This game was played using the basic rules for “Mutants And Death Ray Guns” by “Ganesha Games”, and is the start of a campaign involving some of Batman's greatest foes as they jostle for control of Gotham City. This particular scenario is a straightforward roof-top confrontation between the Joker and the Riddler, and comprises of two small 150 point parties fighting across a pair of 8"x 8" high-rise buildings made by "Battle Systems".
“The story so far… The Joker, the Riddler and Two-Face have decided to try and establish their dominance over Gotham City once and for all, by 'taking over' large areas of Batman's place of residence in an effort to be declared the metropolis' undisputed crime king. Determined to bring this violence to an end however, is Commissioner Jim Gordon, whose G.C.P.D. have begun retaking the streets in the name of justice..."
"Having already launched a series of successful crime waves from the safety of his secret headquarters in Gotham Heights, the Joker has decided to launch a bold attack upon the Hokus & Pokus Occult Curioso in Gotham Village, and snatch the territory away from Edward Nigma. Unfortunately for the clown prince of crime though, the puzzle-obsessed Riddler is unwilling to give up part of his province without a fight and has mustered his men in readiness for just such an assault..."
Attacking from the western edge of Gotham Village Cathedral, the Joker hid behind an abandoned fridge unit, whilst his five thugs tried their best to seek shelter amidst the rest of the rooftop's detritus. The Clown Prince of Crime was armed with a Pistol [Medium Range +1 Combat], and some Joker Venom [Frenzy Drug: gives +1 in melee for the duration of the game]. He was also equipped with the Steadfast trait [+1 on Morale rolls]. The Joker's men were all low-cost unarmed minions with no special characteristics whatsoever.
On top of Hokus & Pokus Occult Curioso, the Riddler was also hidden behind a dilapidated freezer unit, whilst his three-man crew crouched beside an old sofa. Edward was armed with his trademark bladed question mark walking cane [Powered Weapon: +2 in melee] and an explosive 'surprise' box [Fragmentation Grenade: A C4 kinetic attack]. He was also Slippery [so does not receive a Free Hack when leaving a melee]. Nygma's (more specialist) gang consisted of two Goons armed with crowbars [Powered Weapon: +2 in melee] and a Goon with a Pistol [Medium Range +1 Combat].
Indignant at the Joker's obvious attempt to seize control of his territory, the Riddler moved east and hunkered down by the roof's air-conditioning unit. Behind him, his three 'stooges' stood still, waiting for their boss to hurl his 'surprise' package at their opponent's gang and 'get the party started'.
Meanwhile, The Clown Prince of Crime, spotting Edward Nygma moving towards the western edge of the Hokus & Pokus Occult Curioso rooftop sprang out from his 'hiding place' and fired his 'goldfish-shaped' pistol at him. From so great a distance the shot understandably went wide. However, it was action enough to galvanise the Joker's thugs into moving forwards towards the Riddler, and crouch down behind the various crates, drink machine and sofa.
Sensing their foe was about to launch something of a foolhardy attack upon their roof-top, the Riddler's gunman moved up to the roof-top's central crate, whilst one of the crowbar-armed goons scampered over to the area's south-western crate. Edward, steely-eyed, remained by the air-conditioning unit and motioned for this of his remaining goon to accompany him.
As deadly as he is laugh is maniacal, the Joker stepped forward, fired his pistol and brought Nygma's closest 'companion' to the ground with a minor flesh-wound. With a roar of laughter the Clown Prince of Crime's thugs rushed west. Three of them stopped at the very edge of the Catherdral's roof-top, and readied themselves for the jump. But a fourth minion made the leap in a single bound and landed in front of the green and purple attired goon situated by the south-western crate. The last of the criminal mastermind's thugs also moved east, and sheltered behind the sofa close to his white-faced boss.
Anticipating the Joker's assault, the Riddler barked at his fallen crew-member to get to his feet and retreat east away from their opponents. But before Edward could order anything else though, the Clown Prince of Crime took his time to aim a shot right at him, and astonishingly felled the "genius-level intellect" with a single bullet. The Riddler was 'out for the count' and his crew seemingly leaderless.
Encouraged by their bosses incredible success, one thug jumped over the frighteningly deep chasm between the two buildings, and closed in on Nygma's goon by the south-western crate. He was soon accompanied by a second thug, who, throwing a mean punch, caused Edward's crew-member to retreat back a step. Believing that victory was soon to be in their grasp, a second of the Joker's thugs braved the 'leap of faith' and landed on top of the Hokus & Pokus Occult Curioso.
It looked as if the Riddler's dominion over the territory was about to fall, especially with the Joker's gang outnumbering the remnants of Nygma's crew two-to-one. But Gotham Village wasn't lost to Edward just yet, and the battle between a steel crowbar and a muscle-backed fist was yet to be fully finalised...
Mutants & Death Ray Guns Report: The Joker Verses The Riddler - "Battle For Gotham Village" - Part Two
Nifty little encounter, and enough to see that the rules work well enough :-)
ReplyDeleteI hope it's a 'To Be Continued' end to the post, as we're just about to get the "THWACK", "POW" stage ;-)
Thanks Wargame Addict. Part Two will indeed see plenty of "Thwack" and "Pow" - plus some more "Blam Blam" too ;-)
DeleteA fun encounter. Go Joker..... I have never liked Jim Carrey, Frank Gorshin was the better
ReplyDeleteCheers Phil. Frank Gorshin was indeed the definitive Riddler, imho. Though Cory Michael Smith does a good job of playing a young(ish) Nygma in "Gotham".
DeleteNicely presented, Simon. Just using the rooftops as the location to fight upon is a fun idea, definitely a few ways to add scenario weather and location rules to the games to impact on the action. Not to mention a 'dungeon crawl' of rooftops to search for things.
ReplyDeleteThanks Roy. I've plenty of ideas to add to the basic scenario, but this is just the start a basic layout and some simple minions accompanying two of the bosses. I plan to add to it with each battle. The 'dungeon crawl' is an inspired idea, and certainly one I'll have a good think about - great thinking :-)
DeleteI always like to see batreps that feature the Battle Systems terrain sets, as I'm a huge fan of them. I'm not a big fan of the Joker or the Riddler, so I'm not too bothered who wins this encounter. Now if Harley Quinn was involved, that would be a very different matter! ;-)
ReplyDeleteCheers Bryan. "Battle Systems" do great rooftop terrain imho, and I was pleased to pick up some more roofs and clips from them at "Salute". Harley Quinn is certainly on the cards at some point, but with only 150 points to spend currently, the Joker is a bit strapped to get himself a side-kick/under boss.
DeleteGreat start to the BatRep Simon, we shall see who wins the day strength or numbers
ReplyDeleteThanks Dave. Strength or numbers - we will indeed see who wins the day next week ;-)
DeleteOoo E-Nigma verses good old Jack Napier. What a line up, and monumental showdown. Enticingly close so far and compellingly enticing. Nice set up, nice game, and yet another tick on favour of Ganesha Games I think.
ReplyDeleteCheers Steve. The Joker is certainly ahead on points currently, but that means nothing in "Gotham". And "M&DRG" definitely does the business for "Ganesha Games" once again!!
DeleteIt's nice to see a battle between the bad guys: I can cheer for *every* figure that is laid low :-) !
ReplyDeleteThanks Hugh. I never gave that a thought tbh, but you're right - they're both bad guys!!
DeleteI love it! I've never heard of the rules before, but they seem to work great for supers. Nice write up!
ReplyDeleteCheers Angry Piper. I'm hoping to stretch "M&DRG" as far as it'll go with the supers I have planned for "Gotham". Its certainly do well as a rule-set so far :-)
DeleteBut was it all a part of the Riddlers plan? Nice batrep mate.
ReplyDeleteYou'll have to wait and see in Part Two, next week Simon!!
DeleteEdward Nigma is my favourite Batman villain. He really needs better on screen representation, less goofy and more clinically calculatingly genius-loonatic.
ReplyDeleteFun batrep for sure Simon.
Cheers Dai. Hopefully Part Two won't disappoint either.
DeleteTwo of my favourite Gotham icons in one tale, can`t ask for much more. I think you got the essence of the two factions perfectly right, and strangely the balance too. Jokers modus operandi SHOULD be bold, loud, seemingly obvious and clumsy (but with hidden subtleties built in), while the Riddler`s tactics would be obscured by genius diversion which almost hinders the overall plan lol. Excellent and looking forward to more. Really nice miniatures too.
ReplyDeleteThanks Hils. Most of the minis were painted a while ago now, so its nice to get them out again - and hopefully add to them too. Part Two will be posted up next week!
DeleteVery entertaing aar; it seemed to flow very smoothly and quickly and it loooked good fun too - my money was on the Joker from the get-go.
ReplyDeleteCheers Joe. The Joker certainly does look like he's in charge but there's still a lot to play for in the concluding part ;-)