“The story so far… A Federation experiment on an
extra-terrestrial life-form has gone horribly wrong. Having successfully
secured the endoparasitoid species on board the orbiting Weapons Research
Facility, Roj Blake has momentarily joined forces with Section Leader Klegg and
two Federation troopers in order to help reduce the number of Aliens which they
face. But can the Liberator's crew trust the Death Squad troopers, especially
when the freedom fighters are already struggling to cope with the seemingly
unending waves of murderous creatures and their jump-suit wearing colleagues
seem intent on taking all the highly-prized objectives solely for the Terran Administration..?”
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Vila Restal moved north to the Stargate Room’s airlock
and effortlessly picked the door’s lock. With a rasping hiss and enormous Alien
Warrior loomed large from inside and with a scream the thief cowered before it.
With a cry Jenna Stannis was beside him and her space shotgun fired. Sadly the
ex-smuggler missed, but with ‘Plenty of Ammunition’ on her, she fired again and
brought the large extra-terrestrial down to the ground.
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Believing the room was now vacant of hostiles Section
Leader Klegg swiftly moved inside and claimed the Stargate objective for
Supreme Commander Servalan. Scanning his portable strategic computer, the
balaclava-wearing Terran goon realised that the humans had now cleared out over
half of the Aliens infesting this area of the abandoned space station. Victory
was in sight… But to his south, the Federation trooper guarding the long
western corridor was forced to fall back as he managed to kill only one of the
five slavering monstrosities travelling east towards his position.
Blake meanwhile gave the Death Squad trooper beside him a
quick order, and together they moved closer to the Alien Hound in the Green
Room. Roj missed the beast with his weapon. However the Federation soldier did
not, and the creature died a grisly death.
Startled by two Hounds who leapt into the junction
between the Radio Room and Stargate Room, Jenna opened up with her shotgun,
and, bringing down both brutes, gained enough experience to level up (to
yellow). Klegg meanwhile took advantage of the distraction to quickly search
the Stargate Room and uncovered… an Alien Stalker. Backing away, momentarily
unable to fire upon the fiend due to his acidic blood, the Section Leader was
amazed to see the extra-terrestrial crumple into a dead heap courtesy of a
rifle shot from Vila.
Ordering the Federation Trooper to his north, Blake fired at two more Alien hounds that snarling, had padded into the Green Room. The Liberator’s captain proved a poor shot. But fortunately his Death Squad companion did not, and blasted the pair to bits. Meanwhile the trooper to Roj’s north blazed away at the writhing mass of Aliens pouring down the lengthy western corridor before ducking back south. The black-clad soldier had only dispatched a single Stalker.
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Ordering the Federation Trooper to his north, Blake fired at two more Alien hounds that snarling, had padded into the Green Room. The Liberator’s captain proved a poor shot. But fortunately his Death Squad companion did not, and blasted the pair to bits. Meanwhile the trooper to Roj’s north blazed away at the writhing mass of Aliens pouring down the lengthy western corridor before ducking back south. The black-clad soldier had only dispatched a single Stalker.
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The harsh hissing of two Alien Hounds and a Stalker
forced Vila to spin south. There he saw the fiends had come between himself,
Jenna and Klegg and the route to Green Central. Terrified the thief fired his
Space Rifle twice and grimaced as the extra-terrestrials all remained standing
afterwards. Pushing the cowardly Liberator crewman to one-side the Section
Leader fired thrice and sneering at his cowering companion as all three of the
monsters slumped dead to the floor. Clearly Klegg was destined to be a Terran
Federation Poster Boy…
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Stannis meanwhile took the opportunity of the western
corridor being somewhat clear of Aliens and moved east down it. She was joined
by one of the Death Squad Troopers. It was time to take the final fight to the
extra-terrestrials. But already six Stalkers were fast approaching, with
something much larger looming behind them.
Thinking somewhat similarly, Blake gave his accompanying Federation Trooper a quick order, and then entered the Green Room. A Stalker hissed at him from the south and exploded in a spray of green acidic blood as Roj’s gun (for once) proved true. Confident his rebel companion had cleared the area of threats the Death Squad soldier sauntered south past the freedom fighter, and spotted another Stalker to his west. Panicking, the Terran warrior missed his target, and with a victorious snarl the Alien was upon him.
Thinking somewhat similarly, Blake gave his accompanying Federation Trooper a quick order, and then entered the Green Room. A Stalker hissed at him from the south and exploded in a spray of green acidic blood as Roj’s gun (for once) proved true. Confident his rebel companion had cleared the area of threats the Death Squad soldier sauntered south past the freedom fighter, and spotted another Stalker to his west. Panicking, the Terran warrior missed his target, and with a victorious snarl the Alien was upon him.
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Fearing his opponent’s acidic blood, the Federation trooper
wisely backed away north from the hissing extra-terrestrial and then gunned the
beast down with his firearm. Much farther north, the other Death Squad Trooper
killed three of the fast-approaching Alien Stalkers. Klegg joined his team-mate
and slew another two. Whilst Jenna charged east firing and brought down the
enormous fully-grown Alien Warrior that had been towering over its deadly kin.
Hoping everything was safe Vila quietly left the safety of the Stargate Room.
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With matters finally under control south of the Green
Room, Blake tapped an order to Klegg via his wrist communicator and continued
to kill any Alien Stalker or Hound foolish enough to try and rush him from the
adjoining corridor. The Section Leader joined Jenna Stannis and together
blasted away at any and all the extra-terrestrials trying to pour west towards
them. Eventually the slimy fiends’ numbers dwindled and stopped. The battle was
over and the Federation had succeeded in killing enough of the monsters to make
the creatures rethink their strategy for their human prey…
Ah, now I see why you haven't commented on my last post -too busy dealing with an alien infestation. The Terran Federation salutes you for your dedication to the cause.
ReplyDeleteThe humans seemed particularly effective against their chitinous foes. A good set of dice rolls or do the Aliens need beefing up, as they don't appear to be quite as menacing as they are normally depicted. Just my thoughts.
Another exciting instalment - what's next for Blake and crew?
Thanks Jez. Sadly I haven't looked at your own blog as I've been busy building up/painting more 'Forgotten Heroes'. But I will do so. Lots of good dice rolls helped the team. But their biggest strength was that they didn't have to do anything but stand in a dominating position and kill aliens. Next mission will undoubtedly be different as the Federation finally betray the Liberator crew and Avon joins Blake, Jenna and Vila in order to save ORAC from the clutches of the Supreme Commander herself ;-)
DeleteNo worries, Simon. There's definitely more than you'll be expecting and depending on when you do look, there may be even more. ;-)
DeleteLooked at your latest posting and in awe of your Japanese burger bar, Jez!! Whilst Super-soldier and Bananaman are coming along awesomely too!!
DeleteA very satisfying conclusion to this exciting batrep. I did expect to see a lot more human casualties but the Federation and the Liberator crew are clearly well versed in ranged combat techniques and most surprising, they worked well together. Who'd have thought? I think what was missing was a really nasty big alien - an alien queen! I'll chat to you later about this.
ReplyDeleteCheers Bryan. The dice were certainly rolling in Blake's favour for this one. But I think the next one will be different as I'll be using the Federation as the baddies; which should mean plenty of fire-fights!! Trapped between aliens and Servalan, will Blake survive. only Avon knows ;-)
DeleteBrilliant, but now the real battle begins as treachery abounds in the corridors of the Gordon Richards FEDERATION WEAPONS RESEARCH FACILITY! I imagine that Blake and chums will have to fight their way out?
ReplyDeleteThanks Michael, and you're quite right. Treachery is right around the corner... especially when Avon teleports down with ORAC ;-)
DeleteI can't help but be a little suspicious that it all seemed to go so surprisingly well in the end!
ReplyDeleteThis "Space Hulk" mission is a bit of a kill-fest tbh Gordon. And once the party found themselves equipped with shotguns and holding dominating corridor positions it was really going to be as a result of some poor dice rolls that things went wrong.
DeleteI meant in terms of the Federation working so well with Blake's crew...very suspicious! I shall look forward to the big reveal in the sequel!
DeleteAh... I see. Doh!! :-) You're quite right to be very suspicious of the Federation, Gordon, and all will hopefully be revealed in "Rescue ORAC" ;-)
Delete"Section leader fired thrice and sneering at his cowering colleague...." Excellent!
ReplyDeleteNice conclusion to the batrep Simon ;-)
Thanks Andy. This one has taken quite a while to post, so I've a couple of smaller games planned for the rest of the month.
DeleteAs others have already said, I was somewhat surprised at the lack of human casualties. I fully expected the humans to turn on each other *before* the alien threat was ended! Ah, well - it shows what little I know...
ReplyDeleteCheers Hugh. Turn on each other!?! What ever makes you think the Federation will do that after Blake has helped whittle down the Alien threat ;-)
DeleteAn unexpected outcome for the Human forces it seems, all a bit one-sided, but that's the way sometimes when the dice gods favour you. I do like seeing the Space HUlk boards being put to good use.
ReplyDeleteThanks Joe. Much appreciated. I like giving the "SPace Hulk" boards a bit of tabletop time too - makes me less sorry I bought the blasted boardgame in the first place :-)