Monday 31 May 2021

“...Resembling Humanoid, Leafless Shrubs, Complete With Limbs And A Head.”

“They could root themselves in soil, becoming indistinguishable from regular, dead shrubs.”

This 32mm scale resin print of a Twig Fiend is produced by "Rocket Pig Games", but actually 3D printed by “FullyCycled” over on “Etsy”. The model is one of several test prints I recently bought in order to see just how well such figures can currently be manufactured, and as part of an ever-growing homemade project pitting the forces of a Clockwork Mage against those of the Natural World.

The figure comes on an incredibly large pre-printed stand which contains a serious smattering of smooth rocks, and is the only place where the tell-tale striation signs of a 3D print are visible. Luckily, despite its width, the stand laid reasonably flat, so I was able to ‘squeeze’ the wood-based creature on a “Citadel” 60mm circular base.

A Grave Gnasher summons a Twig Fiend to battle a rampaging Tin Construct.

Unfortunately, I did have one mishap with the miniature whilst I was cleaning off some support struts from it. The monster’s resin is surprisingly brittle, so as I was desperately trying to smooth down one of its head-tendrils with my modelling knife, the entire tentacle-like branch snapped off and flew across my hobby room.

Despite some desperate searching I was unable to locate the missing piece, so was forced to think somewhat creatively as craft a replacement part. My ability with Green-Stuff is not great, so I started searching around my bitz looking for a suitably curly tentacle or some such. Happily, what I did spy was one of the resin staff ends belonging to a Mindflayer, which whilst not quite as curly as I’d hoped, did provide me with enough bend to somewhat fit in with the rest of the Twig Fiend’s tendrils.

Once this piece had been whittled down at one end in order to fit inside a small hole I drilled into the brute’s back, it was super-glued in place. I then gave the entire figure a double coat of “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna, and shaded it with a mixture of “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade and The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade.

"Kitbash Games" WIPs - Immolator is slowly having all of her detail 'picked out'

The creature’s bark was later dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna and some “Earth”. I ‘picked out’ the monster’s tendrils with “Vallejo” Heavy Green and “Citadel” Biel-Tan Green, before giving them a soft dry-brush of (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Green. I did consider dotting the Twig Fiend’s eyes with a fluorescent green. But ultimately liked the look of the dark, deeply recessed sockets.

Having completed another of my “Rocket Pig Games” 3D printed models, I have been busy pigmenting my resin figure of Immolator by “Kitbash Games”. This character is actually a yellow-coloured alien villainess in the “Supers Unlimited” pantheon. However, I wanted to use her as an American heroine for my Weird War Two games, so have greatly diverted from the model’s ‘official’ palette.

Friday 28 May 2021

“His Chest Cavity Is Stuffed With Various Corpses…”

“…That slowly fall from his exposed rib cage as he moves.”

This 32mm scale resin print of a Grave Gnasher is produced by "Rocket Pig Games", but actually 3D printed by “FullyCycled” over on “Etsy”. The model is one of several test prints I recently bought in order to see just how well such figures can currently be manufactured, and for a homemade project pitting the forces of a Clockwork Mage against those of the Natural World.

The figure comes on a pre-printed stand which contains a handful of smooth rocks, and is the only place where the tell-tale striation signs of a 3D print are visible. Unfortunately, this part of the model was also disappointing as it was neither flat, nor thin enough to allow me to safely reduce its thickness without considerable fear of irreversibly damaging its rather brittle material.

"Battletech" WIPs - A (Luftwaffe) Valkyrie, a (Soviet) Wasp and a (Wehrmacht) Mist Lynx Prime

As a result I ended up attaching the Undead ghoul onto a “Citadel” 40mm circular base simply so I had some space with which to use a little green-stuff to build a slope around its steep edge, and then mask the two elements together with a layer grit and ultimately grass flock. The figure itself was primed using a couple of coats of “Vallejo” Earth and washed with “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade.

I then applied a dry-brush of (more) “Vallejo” Earth over the creature with a soft make-up brush. Ordinarily, this technique has served me well as a super-quick way of providing a model with some basic highlights. However, for the Grave Gnasher, the sculpt was understandably smooth in many places so as to project the earth-based composition of its physical form.

After a little thought, I therefore decided to spread essentially a glaze of heavily watered-down “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna over much of the miniature, coupled with some sporadic applications of both “Citadel” Biel-Tan Green and Agrax Earthshade. This gave the monster a suitably mud-like palette, albeit I did give its gaping belly-maw a couple of coats of “Citadel” Nuln Oil in order to better darken its grisly interior workings.

"Battletech" WIPs - This (American) Stinger has been primed, washed and dry-brushed

I treated the creature’s ghastly stomach teeth and spinal cord with a combination of “Vallejo” Iraqi Sand and “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade, before adding a little “Vallejo” White to its fearsome fangs at their very tips. Finally, I went with a coat of “Vallejo” Gunmetal for its wrist bracelets and hammerhead and shaded these areas with a splash of trusty “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

Alongside my Grave Gnasher I have also managed to get a little bit more work done on the first of four plastic “Battletech” robots I recently received by “Catalyst Games Labs”. These pre-built 6mm scale (1:285) models are going to be repurposed as Weird War Two mechs and have now all been re-based, primed and shaded using various “Vallejo” and “Citadel” paints and washes…

Wednesday 26 May 2021

“The Komodo Dragon Is The Largest Living Lizard Species.”

“Adult Komodo Dragons eat smaller members of their own species and sometimes even other adults.”

This 28mm scale metal model of a Large Lizard is made by “North Star Military Figures” and can be bought together with a significantly smaller Snapping Turtle as code FGA402 from their “Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago” range. The miniature was purchased as part of the company’s highly successful Nickstarter in October 2017, but has since sat somewhat unloved in one of my drawers on account of how disappointed I was in the sculpt’s actual size.

Despite only being 12mm in height, the figure had to be super-glued on to a plastic 50mm circular base in order to accommodate its long tail. The lizard was then primed with “Vallejo” Heavy Grey, sporadically shaded in “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade and Biel-Tan Green, and dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Grey. Finally, I picked out the creature’s eyes with two simple spots of “Citadel” Abaddon Black.

"Battletech" WIPs - A Mist Lynx Prime, a Wasp and a Valkyrie

Thanks to my monitor lizard being completed so quickly, I have found some time to re-base and prime some of my recently-arrived “Battletech” robots by “Catalyst Games Labs”. I actually pre-ordered these plastic 6mm scale (1:285) models way back in November 2020 from “Zatu Games” with the hope of assembling a few Weird War Two mechs for some homemade rules, so I have quickly chopped the four smallest off of their hexagonal stands and attached them to “Citadel” 40mm round bases instead.

Doubtless such a move is utter heresy to those gamers who enjoy FASA Corporation’s military science fiction franchise. However, I’m not planning on ever playing the actual game, even though I do believe I own the BattleTech Beginner Box, and simply wanted some reasonably cheap pre-built battle-suits to paint up in the various colour schemes of the Axis and Allies forces.

"Rocket Pig Games" WIPs - This Clockwork Owlbeast has been layered, shaded and dry-brushed

To begin with I’m going to just focus on a Wasp, Mist Lynx Prime, Stinger and Valkyrie, dividing the quartet up into a Russian, American and (two) German battlemechs. All of these models will have pretty plain palettes to be honest, as I want to get them ready for the tabletop (and perhaps some super-tiny decals) as quickly as possible, before moving on to some of the range’s middle-sized miniatures.

Lastly, I am continuing to make steady progress on a number of my “Rocket Pig Games” resin figures 3D printed by "FullyCycled". As usual I have initially tried to pigment a handful of sculpts taken from the range simultaneously and then found myself predominantly focusing upon the needs of just one lone, single figure – in this case the meticulously detailed Clockwork Owlbeast.

Monday 24 May 2021

“Four Score And Seven Years Ago, Our Fathers Brought Forth Upon This Continent...”

“...A new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

This 28mm scale plastic figure of President 16 is sold by "CoolMiniOrNot", and is one of six miniatures found inside their Presidential Box Survivor Pack for “Zombicide – Second Edition”. The sculpt has clearly been inspired by Abraham Lincoln, most notably Timur Bekmambetov’s fictional incarnation seen in the 2012 horror film “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter”, and can be used either as a survivor in the collaborative adventure board game, or actually replace the President in the Washington Z.C. campaign expansion.

The model was first cut from its pre-moulded stand and attached to a 28mm circular base. It was then primed using a couple of coats of “Vallejo” Gloss Black, dry-brushed with Heavy Charcoal so as to quickly bring out all of its wonderful detail, and shaded in “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

"Rocket Pig Games" WIPs - A nearly finished WoodWard and freshly started Clockwork Owlbeast

I next applied two layers of “Vallejo” Heavy Bluegrey to the President’s somewhat tattered trousers, and gave them a splash or two of “Citadel” Nuln Oil. These pants were then dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Bluegrey before I applied a combination of Heavy Sienna and “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade to the former lawyer’s belt, axe-handle and shotgun butt.

The politician’s belt buckle was ‘picked out’ using some “Vallejo” Gold and a smidgeon of “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade, whilst his bayonet, axe-head and shotgun were treated to a mixture of “Vallejo” Gunmetal and “Citadel” Nuln Oil. Finally Lincoln’s shirt was given a coat of “Vallejo” White and Pale Grey, and his beard was layered with “Vallejo” Heavy Bluegrey and (even more) “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

"Rocket Pig Games" WIPs - A Rawhorn and Dwarven War Construct

Originally I was planning on leaving Abraham at that, as due to the somewhat realistic proportions of the sculpt I wasn’t going to paint in the figure’s eyes as I ordinarily do for a 28mm scale miniatures. However, the “Citadel” Reikland Fleshshade over “Vallejo” Heavy Skintone simply didn’t do it for me, so I eventually returned to the President and ‘spotted’ them with a dab of “Vallejo” White and “Citadel” Abaddon Black.

Alongside my first foray into pigmenting a “Zombicide” plastic figure, I have also been patiently working my way through some more of my resin miniatures designed by “Rocket Pig Games” and 3D printed by "FullyCycled". I’ve almost now finished my WoodWard, and so have turned my attention towards a rather impressively-sized Dwarven War Construct. In addition I've based and primed a splendidly-detailed Clockwork Owlbeast and truly massive Rawhorn.

Saturday 22 May 2021

“The Bulk Of Saruman's Legions Are Composed Of Uruk-hai.”

 “Some of the most deadly and savage warriors in Middle-Earth.”

This 28mm scale metal Uruk-hai armed with a crossbow is manufactured by "Games Workshop", and is one of four differently-posed missile models sculpted for their Forces of Isengard range. Back in the day the figure came as one of three randomly chosen models in a single "The Lord Of The Rings" blister, but I actually picked up this particular warrior second-hand at some Wargaming Show.

Saruman’s super-strong orc had actually been previously primed (presumably with “Citadel” Chaos Black), as well as had all of its armour and hand-weapon layered, shaded and dry-brushed, during one of my painting sessions a decade ago. As a result I simply applied the modern day colour equivalents of "Scale 75" Decayed Metal, Thrash Metal and “Citadel” Nuln Oil to these areas whenever my errant painting required tidying up.

"Rocket Pig Games" WIPs - This WoodWard has been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

I then gave the brutal warrior's legs, arms and chin a coat of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel” Agrax Earthshade, before 'picking out' the savage soldier's shoes, loincloth, hair, gloves, straps, belt, pouches and crossbow with "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade. In addition, I treated the brute’s knife sheath to a little “Vallejo” Heavy Brown and highlighted his teeth in White. Both of these areas were later washed with (more) “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade.

In addition to my latest Uruk-hai I have been making some fine progress on a couple of my 3D printed resin miniatures designed by “Rocket Pig Games”. The WoodWard is probably going to end up as one of the stalwarts of my ‘Nature’ force, so I’ve been testing out some straightforward dry-brushing on him as I’ll doubtless end up asking “FullyCycled” to print me off some more in the near future.

"Rocket Pig Games" WIPs - This Clockwork Mage is slowly having its details 'picked out'

The Clockwork Mage on the other hand will be the leader of a predominantly robotic force determined to invade the living world. I plan to make the vast majority of this army “Vallejo” Brass and Gunmetal, so have been busy studying the sculpt’s details to establish where I can separate the two different metallic colours from one another – a difficult prospect for a figure whose mechanical appendages appear to ‘melt’ into one another.

These two models also demonstrate one of my frustrations with not knowing how big the “Rocket Pig Games” miniatures will be until they arrive upon my doorstep. For example, I have already settled upon having “FullyCycled” print me off any humanoid-sized characters in 32mm scale, so the Clockwork Mage stands at 48mm in height with his fiery hands raised above his head. However, some of the other figures I have bought in 40mm scale so as to ‘dwarf’ this sorcerer have actually turned out to be significantly smaller than the magic user, such as the so-called Fungal Giant.

Wednesday 19 May 2021

“This Nest Of Wingless Mole-like Mammals…”

“…Hover through a mild form of telekinesis.”

This 28mm scale white metal model of some Owl-Shrews is sold by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” and can be bought as part of their Alien Pets deal. The tiny animals are actually only 6mm in length individually and are designed to be used with the company's other "Colony 87" sci-fi civilian miniatures "for any RPGs and tabletop wargames."

Sculpted by Andrew May, the diminutive critters were initially undercoated using "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, and shaded with "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade. They were then dry-brushed using (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, before having their main bodies darkened with an extra application of "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade. Finally, all of their eyes were ‘spotted’ with “Citadel” Abaddon Black.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - The Uruk-hai Crossbowmen have had their shoes and legs layered

Alongside the last of my Alien Pets, I have also been making steady progress on a small unit of Uruk-hai Crossbowmen for my 500 point strong Isengard army. One of the more interesting mechanics of the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game by “Games Workshop” is that armies have a bow limit due to “the many hundreds of arrows” needed during a confrontation, and as a result only one third (rounding up) of each force’s warrior models may be equipped with a bow.

In the past I’ve actually just used a small contingent of normal Orcs equipped with crude bows as the evil White Wizard’s missile troops. But this time round I thought I’d supply my initial scouting party with some much more thematically-based crossbows - which whilst significantly more cumbersome than my previous archers due to not being able to move and shoot in the same turn, will fire bolts twice the strength of an arrow when unleashed.

"Rocket Pig Games" WIPs - The Grave Gnasher's "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna weapon has been replaced with Gunmetal

Lastly, I’ve made some major inroads on my Grave Gnasher by “Rocket Pig Games”. This bizarre-looking 3D printed resin figure has actually proved a bit of a head-scratcher palette-wise as I’ve been in two minds as to whether it should be bedecked in precious gold or silver. My original plan was to use the 32mm miniature as the magical leader of Nature fighting off the mechanical machinations of a Clockwork Mage.

However, as the creature is clearly aligned to Death, I’ve already been contemplating using him as the commander of a third force firmly formed around the Undead. This change in the project’s direction has caused me to abandon my initial idea for the earth-based fiend to be wearing colourfully rich bracelets and weld a massive golden hammer, and instead re-paint the figure using a much more muted steel hand-weapon…

Monday 17 May 2021

“Welcome To Blood Bowl Sevens…”

“…The fast and furious game of fantasy football.”

"Hello sports fans, and welcome to a brand new edition of Monday Night Football. I'm Jim Maddenberg and along with my fellow co-commentator Thom Grassyglade, I’ll be bringing you all the latest news concerning the game’s most recent development known as Blood Bowl Sevens.”

"To begin with the amateur game seems to have already attracted the attention of a mysterious Human team, known simply as The Marauders. Thom, is this club associated with the much-missed Middenheim Marauders, or perhaps connected to the modern-day two-time Worlds Edge Super League Winners known as the Maulers..?”

"Blood Bowl" WIPs - The Human Lineman was layered, shaded and dry-brushed

“It wouldn’t appear so, Jim. Rather this team of out-of-production 28mm plastic Humans seems to have simply had their kit’s colour scheme inspired by a similarly aged metal boxed set from the early Nineties which was labelled The Marauders. For now all we do know is that the Sevens side’s first of five Linemen is ready for the pitch.”

“Costing 50,000 copper pieces this player was primed in a mixture of “Vallejo” Black Surface Primer and Gloss Black. He was then given a double coat of “Vallejo” Gunmetal, before being shaded with “Citadel” Nuln Oil and dry-brushed using (more) “Vallejo” Gunmetal.”

"Blood Bowl" WIPs - The Human Lineman's "Vallejo" Gold areas were layered with Heavy Sienna first

“I understand the Lineman’s boots, straps and gloves were treated to a combination of “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna and “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade, Thom..? Followed by his hip cloth being pigmented with “Vallejo” White, Sun Yellow and a splash of “Citadel” Reikland Fleshshade.”

“That’s correct Jim. Finally, the Human player’s shoulder pads, belt buckle and helmet crest were given a coat of “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna and subsequently Gold, as well as plenty of “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade. As a last touch, his trousers and belt were tidied up using a little “Citadel” Abaddon Black, and his armour darkened right down with another application of Nuln Oil.”

"Thanks Thom. That just about concludes this Blood Bowl Sevens show. But please do join us again next time when we'll be taking a closer look at some of this team's other players..."

Friday 14 May 2021

“Demon Is Actually The More Common Term For Extraplanar Entity.”

“Few of the demons in Frostgrave have come of their own free will or for their own purpose.”

This 28mm scale metal model of a Minor Demon is made by “North Star Military Figures” and can be bought together with a somewhat smaller Imp Demon as code FGV302 from their “Frostgrave” range. Rather embarrassingly I actually received this figure as part of a Secret Santa gift way back in December 2015, and had initially planned to paint him as part of that year’s Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.

Described as being “pretty unhappy about being pulled away from their own existence”, the devil was primed with “Vallejo” Heavy Red and washed in “Citadel” Carroburg Crimson. I then ‘picked out’ its hooves, horns and teeth with a combination of “Vallejo” White and “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade”, before applying “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna to all the monster’s fur.

"Goatskins full of blood poured upon Bezerkers before battle instil their bloodlust."

These areas were later drenched in (more) “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade. I did originally just leave the Minor Demon’s tongue black, as per the creature’s ‘official’ paint-job. But I simply didn’t like the way it looked somewhat unfinished, so eventually went back with a little “Vallejo” Heavy Violet and “Citadel” Druchi Violet.

Alongside my latest “Frostgrave” figure I have finished the fourth (and final) 28mm Uruk-hai Bezerker by "Games Workshop" which I needed for my 500-point "Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game" Isengard force. Like so many of my metal “The Lord Of The Rings” miniatures, this old model was bought at a wargaming show over a decade ago , and was painted along the exact same lines to those used for my previously-painted "Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game" super-strong Orcs.

"Rocket Pig Games" WIPs - This Grave Gnasher has been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

Sticking with Fantasy, albeit an entirely different world to that of Joseph A. McCullough or J.R.R. Tolkein, I have made some in-roads on another of my “Rocket Pig Games” sculpts which “FullyCycled” have printed for me in resin. I must admit that this 32mm miniature of a Grave Gnasher has turned out to be a bit softer in detail than I was anticipating, but having looked much closer at the 3D rendering the monster is clearly meant to be a bit ‘blobby’.

Its pre-printed base has also turned out a bit larger than I anticipated, so instead of placing him upon a normal 28mm circular base I have had to use a 40mm instead. This additional size also made me consider placing one or two thematic grave markers around the fiend so as to tie-in to it being an Undead creature of some kind. However, I ultimately felt this might make the entire ensemble a little too busy-looking, or at least, much more difficult to paint.

Wednesday 12 May 2021

“Mutaints Are Genetically And Surgically Modified Individuals…”

“…Usually criminals or failed FedSec staff.”

These three 28mm Federated Security Mutaints were originally released by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” way back in July 2013 and were sculpted by Ian Mountain. These days however, the sculpt is available as Mutaint B from "Beast In The Broch", along with many other 'dead-ringers' from the BBC science fiction television series “Blake’s Seven”. 

Before being primed, each metal figure’s head was attached looking in a slightly different direction in order to give each trooper some individuality. The separate heads can actually simply be super-glued into place, courtesy of a small bump sticking out from their underside which can then sit upon the torso’s slightly hollowed out neck. In the past though, I have inadvertently dislodged the head whilst handling the model during its painting, so to make doubly sure it would remain in place, the two pieces were additionally pinned and green-stuffed in place.

"Zombicide 2nd Edition" WIPs - President 16 is slowly having his details 'picked out'

Described as retaining “no memories of their previous selves” having “been conditioned to obey orders without question”, each miniature was primed in "Citadel" Abaddon Black and energetically dry-brushed with “Vallejo” Heavy Charcoal. I then picked out all the Mutaints’ gauntlets and chest coverings using pure "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal, and subsequently drenched each one in "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

In addition, I attempted to make Space Commander Travis’ Command Crew a little more sinister-looking by using "Vallejo" Heavy Warmgrey for their faces’ flesh as opposed to my regular Heavy Skintone, and shading them with "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade. Lastly, each trooper's firearm was pigmented using a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"I am Groot."

With the latest additions to my Federated Security force finished, I have managed to persevere with my test piece taken from the “Zombicide 2nd Edition” Presidential Box Survivor Pack by “CoolMiniOrNot”. I’m still not convinced attempting to paint the hordes of plastic figures which were produced during this highly successful Kickstarter is going to be good for my health, but the Abraham Lincoln sculpt seems to be working out reasonably well, and might encourage me to do a second US President once completed.

I’ve also taken the time to return to my previously-painted model of Groot by “Atomic Mass Games” and attempted to lighten the extra-terrestrial's rather dark colour scheme with a dry-brush of “Vallejo” Earth. I rarely return to past projects, however, the Flora colossi’s predominantly “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna (and super-shiny) palette made it difficult to see a lot of the sculpt’s excellent detail, even after applying a couple of coats of Matt Varnish over the "Marvel Crisis Protocol" miniature.

Monday 10 May 2021

“Treants Are A Peaceful Race Usually Found Roaming Ancient Forests.”

"They spend their time guarding and preserving their woodlands,"

This 72mm tall resin model of a Treant is produced by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” and can be purchased from the Lincolnshire-based company’s Fantasy range. Described as being “fond of other peaceful beings”, the multi-part figure was assembled using a combination of metal pins, green-stuff and super-glue before being attached to a “Citadel” circular 50mm base.

Able to “unleash thunderous destruction on anyone threatening their lands”, I initially primed the miniature with “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna. I then sporadically ‘blotched’ the “nomadic tree shepherd” with some “Vallejo” Earth and shaded the entire ensemble with a mixture of “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade and The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - These three Mutaints just need shading

In order to really bring out all the sculpt’s wonderful wooden details I next took a soft face make-up blusher brush dipped in “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna and patiently drew it across all of the raised surfaces on the Treant. This was followed up by an even lighter dry-brush of “Vallejo” Earth.

With the basics now finished, I set about ‘picking out’ all the marvellous mushrooms and slightly intimidating leaves etched upon the “almost Troll-like” creature’s bark. I used “Vallejo” Heavy Red and “Citadel” Carroburg Crimson for the tops of the toadstools, and “Vallejo” White with a smidgeon of Pale Grey for the fungi’s underbellies. Lastly, I applied a combination of “Vallejo” Heavy Green and “Citadel” Biel-Tan Green to the model’s somewhat abundant foliage.

"Berserkers were tough Orcs bred in Isengard."

Sticking with “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” figures, I have made some more progress on three of the last five OOP Federated Security Mutaints I own. Admittedly, these minions of Space Commander Travis haven’t taken too long to base layer, but they still need their eyes ‘dotting’ and washes to be applied before being finished.

In addition, I am pleased to report that yet another 28mm Uruk-hai Bezerker by "Games Workshop" has been completed for my 500-point "Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game" Isengard force. This particular metal sculpt is identical to one I already recently pigmented, so I decided to make him appear slightly different by leaving his helmet just plain metal, rather than giving it the emblem of the White Wizard, Saruman.

Friday 7 May 2021

“Why, It's A Man! A Man Made Out Of Tin!”

“Where do you want to be oiled first?”

This 40mm scale resin print of a Tin Construct is produced by "Rocket Pig Games", but actually 3D printed by “FullyCycled” over on “Etsy”. The model is one of several test prints I recently bought in order to see just how well such figures can currently be manufactured, and for a homemade project pitting the forces of a Clockwork Mage against those of the Natural World.

The figure comes on a pre-printed base, which is arguably the only place where the tell-tale striation signs of a 3D print were visible. This part also wasn’t terrible flat, so I had the option of either removing the mechanical man from its some large boulder-covered stand, or super-gluing it onto a 50mm circular base by “Games Workshop”.

"Before they are unleashed, their helmets are filled with blood..."

Considering just how brittle I found the miniature to be when I inadvertently snipped off the handle to its head, having mistaken it for a support strut, I quickly decided to simply attach it to the base and apply a coat of “Vallejo” Gloss Black over the entire model. I then treated the figure to a layer of “Scale 75” Decayed Metal, a hearty dry-brush of “Scale 75” Thrash Metal, and a wash of “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

I next dabbed the Tin Construct’s various joints, its boiler and its damaged axe-head with some "Mig Productions" Extreme Rust Wash, and applied a second dry-brush of “Scale 75” Thrash Metal over the entire ensemble to help blend it all in. As a final touch on the metallic work, I also added some “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade sporadically over the model in an effort to weather it some more, and where appropriate, gave some of these areas an additional dry-brush of “Scale 75” Thrash Metal.

"...And then thrust roughly onto their head."

Lastly, I treated the lumbering construct’s axe-shaft to a combination of “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna and “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade, and his eyes to a dab of “Vallejo” Dark Vermillion. Ordinarily, I’d usually leave the figure alone at this point to be varnished and flocked. But as the miniature has some splendidly sculpted stones on its base, I decided to ‘embellish’ them a little using some “Vallejo” Heavy Bluegrey and a dash of “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

With my first ever 3D printed miniature completed, I have also managed to fully pigment another 28mm Uruk-hai Bezerker by "Games Workshop" for my 500-point Isengard force. As memory serves this old metal sculpt was bought at a wargaming show over a decade ago , and was painted along the exact same lines to those used for my previously-painted "Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game" super-strong Orcs.

Wednesday 5 May 2021

“The Most Barbarous And Brutal Of The Uruk-hai Are The Bezerkers.”

"Frenzied killers who are hurled into battle to break through enemy lines."

This 28mm scale metal Uruk-hai Berzerker is produced by "Games Workshop", and these days can be bought as one of four different resin cast sculpts from the Nottingham-based company’s "The Lord Of The Rings" range. Both “Oblivious To Pain” and “Impervious To Bow Fire” in the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, this is one of seven such double-handed sword-wielding maniacs I intend to field as part of my 500-point Isengard force.

The figure was initially primed in two coats of “Vallejo” Heavy Red, before having his leather sandals, loincloth and hand-guards ‘picked out’ with some slightly watered-down Heavy Sienna. The entire model was then shaded in “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade, and had its chainmail pigmented using a combination of “Scale 75” Thrash Metal and “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

"Rocket Pig Games" WIPs - The Tin Construct is currently being weathered

Next I tackled the issue of trying to replicate the decades-old metallic paint-job some of my previously-finished Orcs had with modern-day colours. This resulted in me applying some “Citadel” Abaddon Black to their great hand-weapons and helmets as a base coat, and subsequently giving them a lick of “Scale 75” Decayed Metal.

The sword and head-gear were later dry-brushed with “Scale 75” Thrash Metal, shaded with “Citadel” Nuln Oil, and finally dry-brushed with (more) “Scale 75” Thrash Metal. As a last step I applied a hand pattern over the brute’s face with some “Vallejo” White” so as to mark the Bezerker out as being favoured by the treacherous White Wizard himself.

"Rocket Pig Games" WIPs - The Twig Fiend has been shaded and dry-brushed

In addition to my latest Uruk-hai, I have also been working on the first couple of 3D Printed models I bought from “FullyCycled”. Both of these figures are actually produced by “Rocket Pig Games” and printed in resin. However, as part of my experiment into this new aspect of the wargaming world, I did acquire a 40mm print of the Tin Construct and just a 32mm the Twig Fiend; albeit on the tabletop the wooden monstrosity would appear to be of a comparable size.

One of the first learning curves I’ve experienced is being super-careful when removing any support struts still attached to the models, and double-checking to ensure what I’m clipping off isn’t actually meant to be part of the sculpt itself. Unfortunately, I mistook the Tin Construct’s head-handle as being ‘flash’ and whilst tidying up one of the tendrils on the back of my Twig Fiend snapped the surprisingly brittle piece off…

Monday 3 May 2021

“The Paladin Weaver Can Channel Destructive Fury Cyphers.”

"Accompanying the Alliance’s forces on the battlefield..."

This 35mm scale metal miniature of a Paladin Weaver is produced by “Privateer Press” and can be found inside the Iron Star Alliance Command Group Starter Set for Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika. Able to “unleash all manner of psychokinetic ruin upon those who would face the Paladins in battle”, the three-piece figure also comes armed with a “null hammer, a battle staff capable of knocking Arc off any opponent it strikes.”

Having pinned the solo right arm and backpack in place, the entire assembly was primed in "Citadel" Abaddon Black before being treated to a double-helping of "Vallejo" Gunmetal. It was then shaded using "Citadel" Nuln Oil and dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Gunmetal, courtesy of a large make-up blusher brush.

"...The Paladin Weaver acts as a living focus for the Warcaster’s offensive arcane might."

Initially, I had planned to turn my Iron Star Alliance miniatures into a somewhat rusty and battered formation, arguably more in keeping with their supposed "aggressive expansion throughout the galaxy". But in the end, I actually chose to predominantly keep to the somewhat 'clean' look of their metallic compound armour, and instead just 'pick out' various areas of interest on each figure.

For the Weaver this meant applying some "Citadel" Abaddon Black to the Paladin's skirt, neck plate, elbow-pads, and the shaft of his null hammer. In addition, I layered the model's spats, shoulder-pads, face-plate, hand-weapon and central chest-plate with "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, and later gave them a 'lick' of Brass followed by a splash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. These areas were later delicately dry-brushed with a touch more "Vallejo" Brass to try and bring back some of their shine after being shaded.

"The Lord Of The Rings" WIPs - These three Uruk-hai Bezerkers are at various stages

Lastly, in an effort to somewhat further break-up all the metallics on show, I applied some "Vallejo" Turquoise to the central front and rear portions of his loincloth and washed them with "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade. I also decided to paint the miniature’s cyclopean ‘eye’ with a combination of “Vallejo” White and Fluorescent Blue so as to make it ‘pop’ that bit more from the rest of the figure.

With the latest of my Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika miniatures finished, I’ve managed to make some further progress on the remaining metal Uruk-hai Bezerkers I want to field for my 500 point Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Isengard army. The plan is to have seven on these old “Games Workshop” sculpts following one of my Captains, alongside a contingent of already-painted Uruk-hai Scout bowmen, and then move on to pigmenting a quartet of crossbowman to follow another evil Hero of Fortitude…

Saturday 1 May 2021

(Lead) Mountain Musings - "The Lord Of The Rings" May 2021

"Isengard is a mighty fortress sited to guard the Gap of Rohan."

This month's effort to chisel away at my rather large backlog of metal, plastic and resin models will primarily focus upon the completion of a 500 point Isengard army for the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game by “Games Workshop”. Fortunately as project’s go, this particular one shouldn’t prove too difficult as I already own a sizeable amount of painted Uruk-hai from the Nottingham-based manufacturer’s old "The Lord Of The Rings" range, and have spent a fair portion of the past four weeks ‘picking away’ at some of Saruman’s sword-wielding super-strong orcs.

In addition, as I want my force to be lead by the treacherous White Wizard himself, then I actually only now need to paint up a figure of the Head of the White Council to be done. However, my ultimate plan is to be in a position where, should I wish to replace magic with sheer weight of unnatural numbers, I can swap Saruman out with a hefty horde of extra Bezerkers and crossbow-carrying Uruk-hai.

"Rocket Pig Games" WIPs - Tin Construct, Dwarven War Construct, and Twig Fiend

Alongside this cunning plan, I also thought it was about time I started dabbling in the increasingly impressive wargaming world of 3D printed miniatures. I have been contemplating buying my own additive manufacturing machine for a while, but thought as a first step I would simply purchase a few models from different sellers on Etsy, and explore the quality which the different materials used to create the figures employ.

For now I’m sticking with some of the simply marvellous sculpts produced by “Rocket Pig Games”, and had the company “FullyCycled” print these out for me in different scales and materials. The results have certainly been somewhat mixed, but I’m still hopeful to have enough playable pieces fully-pigmented by the end of this experiment with which to game the eternal struggle for domination between an all-conquering Clockwork Mage and the Forces of Nature…

April 2021 - "North Star Military Figures" dominated the month thanks to its range of Frostgrave models

Painting wise, the past four weeks have resulted in the biggest turn-out I’ve ever experienced during the month of April, thanks largely to my ability to work through a number of animals and monsters for the second edition of Frostgrave. This ever-increasing bestiary has seen “North Star Military Figures” suddenly become my second favourite manufacturer of the year so far, and with even more of their Frozen City-based fauna currently sat upon my painting table I’ve little doubt they’ll continue to make an impressive showing in the months to come too. 

I’ve also managed to make some healthy progress with my Iron Star Alliance force for Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika. I’ve never actually finished a model by “Privateer Press” until I started getting the army’s various paladins tabletop ready, but am now reasonably close to getting all the figures in their Command Group Starter Set completed, as well as some additional reinforcements in the shape of three Annihilators.