Thursday, 20 March 2025

"Men, We Are The First, Last And Often Only Line Of Defence..."

"...The Imperium has against what is out there."

These two 15mm miniatures by "Alternative Armies" come from their "The Ion Age" codes IAF022 Muster First Patrol (Pose Seven - Muster Patrol Trooper, Charlatan IV 22mm Launcher, Standing) and IAF021 Muster 1st Patrol Command (Pose Three - Muster Patrol Trooper, Medic.), and are probably some of the last remaining models from an old order I originally picked up over a decade ago at "Salute 2014". The soldiers are actually designed to be used with the company’s “Patrol Angis” rule-set. But I’ve based them together in order to form a specialist infantry unit for a home-made set of rules loosely based within the early Warhammer 30k/40k universe.

In order to try and replicate the pale(ish) palette of the Imperial Guard way back when "Games Workshop" first released their '"hard plastic" boxed set in January 1989, I primed both figures with two coats of “Vallejo” Heavy Bluegrey, and washed with them “Citadel” Nuln Oil. The duo then had their body armour, shoulder-pads, boots and weapons pigmented in "Citadel" Abaddon Black, whilst I 'picked out' their cap badges with a dollop of Heavy Red and a dash of "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson.

"Alternative Armies" WIPs - Three Taranis Runner Drones

The trooper carrying the large heavy weapon had his bare hands painted using a combination of “Vallejo” Heavy Skintone and “Citadel” Reikland Fleshshade. However, as I wanted the Medic to stand out a bit more (seeing as I was actually using the figure as a range finder for the launcher rather than a field physician), I decided to give him "Vallejo" Heavy Brown and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade gloves.

Finally, I gave both soldiers’ heavy-looking stowage, as well as any side-pockets, a lick of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Before finishing them off by layering their weapons with some "Vallejo" Gunmetal and plenty of "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I also used this particular colour combination for the (not) Medic's cybernetic eye-piece - all the better to suggest he was able to see trajectory curves and angles whilst assisting the Charlatan IV 22m Launcher to hit its targets.

"Athena Miniatures" WIPs - These two Spetsnaz figures are having all their straps 'picked out'

Somewhat enthused by my recent reintroduction to "The Ion Age", I have perhaps unsurprisingly also begun work on another trio of (significantly) old 15mm figures from the range - this time taken from IAF081 Taranis Runner Drones. These robots apparently act as a screen for Taranis Tanks in "Alternative Armies" rule-set. But I plan to use a single Transmission Jammer Drone with two Field Repair Drones as a close-combat unit for my games, and plan to paint these ones up for my Crimson Fists.

Lastly, I've also made a little bit more progress on the first of twenty-eight 28mm metal Spetsnaz figures I now own by "Athena Miniatures". These fellows are absolutely covered in straps, bullet-proof armour and ammunition pouches, so despite much of their colour scheme being black, I'm still having to take my time slowly making my way up a couple of test pieces so I can work out what is what on the sculpts...


  1. Nicely done! I'm anticipating placing a nice big 15mm order with Alternative Armies next week with their Spring Mega Event sale.

    1. Thanks very much, Bill. I have a huge backlog of Ion Age figures by Alternative Armies, which I picked up over a couple of years. Hopefully, this table clearance I'm currently endeavouring upon might encourage me to finish some more.

      I did see the notification that Alternative Armies were having a sale. I'd be very interested in seeing what you pick up from it.

  2. Great work on your Imperials Simon, and the drones are progressing well, steady progress on the Spetsnaz as well.

    1. Thanks Dave. The drones should be finished soon, and then I can spend a bit more time working out how to tackle all the straps etc on the Spetsnaz. I have almost thirty to paint, so I really want to work a scheme/technique out which makes them straightforward to get tabletop ready. Plus, I've bought a third bag of Russian NBC Troopers. LOL!!!

  3. Very nice guardsmen. A group shot please? ;)

    THose bots are fun looking sculpts!

    1. Cheers Dai. I'm planning on doing two-three BatReps featuring most of my Ion Age stuff in the very near future, so that should give you some 'group shots'. LOL!! I've got a horde of the bots somewhere, so expect to see plenty more when I stumble upon them in the future.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray. I do like the Rogue Trader feel to the Ion Age sculpts.

  5. The Ion Age range has some variety to it! Humans and Fallout like robots is an interesting mix. Mentioning those original grey clad plastic Imperial Guard is a blast from the past! They were so cool with their goggles back in the day. In someways I actually prefer them to some of the more modern stuff as they had a certain charm to them. Thanks for the trip down memory lane....

    1. Cheers Undercoat. I do wish Games Workshop would consider releasing the early Warhammer 40k kits in the same way they've done with Warhammer Fantasy Old World - albeit their pricing is ridiculous for such stuff, so I probably wouldn't buy it without a major shift in costing - perhaps a budget range though..?
