Monday, 1 December 2014

'Oldhammer' - Lizardmen Army - WIP - Part Three

Unfortunately my points tally for the first month of the ‘Oldhammer’ challenge “A Tale of Several Gamers” is going to be disappointingly low, despite trying to have something of a painting frenzy over the past few days. Sadly I’ve not managed to complete a single figure but am now hopefully well on the way to finishing not only last month’s Challenge target but also finish December’s (substantially smaller) goal as well.

For starters a couple of days spent pottering over my albino skink Champion model has meant that my warband’s leader is now close to completion. I’ve really just got a dozen teeth, his yellow eyes and forehead horn to complete before trying to apply a wash over his white flesh. With hindsight I really should have left ‘Gluckle the Greedy’ last as I’m convinced the sheer amount of time I’ve spent on this one model would have allowed me to have completely painted a fair proportion of his blue-skinned skink brethren. Certainly I don’t want to have to paint so beautifully detailed a miniature again for a while.
One thing I did forget to do whilst painting my Champion was apply a brown undercoat to all the areas I eventually wanted to paint bronze. This was something of a hasty mistake which I invariably paid for later when I tried to get the metallic paint to completely layer over black with just a single application. As a result I’ve not only painted all the spear shafts and leathers on my skink warriors with brown paint, but all the ultimately bronze areas as well. I have also started to ‘pick out’ some of the red areas such the leg feathers the Lizardmen wear.
As a break I’ve also started to prepare the Cold One rider I want to complete this month. Hardly a unit I know, and I certainly hope to add to it in the future, but for now I just want to get ‘back on track’ with some simple ‘soft’ painting targets. Interestingly I was warned by the person selling it, that the model was difficult to put together, and they weren’t joking. I am convinced I am going to have to pin the tail on as ‘green stuff’ simply is not doing the job. The model is also badly weighted to one side, as it only stands upon one leg. As a result I’ve tried to make it more stable by placing an object beneath its other claw and could think of nothing more appropriate than one of the newer "Games Workshop" plastic skink heads. This is an ‘Oldhammer’ project after all…

Space Cow Smith has created a blog called “A Tale Of Several Gamers” for us to all post our ‘Oldhammer’ themed posts on so if you’re interested or want to take part then I’d recommend you give it a visit at:
A Tale of Several Gamers is Go!


  1. They're coming along nicely dude. Sorry but I'm allergic to GW.

    1. Thanks Bob. I like to think of these early(ish) models as "Citadel" not "Games Workshop" :-)

    2. It's all the same evil empire dude.

  2. They are indeed coming along nicely. I like your thinking of having the Cold One stomping on the new plastic Skink head. Quite right too!

    1. Cheers Bryan. I'm pleased to say that Gluckle is now finished - even if I'm not too pleased with the end result. It was a real battle finishing him off and he was close to going in the bin a few times. Even now I may buy another and learn from my mistakes with this one. Thought you'd like the skink head idea. Although constructing the Cold One is proving a bit of a challenge it has reinvigorated my enthusiasm for the project :-)

  3. I do like the colour of your skinks, I use the "spent" shafts from the rivets we use at work as pins for attaching things like tails, I'll pop some in with your christmas card if you like. GW or should I say citadel did some nice stuff back in the day (and the old sales were great! Shame the new stuff just doesn't seem to have the soul the old stuff did.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks Roger. That would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully I'll be able to push along with the skinks over the next few weeks in between other figures. I really like these 'oldhammer' minis but must confess they're not as painter friendly (for my style at least) at I'd like :-)

  4. Looking good, Blaxkleric. You've set a challenge for yourself with Gluckle: white is a notoriously difficult color to work with.

    1. Thanks Finch and I'm afraid I've made a bit of a hash of Gluckle as a result. He's turned out more of a smokey gray albino as my watered down black wash hasn't pooled over his face as it did the other areas. I'll post him up next week when I do my next 'Tale of Several Gamers' update and take some advice from your excellent selves.
