Friday 3 March 2023

"Like Father, Like Daughter."

"Justine Hammer inherited her father's ruthless criminal leanings."

This 28mm scale pre-painted plastic model of the Crimson Cowl was produced by “Wizkids” and is miniature number 091 from their old Marvel “Heroclix” Ultimates range. “The mysterious boss of the Masters of Evil” Justine Hammer’s alter-ego was created by Kurt Busiek and Mark Bagley for the April 1997 issue of "Thunderbolts" by "Marvel Comics".

Snatched from the top of the figure's flying 'clicky' base and super-glued upon a plastic 25mm circular base, the super-villain was treated to a double-coat of “Duncan Rhodes' Two Thin Coats” Sanguine Scarlet and shaded in "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson. She was then heavily dry-brushed with (more) Sanguine Scarlet, before having her eye slits spotted with a smidgeon of Skulker Yellow and “Citadel” Reikland Fleshshade.

"Papsikels Miniatures" WIPs - These three Gigerian Royal Brood Warriors have simply been dry-brushed

With so simple a submission to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) completed, I've had the time to progress five Gigerian Royal Brood Warriors I was freely sent as STL (Standard Triangle Language) files by "Papsikels Miniatures" as part of their PAPSIPACK Welcome Models subscription set on "Patreon". These 32mm xenomorphs are somewhat different looking to the other aliens I've pigmented from the company's range, so I wanted to go with a different palette than the predominantly brown one I've used in the past.

To be honest, I've always found these iconic Internecivus raptus somewhat daunting to paint as they're so darkly coloured that I've always felt a simple highlight over a black prime (and perhaps a wash) does little justice to their fascinatingly detailed biomechanical appearance. As a result, I thought it would be worth taking the time to slowly build-up this variant's muted blue via three increasingly light dry-brushes of different blue-greys and a couple of shades too - all from "Duncan Rhodes' Two Thin Coats" range.

"Battlefront Miniatures" WIPs - A pair of German 7.5cm Anti-Tank guns

In addition, and making a rather agreeable change in both scale and genre, I have been tinkering away at the two bases of World War Two 7.5cm Anti-Tank guns I need for my German D-Day Defence force. These 15mm plastic "Flames Of War" figures by "Battlefront Miniatures" have been patiently gathering dust since I first started working on them at some point last year, so the first thing I've needed to do was brush them down.

I also appear to have lost one of the crew's officers or look-outs, so I've been scratching around my various piles of shame looking for a replacement. Luckily, I have found a pair of German large gun teams still on their sprue, courtesy of some reinforcements I purchased at "Salute" in October 2021, and these do seemingly consist of a spare figure. However, quite bizarrely these slightly resin(ish) models are slightly larger than their counterparts in hard plastic. So I'm a little perplexed as to whether the 'new' gunner will annoyingly stand out from his brethren...

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