Monday 14 November 2022

"A Yeti!"

"Oh, Doctor, Doctor, the Yeti. Have they gone?"

This metal Yeti is manufactured by “Warlord Games” and can be found inside the Nottingham-based company's "special limited-time offer" Doctor Who: Web Of Fear set. In total, the blister contains three models of the Great Intelligence's furry robots, alongside a kneeling figure of Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart and defiant-looking Professor Travers. Provided for free with any orders of £75 or more, the five-figure collection is based upon Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln's February 1968 televised story "The Web Of Fear".  

The miniature was initially undercoated with "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and 'drowned' using a combination of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade. It was then dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, and later treated to a light dusting of "Vallejo" Heavy Brown. Lastly, the furry monster's eyes were picked out with "Vallejo" White, Sun Yellow, "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade and an additional highlight of "Vallejo" Sun Yellow.

"Germany’s armed forces had carved out a home for themselves in France."

Alongside my third Movember inspired model, I have completed another stand of four 15mm plastic infantrymen to bolster my German Beach Defence Company for "Flames Of War". These models can be found inside the “Hit The Beach” starter set by “Battlefront Miniatures” and were all initially super-glued onto wooden strips, before being primed in “Vallejo” German Fieldgrey WWII.

Each soldier was subsequently shaded using “Citadel” Nuln Oil, and dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” German Fieldgrey WWII. Their details were then ‘picked out’ predominantly using “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna, Gunmetal, Buff, German Camouflage Dark Green, Heavy Brown and a series of “Citadel” Shades. Furthermore, the Panzergrenadiers' rifle tops, the general-purpose machine gun, and water flask stoppers were given a combination of “Vallejo” Gunmetal and “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

"Lost Heresy Miniatures" WIPs - Captain Tiberius, First Officer Lenoy and a Lava Creature

Lastly, I have been slowly working on some of the first models I received from "Lost Heresy Miniatures" after I subscribed to the creator's Patreon service. These 3D printed figures are clearly heavily influenced by the original Sixties science fiction television series "Star Trek", in particular the March 1967 episode - "The Devil In The Dark", and initially promised to be a much cheaper alternative to the rather expensive 'official' range of 32mm scale Starfleet crewmembers sold by "Modiphius Entertainment".

Unfortunately, I have found the sculpts to be a bit variable in size alongside one another (something that will become much clearer as I continue to paint my way through the numerous releases), and also relatively difficult to successfully print out on my Mars 3 Pro. Indeed, Captain Tiberius is sporting a plastic hand, taken from a "Warlord Games" 8th Army (Desert Rats) frame, following my machine's failure to produce all his fingers intact...

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