north remained. To makes matters worse, the Sons of Horus space marines and accompanying demon warriors also scored a couple of debilitating hits upon the infantry just behind the massacred heavy weapons teams.

Putting their faith in the Emperor, and their losses aside, the Imperial Guard units made another mad dash west towards Objective Four [Insulae] and Objective Two [Domus]. Astonishingly, their las-cannon tank miraculously destroyed the Sons of Horus space marines in the north, and actually made it momentarily appear that the Warmaster's forces might be broken.


However, the south-based Sons of Horus tank suddenly trampled over the advancing Imperial Guard infantrymen approaching its position. This allowed the Traitor Legion's commander to establish himself near Objective Four [Insulae], and gave the demon warriors in the north an opportunity to reposition themselves by Objective Two [Domus].

In the final turn of the battle, the Sons of Horus command claimed Objective Four [Insulae] for Six Victory Points, and then watched with glee as their tank killed the Imperial Guard's commander. To the south, the demon warriors rejoiced as reinforcements arrived from the Warp, and helped them score two more hits upon the soldiers assaulting their position.


Incredibly though, Horus had miscalculated, and stared in horror as the Imperial Guard's dwindling forces still had enough units to retain ownership of Objective Five [Southern Villa], Objective One [Northern Villa] and Objective Three [Ruined Tower] for a total of Nine Victory Points, and then still reach Objective Two [Domus] with some infantry to contest the position, and resultantly deprive the Warmaster of its game-winning Four Victory Points. The Imperial Guard had won... for now at least.

Wednesday 6 July 2022

"Few Other Legions Could Match Their Achievements..."

"...And of those that could few could rival the XVIth Legion for the brightness with which their victories shone."
These three 15mm miniatures are sold by “Alternative Armies” as part of their "The Ion Age" range and can be found inside IAF008 Retained Knight Post Charlie. All of the figures are carrying Angis Rifles, and whilst ordinarily fielded in Lances of twenty-two men by the Prydian Army, have actually been painted to proxy some Sons Of Horus space marines from the "Warhammer 30K" universe.

As a I intend to use these single-cast metal models as a stand of Tactical marines, they were super-glued upon a medium-sized plastic "Flames Of War" base by “Battlefront Miniatures” and undercoated with "Citadel" Sons Of Horus Green. I then heavily shaded the ‘beakies' with "Citadel" Nuln Oil, before dry-brushing them with (more) Sons Of Horus Green.

"Alternative Armies" WIPs - This Havelock Battlesuit has been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

I next applied some "Citadel" Abaddon Black to their shoulder-pads, as well as the tops of their backpacks and firearms. All the miniatures' power units and rifles were later treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil. Finally, I carefully placed a thin line of watered-down "Citadel" Abaddon Black into both models' visor slits. 

Due to wanting to slightly break up the 'uniformity' of the Sons of Horus colour scheme, I decided to spend some additional time on them by 'picking out' the ridges of  the occasional shoulder-pad with a little "Vallejo" Gold and a dash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. I also applied a small amount of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna to his belt pouches and darkened this down with "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - Three Sons Of Horus primed, shaded and dry-brushed

Staying with "The Ion Age" range, I have managed to apply my paintbrush to an old 15mm Havelock Battlesuit, which I've equipped with 'Anti-Infantry' with a Moth 88 Rotary Cannon and Anda Missile Pod. This hefty multi-part metal miniature has since been "re-mastered in resin" by "Alternative Armies", and will be painted to resemble a Sons of Horus Legion Dreadnought.

Lastly, I've spent another hour working on a ten-man unit of 28mm plastic Tactical Space Marines wearing MK VI armour by "Games Workshop". The entire squad have now all been undercoated, shaded and dry-brushed, so now I'm slowly working through them 'factory line fashion' blocking in all their separate areas, such as their shoulder-pads and bolters, with "Citadel" Abaddon Black...

Monday 4 July 2022

"The Remaining Portion Of The Legion Was Betrayed..."

"...And wiped out by their brothers on the world of Isstvan III,"

This 28mm plastic miniature of a Space Marine Sergeant is by "Games Workshop" and comes from the now OOP (Out Of Production) Burning Of Prospero boxed game. The multi-part figure has been assembled wearing MK III armour, and had a resin Sons of Horus "Forge World" shoulder-pad super-glued onto him so as to specifically mark him out as belonging to the Traitor Legion.

The figure was initially undercoated with "Citadel" Sons Of Horus Green, before being heavily washed with Nuln Oil, and dry-brushed with (more) Sons Of Horus Green. Having spent some time pouring over the various colour schemes of Horus I decided to apply some "Citadel" Abaddon Black to his shoulder-pads, as well parts of his backpack, Plasma Pistol, Chainsword and Lightning Claws.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - Three Sons Of Horus primed, shaded and dry-brushed

The model's power tubes, hand-weapons and firearm were later treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I then 'picked out' all the ridges and details on his shoulder-pads, and his helmet's brow, with a little "Vallejo" Gold and a splash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. These areas were later highlighted with some additional touches of "Vallejo" Gold on the edges and rivets.

As a final touch I applied some "Scalecolor" Speed Metal to the composite ceramite cooling coils of the Sergeant's plasma pistol, and later a single layer of the "Citadel" Contrast colour Talassar Blue. I also applied one of the many decals found on the "Games Workshop" Sons of Horus Legion transfer sheet onto the space marine's bare shoulder-pad.

"Alternative Armies" WIPs - These Retained Knights have been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

Alongside my Sergeant I have spent another hour working on a ten-man unit of Tactical Space Marines wearing MK VI armour. This has enabled me to get all of the figures primed with two coats of "Citadel" Sons Of Horus Green, and shaded with Nuln Oil. In addition, I've managed to get four of the miniatures dry-brushed, so hope to soon be 'picking out' their shoulder-pads and bolters.

Lastly, I have managed to potter about with a trio of 15mm Retained Knights sold by “Alternative Armies” as part of their "The Ion Age" range. I'm painting these Prydian warriors up to proxy some Sons Of Horus space marines for some tabletop battles set during an alternative Horus Heresy, in which Horus Lupercal allies himself with H. R. Giger's Xenomorphs from LV-426, as well as the forces of Chaos...

Saturday 2 July 2022

(Lead) Mountain Musings - "The Ion Age" July 2022

"It was treachery at first. To turn against brothers, to kill for personal advancement and power."

This month's attempt to greatly reduce my embarrassing backlog of unpainted plastic, resin and metal will largely focus upon the "galaxy-spanning civil war" of the early 31st Millennium known as the Horus Heresy. However, whilst I will be steadily working my way through the formidably-large contents of the 28mm Horus Heresy: Age Of Darkness starter box by "Games Workshop" in the background, I also plan to progress several 15mm scale mini-projects using "The Ion Age" range of figures by "Alternative Armies", so as to maintain my mojo.

I've previously painted quite a few miniatures from the Prydian Army in the 'spirit' of the Horus Heresy, as I've found their Retained Knights to make good proxies for Mark VI Space Marine armour. Admittedly, several of my 'beakie' units, along with some accompanying tanks, have been painted to replicate the Crimson Fists chapter, which was only formed in the aftermath of Horus Lupercal's fall from grace.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - Three MK VI Space Marines primed and shaded

But I have also pigmented plenty of Blood Angels, Imperial Guard, Daemons and even the odd Sons of Horus stand. Plus, I don't intend for my favouring Chapter Master Pedro Kantor's colour scheme over Rogal Dorn's predominantly yellow Legion from stopping me getting more loyalist Crimson Fists on the tabletop.

In addition, I am hoping to get a sizeable number of 28mm plastic Space Marines finished as well, with two ten-man strong Tactical Squads already assembled and primed. I have also managed to 'convert' a Praetor with Axe to act as the HQ for my 500-point Sons of Horus force, and intend to get a third Tactical Squad, using the MK IV armour sprues found inside the Betrayal At Calth boxed set, quickly built too.

June 2022 - Both "Crooked Dice" and "Battlefront Miniatures" climb up the Top Five table

Quite staggeringly, the past four weeks has been the most productive June I’ve had in nine years. This was undoubtedly due to the large number of 28mm figures I finished by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio", as well as the completion of three more 15mm World War Two German bases by "Battlefront Miniatures" for my "Flames Of War" army.

This forthcoming month should be equally as rewarding, as besides all the Horus Heresy-flavoured infantry I am working on, I also have several 15mm scale vehicles, robots, armoured suits and personalities from "The Ion Age" range on my painting table. All of these mini-projects should keep my enthusiasm for the Warmaster's traitorous assault upon the Emperor super-high, and if so, then I might even try to squeeze in a few other miniatures related to the civil war from my "Epic" and "Battlefleet Gothic" piles of potential...