This 28mm metal
model of Judge Giant (Senior) was sculpted as part of the October 2012 "Judge
Dredd Miniatures Game: Block War" kickstarter by “Mongoose Games” and can
be purchased as code JD20007 from "Warlord Games".
Based upon the
original Judge Giant who first appeared in the comic “2000 A.D.” in 1977 and
then later died in the 1981 adventure “Block Mania”, this model has unfortunately
spent the past couple of months languishing on one of my shelves, waiting to be
properly based. As opposed to some of the other Judge miniatures I’ve painted
from this range, this figure was relatively simple to finish. The only real
issue being the sculpting of his helmet’s red trim, which seemed to almost
disappear around the back of Giant’s head, and thus took a few attempts to ‘nail’
using “Vallejo” Heavy Red.

Recently inspired by yet another re-watching of the 1998 film “The Mask of Zorro”, I’ve picked up this masked bandit model from “Boot Hill Miniatures”, along with a Mexican Sergeant and Captain. I have some mounted versions of the same figures waiting in the wings as well, but for now I hope to just paint up a small collection of foot figures for some skirmish games.