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"Our expert team of stonemasons can create sentimental, everlasting tributes..." |
three 40mm circular bases of plastic Gravestones are made by “Renedra Limited”
and can be found within their Terrain range. Comprising of 44 various
gravestones, as well as two perched ravens, the pieces are sculpted by Steve
May of “Immortal Miniatures”.
simple to paint, each headstone was given a couple of coats of
"Citadel" Adeptus Grey and then heavily washed with "Citadel"
Nuln Oil. I then brusquely dry-brushed each model with more "Citadel"
Adeptus Grey before adding some "Vallejo" White to my palette and
lightly brushing the face of each stone in order to highlight their
inscriptions, carvings or signs of deterioration.
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Star Trek WIPs - Ensign Fodder, Captain Kirk, Lieutenant Commander Scott and Yeoman Rand |
actually hope to eventually use these Gravestones as scenery for the “ZombieTV”
episode The Dead Will Rise, which takes place within the middle of a cemetery, as
well as alternative spawn points for “Zombicide”. But for now they’ll provide
me with some much needed infestation markers for my Weird War Two-inspired
games of “Lost Patrol” by “Games Workshop”.
with the “two-player boxed game, set on a hostile jungle world on which nowhere
is safe”, my rather straightforward dalliance with the dead’s gravesites has
also given me a little time to make some progress on the “Space Vixens From
Mars” personality figures I plan to paint up as proxies for a “Star Trek”
inspired game of “Lost Patrol”. I’ve only managed to brush on a rough layer of “Citadel”
Abaddon Black onto Captain Kirk, Lieutenant Commander Montgomery "Scotty"
Scott and undoubtedly some hapless red-shirted security ensign. But the
miniatures are slowly starting to take shape. In addition I’ve also based and
primed one of the range’s female models in order to represent the Captain’s
yeoman, Janice Rand.
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Evil Tree WIPs - This "Horrorclix" model has been repeated dry-brushed lighter shades of brown and grey |
I have all but completed painting the “Wizkids” Evil Tree figure found within their
“Horrorclix” Starter Set. Interestingly this figure never actually came on one
of the tabletop games’ famous clicky-bases and therefore initially seemed
destined to become just another piece of scenery. However the quality of its sculpted
gnarled trunks and horribly human face made the plastic piece seem far more
suitable to actually being a living entity than a humble terrain feature.
As a
result the miniature has endured a series of dry-brushes, each tip having been
loaded with an increasingly lighter coloured brown, until I was happy that all
of its detail had been properly highlighted. I’ve also subsequently given it a
light dry-brush of Grey, just to weather the wood somewhat and now simply need
to re-apply some washes to its darker areas before tidying the tree up and
flocking its base.
Love the tree and have the gravestone set which is fab
ReplyDeleteThanks Martin. I've another three of the Gravestone bases finished, so hope to post them up soon. It is a great set, with loads of character.
DeleteThose headstones look wonderful, but great job all round Simon. Just out of curiosity where doe one go to get their hands on Horrorclix stuff?
ReplyDeleteCheers Michael. I'm afraid these days I have to rely upon getting my "Horrorclix" from Ebay, and usually from American suppliers (so the P&P is quite steep). Although I do own a significant number of models which the wonderful Bryan has kindly gifted me in the past :-) The Starter Set though seems reasonably easy to get hold of in the UK. But it isn't cheap unfortunately.
DeleteThe headstones look good and the "Evil Tree" has taken a leap forward and does look better. Personally I would go lighter and greyer still! But that is just me.
ReplyDeleteThanks Clint. I went with the final grey highlight on account of your tip top suggestion. I've already started applying the washes etc to it now, so I won't be going back to re-paint it any further. However if I pick up some dryads then I'll definitely try out your grey suggestion even further, maybe even go for the odd Silver Birch look :-)
DeleteI do like the evil tree...and the headstones, for that matter. The Star Trek crew are coming along nicely...in fact, Star Trek has been on my mind recently as I heard that Modiphius (the same guys who did the Conan RPG...and are doing the John Carter RPG) are coming out with a Star Trek RPG soon. More games...!!
ReplyDeleteCheers Gordon. I saw that advertisement, and certainly plan to take the plunge when it arrives. Plus they're bringing out an official minis range too - already seen the Picard and Kirk models :-)
DeleteGreat looking headstone and the tree looks fab. Perhaps add a little foliage her and there or as moss?
ReplyDeleteThe Space Traveller crew are coming along nicely as well.
Thanks Simon. I don't actually own any moss etc although I've been sorely tempted by what you can buy in the Hobby stores these days, and by some of Clint's excellent bases. For now though it'll be boring flock but I might pick something up next time I'm at the shop.
DeleteI like them all, Simon, but the Horrorclix Haunted Tree is still my favourite. By the way, I get a lot of my Heroclix and Horrorclix figures from eBay. There are some real bargains to be found there. They are a very popular sales item so be prepared to spend a long time going through the lists unless you cut down on your search parameters. :-)
ReplyDeleteCheers Bryan. The number of "Wizkids" auctions on Ebay is indeed potentially overwhelming. But as you rightly say, well worth persevering with in order to find the bargains :-)
DeleteBlue Rat are good for cheap 'clix
DeleteThey are indeed Andy. But I do find they struggle to maintain much stock of the older ranges. They are though excellent for getting the newest ranges as singles.
DeleteNice work on the grave stone markers, and you are off to a good start with the Trek proxies as well as the haunted tree. Good stuff. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Leon. I didn't realise the Trek proxies had quite so many medals but they'll do the job. The Evil Tree should be posted soon.
DeleteSmashing stuff Simon, the gravestones look excellent! I have a few headstones myself and they may now get shunted up into Scenic month, thanks to your inspiration. I've never been a huge "trekkie" (always more of a Dr Who man), though they are nice figs and are painting up reall nicely. But that tree just keeps getting better and better!
ReplyDeleteCheers Roger.
Cheers Roger. I've some more Gravestones to come, and may now do some with snowy bases for "Frostgrave" too. Glad you like the "Star Trek" landing party. They're simple enough sculpts but should hopefully paint up quite nicely. The Evil Tree is certainly catching a lot of people's attention, so I'm planning on getting it finished soon :-)
DeleteGreat looking stuff. I love the tree. Funny, we just watched an episode featuring Yeoman Rand last night on Netflicks.
ReplyDeleteCheers, Peter
Thanks for commenting Peter. Much appreciated. I too have been watching some old episodes on "Netflix", which is probably why "Star Trek" is so foremost in my painting mind currently. Hopefully they'll be lots of Trek-related minis over the next few months.
DeleteThat tree is pretty darned cool, Simon. Love the face.
ReplyDeleteCheers Finch. It really is one of the best "Horrorclix" sculpts out there imho, and quite the size too. I did consider picking out the eyes and teeth etc but have ultimately left it well enough alone and stuck to closely to its original paint-job.
DeleteNothing like some great headstones, except your own of course!
ReplyDeleteVery very true Fran. Long may that be the case for the both of us!!!
DeleteI absolutely love your site. I`ve tended to overlook it up to now (stupidity on my part)... due to spending too much time checking up other things on line. but wow, its veritable treasure trove of goodies. I`m especially interested in your 7TV game stuff. I shall be a regular visitor from now on.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks Stephen. I'm perfectly happy with people just popping by form time to time. But I do like to try and cater for all sorts of tastes :-) I've more "7TV" stuff coming, just as soon as I find the time to post it up.
DeleteI`m totally there bud, and eagerly awaiting reading all you come up with.
DeleteSplendid news. Hopefully I won't disappoint.
DeleteTold you it was fantastic here *holds hand up guiltily* But in truth, I too have tended to miss lots here (I honestly forgot to check back more often). But from now on count me in as a regular. Its just too good to miss.
ReplyDeleteVery kind of you say T :-) Now I've recently finished painting up Orac, Avon and Servalan I hope to have the third scenario of my "Blake's Seven" campaign up and posted soon, so hopefully that'll spur you on with own project for Terry Nation's Future Freedom Fighters ;-)
DeleteOh GOODNESS yes oh pleaaseee yesssssss. I want to read the next part of your B7 campaign so so MUCH. I sooooo want to paint Orac.. mind you, first I need to OWN an Orac hehe. I`m so in love with your collection and your blog, site. Its like a three course meal to me, and inspires me no end. You have become my game blog hero (oh help, does that make me a fan girl).
Delete....... as for painting Avon* and Servalan *swoons* Okay that`s it. I want to come play with your figures.
Delete* Avon is ever my favourite. He's cynical, sarcastic, witty, egotistical, and totally obnoxious, but loyal and clever handsome, very confident and.... probably everything I`d go for in a man, but probably shouldn't lol.
Thanks for such an enthusiastic response T. It's very nice to be a "game blog hero" :-) I hoped you were enjoying the "Blake's Seven" campaign. Owning all the wonderful minis "Crooked Dice" produce is something of a problem, especially as they now do later versions of Blake, Avon, Vila, Servalan and Travis. I already have plans to paint up my second Travis and have the pair of them battle the Liberator's crew.
Delete"Avon is ever my favourite" - I thought the original "Crooked Dice" sculpt of Paul Darrow was a little weak tbh. But have a look at their Season Four version - its spot on!! Plus the actor has just recorded his memoirs of his time on the show: https://www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/you-re-him-aren-t-you-audiobook-1442
DeleteI love watching Paul Darrow interviews and talks on You Tube. Thank you for the link to that great audio memoirs (its going on my Christmas wish list). I didn't know Crooked Dice made a second version of Avon, this I will look into for sure. I am currently saving pennies like crazy to get all the B7 figures I need for my games.
DeleteHaving a pair of Travis`s combat the Liberator should make for a fun scenario. Hmmmm you could have it as part of a Servalan Cloning Facility plan.. with Servalan trying out a couple of early prototypes: a pair of clone Travi (plural hehe) replicated from cell samples.
sorry, I know this sounds a tiny bit random, but I figured you or someone here might know: but what character and from what show is Crooked Dice`s "Casual May Killan" based on please? I really like the mini and am keen to locate who she's meant to be.
DeleteThanks T. Of course Servalan is well aware of cloning having gone to Clonemaster Fen for two more copies of Roj Blake in "Weapon"; so don't forget there is still a living version of Roj running around :-) Plus in "Children Of Auron" Servalan herself was cloned, so there could easily be more of her running about - even if they were all purportedly killed in a weapons barrage. Lots to think about :-)
DeleteHi T. Casual May Killan is based upon the Eleventh Doctor's companion Amy Pond ("Doctor Who"), who repeatedly wore a red scarf during some of her early adventures :-)
DeleteGosh you are so right about Clonemaster Fen, Simon, and of the Federation/Servalan`s nefarious plans. Wow its refreshingly coooool to hear someone talk about Blakes 7 who r-e-a-l-l-y knows their subject.
DeleteOOo thank you for the heads up on Amy Pond (I really need to watch and learn more about Doctor Who don't I).
I think I want to get this figure for my Blakes 7 games you see Simon. I`m probably not just going to stick with the six freedom fighters and an arrogant portable computer 6+1 = 7: I really want to add a few of my own heroes to the mix as well (taking advantage of the fact there are other freedom fighting cells and lots of pirate gangs/crew out there). Otherwise it would be a big like playing D&D in Other Realms but only playing in that world using Drizzt and his friends as the heroes. The Amy Pond figures looks perfect to represent me in my scenarios.. oh gosh that sounds egotistical, a personality `me` figure in my games hehe.
....... but fun though *grins*
Delete{I`m so sorry my typos are terrible today}
Thanks T, I do have something for a soft spot for "Blake's Seven", and watch/listen to it all the time.
DeleteAmy Pond was certainly one of the better companions the rebooted "Doctor Who" has produced imho. You ideas for "Blake's Seven" sound very good, so I'd be interested to see what you come up with (certainly it has the makings of an interesting article on "The games Cupboard"), and your D&D analogy is spot on :-)
Thank you for the encouragement. I will be running it as a series of articles though, as an ongoing campaign (but lots to buy, plan, and do to make that happen, which will be worth a few articles in itself maybe).
DeleteI wish I know more about Doctor Who. It is on my wish Christmas list of DVDs to hope for. But I` guessing it would make sense to start way back with Tom Baker or something.. and work forward.
Well I'd go right back to the very beginning personally, especially as some of the new stuff seems to refer to the days of the First & Second Doctors (and Patrick Troughton was awesome!!). I envy you, as I wish someone could make me forget all I know about Doctor Who, so I can start again :-)
Deletehehe I know e-x-a-c-t-l-y what you mean. I feel that way about Buffy. Yes Patrick Troughton is where I will start I think. Earlier than that is perhaps a little too early for me. And the guys tell me I will love it starting here :)
DeleteHmm, those spawning gravestones have given my ideas for my 10mm 7ombieTV project. I'll have to have a think about that, though I'd best finish the X-Wing stuff first.
ReplyDeleteI like the look of those Star Trek models. I'm not familiar with the Space Vixens From Mars range, so might have a look at them out of curiosity.
Many thanks Roy. You are the master of 10mm Zed painting, imho, so I'd be very interested in seeing what you come up with.
Delete"Space Vixens From Mars" do some terrific minis - many strongly influenced by Gene Roddenberry I'd suggest ;-)
Yes, I had a look at the Space Vixens stuff and really liked the Romulan and Klingon miniatures, amongst others. The Cardassian was interesting, possibly a lone operative of the Obsidian Order in a game.
DeleteThere is a chap over on the Pendraken Forum who can really paint the Fantasy zombies (some he's converted to Vietnam Zombies). I really like his blood effects on his paint jobs, but the sci-fi zombies I'm painting are smaller so I don't know whether a 'bloody' look would work on my figures - something to test, next time I get back to painting them.
Glad you liked the Romulans and Klingons, Roy. I own them both, so hope to have them making an appearance at some point. The Cardassian is good too. But I want to paint up plenty of TOS minis before I go DS9 and TNG. I'm looking forward to seeing your zeds however you paint them :-)
DeleteI've looked at many manufacturers' gravestones and I think that the Renedra ones are the best on the market - you've done a great job on them.
ReplyDeleteThat tree is a bit disturbing, so you've obviously done a good job on it too.
Cheers Joe. I certainly think the Renedra Gravemarkers are very good, and I'll definitely be looking closer at some of their other plastics as a result. Hopefully the Evil Tree will be posted soon, and prove as disturbing as you suggest :-)
DeleteMight I suggest a smattering of greens here and there on the tree to affect a mossy look? Would help break up the browns some, add some murk-creepiness and even perhaps highlight the facial features a little more?
ReplyDeleteGravestone markers came out just lovely mate.
Thanks Dai. I've finished the Evil Tree now. But will certainly go back and give the face a little additional highlight as you suggest, especially as I've inked it since to create some dark regions around the eyes and nostrils. I'm not sure about applying any green to it at this stage. But I am hoping to get another couple of these if I can, so I'll certainly give it a go for the next one I do.
DeleteGlad you like the Gravestone markers. I've another three coming soon.