This 40mm x 30mm
stand of English Civil War Heavy Horse is actually the third such base I’ve
painted over the past eighteen months for my long suffering and far from
complete 10mm Royalist Army. All the models are from "Pendraken Miniatures"
code EC11 Cuirassier.
In order to ‘tie-in’
with the rest of my King’s Lifeguard forces, the models were initially
undercoated with “Vallejo” Gunmetal Grey and then washed with Black Shade. I
then dry brushed the cavalry soldiers’ armour, helmets and swords with more
Gunmetal Grey. Their helmet plumes were painted with Heavy Red and washed with
Red Shade, and their boots picked out with Heavy Ochre and Umber Shade. For the
horses I simply undercoated them either “Vallejo” White or Heavy Sienna and then
washed them entirely with some more Umber Shade.

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