Sunday 31 October 2021

“Shoulda Stayed In Your Graves, Wormfodder!”

“Pick your targets and shoot for their heads!”

This 28mm multi-part walking cadaver is predominantly made up of plastic pieces taken from the "Kings Of War" Undead Zombie Horde sprue by "Mantic Games". However, it has been slightly converted using the head of a metal “Mongoose Publishing” Zombie Judge, so as to better represent the shambling corpse of Judge Miller – who was killed by a ravenously hungry zed whilst defending Mega City One’s Gate One during the Judge Dredd epic storyline “Judgement Day”.

Like all the living dead figures I painted five years ago during Zomtober 2016, the doomed Judge was undercoated using a double layer of “Vallejo” Iraqi Sand and later washed with “Citadel” Biel-Tan Green. I then dry-brushed the living cadaver with (more) “Vallejo” Iraqi Sand, before picking out any exposed internal organs a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and “Citadel” Carroburg Crimson.

"The weapons’ advanced smart lock-targeting system robs its targets of the defensive benefits of cover."

The dead lawman’s visible left knee-cap was treated to a layer of “Vallejo” White followed by a splash of “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade. In addition, I applied some “Vallejo” Heavy Red and (more) “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade to the Judge’s damaged helmet edging. This made the headwear actually appear a shade darker than the colour I usually use for this part of the Justice Department uniform, but I wanted to illustrate that the griminess of death had already started to take effect. I also used some “Citadel” Abaddon Black for poor Miller’s shredded lower uniform.

Finally, I decided to dirty my zombie up by applying some “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade” sporadically over the model, in order to give the impression of shadows and rotting flesh. As a last touch, I did the same thing with a little “Citadel” Carroburg Crimson, predominantly concentrating on the parts surrounding the walking corpse’s deeper wounds.

Other bloggers taking part in Zomtober 2021 are:

Rantings From Under The Wargames Table


Wargames Terrain Workshop

Dead Lead Project

Colgar6 And The Infinite Legion Of Toy Soldiers

Guru PIGS Blog

Apocalypse: Earth

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - These Sorcerous Sentinels just need shading and dry-brushing 

Alongside the last of my entries for this year’s Zomtober, I have finished the second of three 35mm scale metal Paladin Annihilators produced by “Privateer Press” for Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika. The multi-part miniature was painted in precisely the same palette as its recently completed predecessor, and takes me one step closer to being able to field different five units for my Iron Star Alliance army.

In addition, I have almost finished four of nine Sorcerous Sentinels by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” I intend to have tabletop ready over the next few days. The quartet of Slayers have now had all their base layers finished, and just need some washes and dry-brushing before being ready for a coat of varnish and some static grass…

Friday 29 October 2021

“Armed With Rapid-Fire Harbinger Cannons…”

“…The Paladin Annihilators provide heavy support to Alliance forces on the battlefield.”

This 35mm scale metal Paladin Annihilator is produced by “Privateer Press” and is one of three figures which can be found inside the SKU: 83008 Paladin Annihilators – Iron Star Alliance Squad for Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika. The multi-part figure carries a rapid-fire weapon “that can hit up to three models with every attack”, even those who aren’t “even in their line of sight.”

Having super-glued the futuristic warrior’s weapon arms and Arc receiver in place, the miniature was primed in "Citadel" Abaddon Black before being treated to a double-helping of "Vallejo" Gunmetal. It was then shaded using "Citadel" Nuln Oil and dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Gunmetal using a large make-up blusher brush.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - Three Sorcerous Sentinels 

Sticking with the somewhat 'clean' metallic look of the Paladin’s previously painted comrades-in-arms’ mechanically enhanced compound armour, I patiently 'picked out' the Annihilator’s knee-pads, central chest plate, elbow-pads, and the majority of his Harbinger Cannon’s housing in "Citadel" Abaddon Black. In addition, I applied a layer of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna over the soldier’s spats, shoulder-pads, face-plate, and thigh-joints.

These areas were later given a coat of "Vallejo" Brass, a dash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, and some delicate dry-brushing with a smidge more "Vallejo" Brass so as to bring back some of their shine after being shaded. I also painted part of each Paladin's Arc receiver with "Vallejo" Brass and washed them with "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade.

"Pendraken Miniatures" WIPs - Six based and primed Facehuggers

Finally, as I wanted this heavy support Paladin to stand out from the run-of-the-mill Enforcers, I decided to apply a combination of “Scalecolor” Cobalt Alchemy and “Citadel” Drakenhof Nightshade to the model’s helmet and shoulder-plates. To be honest, I would have liked to have employed this palette on some additional areas too, but chose to stick to just those pieces of armour which I could easily reach with a brush-tip on all three of the miniatures.

Alongside my first “Privateer Press” figure for over five months, I have been working my way through some of the other Weekly Painting Challenges I’ve set myself over the past month. As a result I have almost finished working on four 28mm Sorcerous Sentinels by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio”, and my latest goal, randomly chosen via a deck of playing cards, of ten 10mm Face Huggers by “Pendraken Miniatures”…

Sunday 24 October 2021

“A… A Walking Corpse!”

“How do you stop --”

This 28mm multi-part walking cadaver is predominantly made up of plastic pieces taken from the "Kings Of War" Undead Zombie Horde sprue by "Mantic Games". However, it has been slightly converted using the left gloved hand of a metal “Mongoose Publishing” Zombie Judge, so as to better represent the shambling corpse of Cadet Judge Krowe – who was literally torn wide open by a hungry zed at the beginning of the Judge Dredd epic storyline “Judgement Day”.

Like all the rest of the living dead I originally painting during Zomtober 2016, the hapless aspiring Judge was undercoated using a double layer of “Vallejo” Iraqi Sand and subsequently washed with “Citadel” Biel-Tan Green. I then dry-brushed the monstrosity with (more) “Vallejo” Iraqi Sand, before picking out his exposed innards with "Vallejo" Heavy Red and Squid Pink. These areas were later splashed with “Citadel” Carroburg Crimson.

"Mantic Games" WIPs - The 'converted' zombie had its flesh shaded with "Citadel" Biel-Tan Green

The ghoul’s lower spine, rib-cage and skull were treated to a combination of “Vallejo” White and “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade. In addition, I applied some “Vallejo” Heavy Green and “Citadel” Biel-Tan Green to the dead cadet’s glove. This is actually a shade darker than the palette I ordinarily use for the Justice Department uniform, but I wanted to show that some of dankness of death had already saturated the piece of clothing. I also used some “Citadel” Abaddon Black for poor Krowe’s tattered trousers.

Finally, I decided to dirty my zombie up by applying some “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade” sporadically over the model, in order to give the impression of shadows and rotting flesh. As a last touch, I did the same thing with a little “Citadel” Carroburg Crimson, predominantly concentrating on the deep wounds already layered with “Vallejo” Heavy Red on its leg, arm and chest, as well as the severed hand the zed was carrying.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Company" WIPs - The Sorcerous Sentinels have been shaded and dry-brushed

I currently have another pair of these converted “Mantic Games” zombies on my painting table, both of which use pieces cut from the same “Moongoose Publishing” Zombie Judge this particular figure was assembled from. I plan to use these to represent Spencer and Miller; two Judges who fell before the zombie horde invading Mega-City One once the metropolis’ great wall was breached and the undead overran the Justice Department’s perimeter.

Other bloggers taking part in Zomtober 2021 are:

Rantings From Under The Wargames Table


Wargames Terrain Workshop

Dead Lead Project

Colgar6 And The Infinite Legion Of Toy Soldiers

Guru PIGS Blog

Apocalypse: Earth

In addition, I have made some more progress on a few of the Sorcerous Sentinels by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” I aim to pigment for this week’s painting challenge. Having previously primed the “race of aliens that serve The Beast in his conquering of planets” in “Vallejo” German Grey, I have managed to give them a seriously shading of “Citadel” Nuln Oil and dry-brush of (more) “Vallejo” German Grey…

Friday 22 October 2021

“The Big Regimental 12cm Mortars…”

“…Fire a heavier bombardment at a longer range than the light 8cm mortars.”

This quartet of plastic 15mm miniatures are sold by “Battlefront Miniatures” and can be found inside the company’s 12cm Mortar Platoon blister for “Flames Of War”. The team consists of a two-piece mortar and four mortar loaders. You actually get four teams in the blister so as to build a full-strength platoon, however I picked these particular figures up off “eBay” as a single sprue.

As with all my other “FoW” German soldiers, the figures were initially super-glued onto wooden strips, before being primed in “Vallejo” German Fieldgrey WWII, shaded using “Citadel” Nuln Oil, and dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” German Fieldgrey WWII. Their details were then ‘picked out’ predominantly using “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna, Gunmetal, Buff, German Camouflage Dark Green, Heavy Brown and a series of “Citadel” Shades.

"Privateer Press" WIPs - This Paladin Annihilator has slowly had its detail 'picked out'

The beauty of these little kits is that each large base is almost like a tiny vignette in its own right, so despite the fact that each sprue contains exactly the same collection of sculpts, each team can still be attached to their stand in a myriad of different combinations depending upon where the holes for the soldiers are located. Ensuring that the weapon faced “the short edge”, I therefore repositioned the mortar loaders this time round to predominantly stand/kneel to the left of the formidable firing piece.

Moving on to the most recent of my Weekly Challenges, I have been making some steady progress on the first of three Paladin Annihilators I want to field for "Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika". These metal "Privateer Press" castings are a lot of fun to work on, but having used some previously-painted Paladin Enforcers as a guide, I’ve spotted a couple of common areas between the two different infantry teams which I’ve now decided to pigment “Vallejo” Brass and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, rather than just plain old Abaddon Black.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - These three Sorcerous Sentinels have been based and primed

This has invariably meant that I have dug out all my old Iron Star Alliance models and started ‘touching up’ these additional areas on them, as well as working through my trio of Annihilators. I have however, finally settled upon Cobalt Alchemy by “Scalecolor” for the heavy support troopers’ helmets. Combined with a shade of Drakenhof Nightshade, this should help better distinguish the rapid-fire harbinger cannon-carriers from their similar-looking brethren on the tabletop.

Finally, I have started basing and priming nine Sorcerous Sentinels by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” for this week’s monstrous challenge, which as usual was randomly chosen via a deck of playing cards. These “Otherworldly watchers” will be painted up in three batches, and will all follow the ‘official’ colour scheme of the Slayers from Peter Yates’ 1983 science fantasy film “Krull”.

Sunday 17 October 2021

“There’s More Of ‘Em Back There, Judge!”

“Judges! Thank Grud!”

This 28mm scale metal miniature of a Cleaner was produced by “Mongoose Publishing” and formed part of my rewards from the company’s 2012 “Judge Dredd Miniatures Game: Block War” Kickstarter. The now long out of production (OOP) figure was later made available both alongside a Sleezy Lawyer in a single blister, as well as part of the “Warlord Games” Mega-City Street Gang boxed set Code JD021.

Reimagined in my own mind’s eye as one of the lucky citizens saved by Judge Dredd from Jakky Bilebag’s Hopshoppery during the zombie invasion entitled “Judgement Day”, the model was undercoated using two layers of “Vallejo” Heavy Bluegrey and later shaded with some significantly watered-down “Citadel” Nuln Oil. The figure’s boots, gloves and belt were then treated to a little “Citadel” Abaddon Black, before his belt buckle, helmet and hand-weapon received a combination of “Vallejo” Gunmetal and “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

"Mongoose Publishing" WIPs - Oola Blint is slowly having her base colours layered

I also considered applying a little “Vallejo” Gunmetal to the supposed juve’s visor, as per the official “Mongoose Publishing” paint-job. However, I thought this would clash with the perp’s helmet, and as I have another two Cleaners currently working their way up my hobby queue, felt I could use the glasses as a means of differentiating each of the miniatures with alternative colours. As a result, I simply ‘picked out’ this particular visor with “Vallejo” Dark Grey and “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

Other bloggers taking part in Zomtober 2021 are:

Rantings From Under The Wargames Table


Wargames Terrain Workshop

Dead Lead Project

Colgar6 And The Infinite Legion Of Toy Soldiers

Guru PIGS Blog

Apocalypse: Earth

With my the second of this year’s Zomtober challenge entries finished, I have managed to spend a little time working on the so-called "Angel of Mercy", Oola Blint. As with the Cleaner, this serial killer was one of my rewards from the “Judge Dredd Miniatures Game: Block War” Kickstarter, and recently caught my eye whilst I was sifting through my backlog of “Mongoose Publishing” figures.

"Flames Of War" WIPs - These Mortar Loaders have all have their details 'picked out'

I’m hoping to get the mass murderer with a penchant for “administering a lethal injection” finished quite soon, as I’d like to use her as a ‘wandering encounter’ for my homemade “Judge Dredd” rule-set the next time I settle down for a game. In addition, I’ve dug out a handful more characterful casts, such as Walter the Wobot, the Midnight Surfer and Judge Anderson, to keep my enthusiasm for Mega-City One’s toughest lawman maintained.

In addition, I’m just putting the finishing touches on the last four plastic 15mm miniatures sold by “Battlefront Miniatures” which I need so as to field a (minimum strength) German 12cm Mortar Platoon for “Flames Of War”. Once done, I aim to pigment a further four Panzergrenadier infantrymen before embarking on a four-vehicle Panzer IV Tank Platoon for my Beach Defence force.

Wednesday 13 October 2021

“The Mortars Give Greater Firepower In The Artillery Role…”

“…At the cost of direct-fire infantry support.”

These four plastic 15mm miniatures are sold by “Battlefront Miniatures” and can be found inside the company’s 12cm Mortar Platoon blister for “Flames Of War”. The models consist of a two-piece mortar and four mortar loaders. You actually get four teams in the blister so as to build a full-strength platoon, however I picked these particular figures up off “eBay” as a single sprue.

As with all my other “FoW” German soldiers, the figures were initially super-glued onto wooden strips, before being primed in “Vallejo” German Fieldgrey WWII, shaded using “Citadel” Nuln Oil, and dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” German Fieldgrey WWII. Their details were then ‘picked out’ predominantly using “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna, Gunmetal, Buff, German Camouflage Dark Green, Heavy Brown and a series of “Citadel” Shades.

"Privateer Press" WIPs - These three Paladin Annihilators have been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

Disappointingly I was hoping to have also completed a second 12cm Mortar sprue I own, so as to field a minimum-sized platoon. But I still need one more dedicated hobby session with some of them to get the quartet finished and ready for action. However, there’s still enough 15mm figures on this single large base to satisfy my recent two weekly painting challenge targets.

Speaking of my Weekly Challenges, randomly chosen via a deck of playing cards, my seventh goal will be to pigment three 28mm miniatures. To be honest I have plenty of partially-painted models which I could have selected for such an objective, but ultimately went with a trio of Paladin Annihilators for "Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika". These metal "Privateer Press" castings were originally started way back in April of this year, and will help me ‘flesh’ out my starting Iron Star Alliance force rather nicely.

"Mongoose Publishing" WIPs - Three Cleaners from the "Judge Dredd Miniatures Games"

Sticking with ‘groups of three’ I have also been working on some Cleaner sculpts by “Mongoose Publishing” from their now OOP “Judge Dredd Miniatures Game”. These are essentially juve perps carrying a hand-club, and should be ready in time for my next Zomtober entry. All my submissions this year are based around the classic “2000 A.D.” comic strip “Judgement Day”, which contained a great action sequence inside the Romero Block Hopshop where Dredd, Hershey and Spencer saved a group of hapless citizens from some flesh-hungry walking cadavers.

In addition, I wanted to be able to field some minor threat-level criminals for my games of “Judge Dredd”, which could also become the targets of the living dead should the different random hazards crop up within the same game. This actually occurred in one of my most recent battles, where a mob blitzer was suddenly supported by some zombies. At the time we simply had the zeds ignore the gun-toting potential meal so the game could continue apace. But it would be nice in future if the criminals could suddenly find themselves fighting off the living dead, and even seeking the co-operation of the Justice Department against an overriding common enemy.

Sunday 10 October 2021

“My Side's Clear, Krowe.”

“Converge on Krowe! Now!”

This 28mm scale metal miniature of a Cadet Judge was produced by “Mongoose Publishing” and formed part of my rewards from the company’s 2012 “Judge Dredd Miniatures Game: Block War” Kickstarter. The now long out of production (OOP) figure was later made available by “Warlord Games” as Code JD20013 Cadet Judge 1, and could apparently also be found inside the Nottingham-based manufacturer’s The Justice Department: Mega-City Judges boxed set code JD001. 

“Usually inducted into the Academy of Law at the tender age of five”, this model was undercoated using a double-helping of “Citadel” Abaddon Black, before having his boots, kneepads, belt, elbow-pads and gloves ‘picked out’ with “Vallejo” Heavy Grey. All of these areas were subsequently shaded using some “Citadel” Biel-Tan Green.

Having faced Judge Death, Judge Dekker tackles a Mob Blitzer who has been gunning down Street Judges

The Cadet Judge’s belt buckle, helmet badge and shoulder-pads were given a layer of “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna, and then later treated to a combination of Gold and “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade. I also used some “Vallejo” Gunmetal on the miniature’s lawgiver, and subsequently washed the firearm in “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

Other bloggers taking part in Zomtober 2021 are:

Rantings From Under The Wargames Table


Wargames Terrain Workshop

Dead Lead Project

Colgar6 And The Infinite Legion Of Toy Soldiers

Guru PIGS Blog

Apocalypse: Earth

With my the first of this year’s Zomtober challenge entries finished, I recently paid another visit to the LVL Up Gaming Store in Bournemouth in order to continue play-testing some homemade 28mm Judge Dredd rules. The two scenarios used various figures taken from my collection of painted “Judge Dredd: The Miniatures Games” by "Mongoose Publishing", and used some of the excellent Industrial Range scenic pieces produced by “TableScape” to represent Mega-City One.

Judge Dekker and Judge Giant battle a horde of flesh-eating zombies

Our opening game saw Judge Dredd and some additional Street Judges having to swap the contents of a couple of randomly located safe houses. Judge Giant definitely took on the lion’s share of this ultimately successful mission, which was much needed considering just how many of his colleagues a lone Mob Blitzer somehow managed to gun down throughout the conflict.

We then played out a straightforward zombie invasion similar to “Judgement Day”, which saw a horde of brain-hungry cadavers making their way through the streets of Mega-City One. Judge Dredd simply had to hold a number of strategic objectives within a certain time frame, but this proved easier said than done as the zeds started to dismember the Street Judges around him. In the end, the battle was only won by the Justice Department on the very last dice roll of the confrontation…

Wednesday 6 October 2021

“Benny The Bat Strikes Again!”

“Rich Pickings! Slumber on, Dodo!”

This 28mm scale metal model of a Bat Burglar was produced by “Mongoose Publishing” and formed part of my rewards from the company’s 2012 “Judge Dredd Miniatures Game: Block War” Kickstarter. The now long out of production (OOP) figure was later made available by “Warlord Games” as Code JD20164, and could also be bought alongside a Vid Reporter as the Nottingham-based manufacturer’s Mercenaries blister JD103.

Clearly inspired by Benny The Bat from the old black & white “Judge Dredd” comic strips in “The Daily Star” newspaper, the miniature was initially primed with two coats of “Vallejo” Heavy Blue, before being liberally shaded with “Citadel” Nuln Oil. The criminal was then dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Blue and had his boots, gloves, chest straps, jet-pack and hand-weapon all layered in “Citadel” Abaddon Black.

"Mongoose Publishing" WIPs - The Bat Burglar was primed, shaded and dry-brushed

The burglar’s jet-pack and firearm were subsequently given a lick of “Vallejo” Gunmetal and washed with plenty of “Citadel” Nuln Oil. Finally, Benny had his bare face treated to a combination of “Vallejo” Heavy Skintone and “Citadel” Reikland Fleshshade, and his Terry Thomas moustache ‘picked out’ with a few strokes of Abaddon Black.

Despite trying to predominantly stick to the palette of the model’s ‘official’ paint-job, I did feel that the perp’s attire should be much less eye-catching than the bright red ‘arrest me now’ chest straps “Warlord Games” seemed to prefer on their figure. In addition, I didn’t fancy the light-coloured boots and gloves favoured by artist Ron Smith in his March 1983 story panels, especially as John Wagner and Alan Grant’s script doesn’t depict the villain as the luckiest of individuals.

"Battlefront Miniatures" WIPs - The soldiers are slowly having their tiny details picked out

Alongside my latest “Mongoose Publishing” miniature I have also completed four more 15mm German soldiers for my Beach Defence Grenadier Company. However, as my latest Weekly Challenge, randomly chosen via a deck of playing cards, dictated that I was to paint even more 15mm-20mm miniatures over the next seven days, I thought I’d simply crack on painting a second large gun unit and complete the entire (minimum strength) German 12cm Mortar Platoon.

To be honest I am a little disappointed in this particular plastic kit by “Battlefront Miniatures” as the figures for each team appear to consist of precisely the same four poses. True, I have enough of the rule-set’s large bases to at least make the layout of the two teams a little different from one another. But I’m already finding things a little monotonous painting exactly the same sculpt twice in quick succession…

Saturday 2 October 2021

(Lead) Mountain Musings - "Judge Dredd" Zomtober 2021

"Judgement Day Is Nigh!"

This month's themed attempt to reduce my mountain of metal, plastic and resin models will actually consist of a second attempt to complete a number of "Mongoose Publishing" models inspired by the “2000 A.D." and “Judge Dredd Megazine” comic book crossover event from 1992 entitled “Judgement Day". I actually tried to pigment a number of these figures during last year’s Zomtober, but having lost my hobby mojo for much of the challenge, disappointingly failed to finish a single miniature as planned.

Happily however, I’m actually currently playing quite a bit of “Judge Dredd” using some homemade rules, so don’t see my enthusiasm for the project being much of a problem this time round. Indeed, I have already spent some time searching through my backlog of models from the 2012 “Judge Dredd Miniatures Game: Block War” Kickstarter for anything remotely connected to writer Garth Ennis’ multi-issue storyline, including the immortal necromancer behind the zombie uprising - Sabbat the Necromagus.

"Judge Dredd" WIPs - This Cadet Judge is slowly having his details 'picked out'

Initially though, I thought it might be prudent to simply begin where the “Judgement Day” narrative itself starts, and pigment at least a couple (more) Cadet Judges to represent the Year Twelve cadre being examined by Dredd during their Hot Dog Run at Yancey Station in the Cursed Earth. Sadly Cadet Krowe would be the first Justice Department casualty of Mega-City One’s war against the Undead, so I felt he would make a suitable candidate for my opening paint-job.

Having had a good scrounge around I have found that I own another two male Cadet Judges, along with a Female Cadet Judge sculpt, so intend to additionally add Giant, Santando and Ekerson to my group respectively. In addition, I have dusted down the three metal/plastic zombie conversions I attempted to paint last year, along with a couple more old “Mongoose Publishing” Zombie Judge models I didn’t realise I owned.

Other bloggers taking part in Zomtober 2021 are:

Rantings From Under The Wargames Table


Wargames Terrain Workshop

Dead Lead Project

Colgar6 And The Infinite Legion Of Toy Soldiers

September 2021 - "Battlefront Miniatures" enter the Top Five after just two months

Progress wise, the last month was rather mediocre and not anywhere near as productive as I had originally hoped. I was expecting to have ploughed through a few more bases of 15mm “Battlefront Miniatures” than I actually achieved, as ordinarily playing a game really helps inspire me to crack on with the relevant rule-set’s figure line. That being said though, I did manage to get 16 more Panzergrenadiers under my belt for “Flames Of War”, which not only helped me take my painting points total for the year above that accumulated during the entirety of 2014 and 2015. But also saw the New Zealand-based company finally become one of my favourite Top Five manufacturers for this year.

The past four weeks have also seen me manage to complete the last of my medium-sized Mechs by “Catalyst Game Labs”, and already dip my toe into the somewhat ‘hit and miss’ range of “Judge Dredd” models by “Mongoose Publishing”. I still hope to ‘pick away’ at my “Battletech” backlog should time permit as I have a test-game of my homemade rules using the 1:285 scale plastic miniatures later this month. Albeit, I feel the majority of my foreseeable hobby-time will be spent bolstering my German Beach Defence force and building up a sizeable collection of “Judge Dredd” figures with which to replay “Judgement Day”.