Monday 12 June 2023

"The Tiger Was A German Heavy Tank Of World War Two..."

"...That operated beginning in 1942 in Africa and the Soviet Union, usually in independent heavy tank battalions."

This 10mm metal German Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausführung H tank is one of two models bought together as a pair within a single clamshell from “Pendraken Miniatures” at Salute 50, and was simply labelled as a Tiger I. Intended for my current Battle of the Bulge campaign, the hefty model consisted of a separate hull, turret, gun and pair of tracks, as well as a curiously unlabelled piece which eventually turned out to be the "over-engineered" vehicle's air filters.

Due to wanting the tank to fit in with the rest of my Third Reich forces, all of which had been pigmented a good decade ago, I managed to locate an old pot of "Citadel" Adeptus Battlegrey from my dust-covered collection of Out of Production (OOP) paints, and applied a double layer over the entire Tiger. I then gave it a healthy splash of Nuln Oil, before dry-brushing it with more "Citadel" Adeptus Battlegrey.

"Pendraken Miniatures" WIPs - Three Vickers VI C tanks awaiting some final 'touch-ups' and decals

The armoured vehicle's tracks were later 'picked out' with "Citadel" Abaddon Black, base-coated using "Vallejo" Gunmetal, and finally shaded in "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I'm still impatiently waiting for some WWII German Insignia and Swastika transfers by "Decal Details" to arrive through the post so I can add a couple of Balkenkreuz to the sides of the tank. But I have managed to apply some red turret digits to it from an old sheet of RU-108 Russian 10/12mm armour numbers.

Alongside my Tiger I have also managed to make some progress on three metal 10mm Vickers VI C models I also picked up from "Pendraken Miniatures" whilst at "Europe’s largest independent wargaming event." These rather tiny British light tanks, withdrawn from service by mid-1942, are now destined for my Early Second World War tabletop, having originally been erroneously bought by myself as Allied reinforcements for the much later Ardennes Offensive in wintry Belgium/Luxemburg.

"Big Mr Tong" WIPs - These Aquaphibians just need to have their fins and weapons 'picked out'

Lastly, I've been working on some more 28mm scale Aquaphibians sculpted by "Big Mr Tong" as something of a palate cleanser, having almost lost all my enthusiasm for 10mm tank combat due to my latest order with the Middlesbrough-based manufacturer being delayed. Now this 'hold up' has been entirely due to UK Customs taking an eternity to process a decal restock as opposed to anything the company has created, with Leon providing me with some first-rate updates as to the situation.

But perhaps due to my own impatience or restlessness, my inability to properly 'finish' a number of German tanks and armour-hunters as planned has definitely caused a noticeable drop in productivity. Thus, I figured a sudden sojourn back to 1964 and the science-fiction television show "Stingray" might help galvanise me whilst I testily await the arrival of my transfers, extra tanks and their crew...

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