Wednesday 24 August 2022

"No Laboratory Is Complete..."

"...Without the crackling energy of this device."

This 28mm metal miniature of an energy pylon is produced by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" and was a free stretch goal unlocked during their successful Pirates of Luna City Kickstarter. As I wanted to use Ari Nielsson's sculpt as an objective marker I super-glued it onto the thin-lipped 40mm plastic circular bases I ordinarily use for such scenic pieces.

The model was initially primed with a layer of "Citadel" Abaddon Black, before being treated to a double-helping of “Vallejo" Gunmetal. It was then shaded in "Citadel" Nuln Oil and heavily dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Gunmetal. I did contemplate leaving the miniature at that, but thought it looked a little lack-lustre, so ended up applying a wash of "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade over it to add some more colour to it.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - Three Killbots dry-brushed with "Vallejo" Gunmetal

Alongside finishing my third "MacGuffin", I have also been steadily working on three of the Lincolnshire-based company's Killbots I aim to use alongside their Corporate Wars range. Whilst I am a big fan of these automatons' 'official' dark metallic palette, I wanted mine to tie-in closer with them being manufactured in America, so intend for the predominantly green 'rust buckets' to wear the odd Allied Star or Old Glory on their shoulder-pads.

I've also been busy 'lurking' on the 3D Printing Doctor Who Facebook Page to see whether anyone has been producing anything which would help fill-out my dust-gathering collection of metal miniatures by "Warlord Games". The manufacturer's 'recent' admission that they will no longer be producing the "Into The Time Vortex" range didn't really come as much of a surprise, considering they haven't released a new boxed set for their "Exterminate!" "fast-paced tabletop miniatures game" for some years. However, I wouldn't have minded being able to 'field' some more of the bigger monsters from Classic Doctor Who, such as Yetis, War Machines and maybe even a Kroll.

"Encounter Terrain" WIPs - This 3D Printed Zygon has been primed and shaded

Sadly, I've yet to see anything which has caught my fancy with this regard, as a lot of the postings seem to concern making alterations to the different "Character Options" action figures. But one amateur sculptor's work, Nikola Stankovic, immediately caught my eye with his quirky-looking, almost cartoon-like 100mm scale figures, and after a few exchanges I was able to acquire a few STL files from him for some Zygon shape-shifting shenanigans.

Of course, not owning a 3D printer myself was something of a problem, until "Encounter Terrain" leapt to the rescue by offering to produce my Doctor Who miniatures for me in "high quality resin." Furthermore, they kindly agreed to 'shrink' the models down to a more manageable 40mm scale, and work out all the gobbledygook needed to successfully support the sculpts whilst they were being made.

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