Friday 25 March 2022

“I'm In The Middle Of An Interrogation.”

“Thank you for your cooperation.”

This 28mm metal miniature of Natalia, Female Secret Agent is by "Reaper Miniatures" and comes from their Chronoscope range under code 50149. I bought the model just as soon as I spotted it on Planetmut’s excellent blog “PM Painting”, as I thought it would make an excellent addition to my party of adventurers for Gamma World.

The two-piece figure was actually rather fiddly to assemble due to her disconcertingly fragile-looking limbs, but once the super-glue had set I was able to undercoat the covert operative with “Vallejo” Black Prime. I then treated the miniature to a couple of layers of “Citadel” Abaddon Black, heavily dry-brushed her with “Vallejo” Heavy Charcoal, and picked out her gun holster, leg strap and belt with Heavy Sienna.

"The others must have cannibalized it for the blood!"

I also applied some “Vallejo” Gunmetal to the deadly assassin’s pistol, before all of these areas were ‘drowned’ in “Citadel” Nuln Oil. The not-Black Widow’s belt buckle and thigh gadget were treated to a combination of “Vallejo” Gold and “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade, before I gave Natalia’s hair a lick of “Vallejo” Heavy Red. This was subsequently shaded with “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade, and carefully dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Red.

Alongside this submission to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC), I also entered (as my final entry) five more 15mm metal Xenomorphs by "Ground Zero Games". The figures are available as code SG15-X01 from the company’s Stargrunt Infantry range, and come in packs of six figures (consisting of two alternative sculpts).

The tanks have been assembled with different sets of Schürzen armour

Due to using the models for some homemade rules, the deadly extra-terrestrials were super-glued onto either a medium or small-sized plastic “Flames Of War” stand by “Battlefront Miniatures”, and primed using two layers of “Citadel” Abaddon Black. The Internecivus raptus’ were then dry-brushed with “Vallejo” Heavy Bluegrey, before being given a double-helping of “Citadel” Nuln Oil in order to help tone down their highlights and better blend them in.

Lastly, I have finally assembled and primed the four plastic Panzer IV (7.5cm) tanks I plan to add to my German Beach Defence Company for “Flames Of War”. The “Hit The Beach” Starter Set by “Battlefront Miniatures” actually only contains three of the vehicles so as to make a 16 point platoon. However, having had a rummage through the numerous sprues I collected for their skirmish game “Tanks”, I’ve been able to add a fourth tank and bolster the unit up to 22 points worth of heavy armour.

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