Wednesday 17 November 2021

“Simmer Down!”

“You especially.”

This 28mm scale white metal model of Simian Minion D: Man-catcher is produced by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” and can be bought either separately or as part of their Simian Minions four-figure collection. The figure is designed to be used with the company's "7TV" United Radionics Programme Guide, but I intend to field it as one of several gorilla soldiers for my ongoing project based upon Franklin J. Schaffner's 1968 science fiction film "Planet Of The Apes".

Having super-glued a Simian head onto the torso, the miniature was initially primed with two coats of "Citadel" Abaddon Black, before being enthusiastically dry-brushed in Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal. It was then drenched in "Citadel" Nuln Oil, before having its trousers and sleeves pigmented using a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Violet and "Citadel" Druchii Violet.

A selection of my old English Civil War collection by "Front Rank Figurines"

Next I applied a layer of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna to the ape’s “wielding a sinister man-catcher” and ammunition belt, whilst the rope on its hand-weapon was painted using some Heavy Brown. All three of these areas were later shaded using "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade. Finally, I 'picked out' the gorilla’s very visible teeth using a combination of “Vallejo” White and “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade.

Alongside pigmenting my latest MoVember miniature I have been following Iain White’s simply splendid rebasing of a load of 28mm English Civil War miniatures I was able to personally give him during the summer. I actually bought these old “Front Rank Figurines” second-hand myself over twenty years ago, and had planned to use them as the basis for some Pike and shot wargaming. However, having started to base them individually (on two-pence pieces) I soon lost the will to live, especially when I later discovered that the sculpts were no longer produced so I couldn’t paint any more to match their previous owner’s rather unique, colourful style.

Prince Rupert, Boy and some Royalist cavalry rebased by Iain

Fortunately, Iain has really put the effort it to rank them up appropriately, and the cavalry look especially impressive en masse. I purchased the collection in several batches, including some Scottish forces, cannons and even Prince Rupert’s pet hunting poodle Boy, and resultantly was always a bit disconcerted by the inconsistency in some the paint-jobs – almost as if some units were rather rushed in an effort to get them on the battlefield. Happily though, Iain’s basing process appears to blend them all together rather well, and I would urge you to visit his excellent blog “Caveadsum1471” for more pictures.

In addition, I walked away from our meeting with some more lead to add to my own burgeoning collection, most notably the 1988 edition of “Blood Bowl” by “Games Workshop”, complete with a full metal Dwarf team. Iain was also super generous enough to gift me his copy of the Spacefarers Guide To Alien Races by “Phoenix Games” and the excellent Starships & Spacecraft playing aid “approved for the use with Traveller” as penned by Dave Sering. Two books which have really got my imagination rocking with ideas for future space battles…

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