Tuesday 8 November 2022

"Those Yeti Have Changed In Appearance."

"It's a sort of Mark Two, isn't it."

These two metal Yeti are produced by “Warlord Games” and can be found inside the Nottingham-based company's "special limited-time offer" Doctor Who: Web Of Fear set. The blister actually contains three models of the Great Intelligence's hairy automatons, as well as figures of Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart and Professor Travers. Given away for free with any orders of £75 or more, the product is clearly based upon Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln's February 1968 televised story "The Web Of Fear".  

48mm in height, the "cuddly but ferocious" miniatures were primed using two coats of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna. They were then drenched in a mixture of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade, before being dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna. As a final highlight, I gave each of the redesigned robots a light dusting of "Vallejo" Heavy Brown. Finally, the monsters' eyes were layered in "Vallejo" White, treated to a coat of Sun Yellow, shaded with plenty of "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade and later brightened with an extra dab of "Vallejo" Sun Yellow.

"Cyber-Forge Miniatures" WIPs - Captain Benjamin Crocway

Released alongside several other 'free' "Doctor Who" related sets until "Warlord Games" licence for the BBC science fiction show expires at the end of 2022, these models have caused quite some consternation on the "Doctor Who: Exterminate" Facebook page due to so many products being released simultaneously - and each requiring a separate £75 order to acquire them. Personally, considering that the manufacturer isn't allowed to actually sell them, I'm just pleased to have got my hands on these big fellas, and whilst it's frustrating that I won't be able to own all the 'new releases' before they disappear, at least they have been made available (for free) for those who want them.

Moving along from my opening Movember models, yet sticking with science fiction, I have managed to 3D print and progress Captain Benjamin Crocway by "Cyber-Forge Miniatures". Weighing in at an impressive 46mm, this figure comes from their "Star Force" release, and is strongly influenced by both the sculpting team's love for "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and the popularity of their previously released cybernetically-enhanced Crocko Bo STL (Standard Triangle Language) file.

"Anvil Digital Forge" WIPs - Three Corporate Security Force operatives

I've also managed to 3D print some of the multi-part figures released by "Anvil Digital Forge" as part of their Patreon programme. These miniatures were assembled using parts found in the Corporate Security Force and consist of three predominately single-piece male bodies "standing to attention armed with a shotgun close to the chest", plus a CorpSec body with a full-length trench coat.

As one might expect from a 'side-arm' of "Anvil Industry", the models are incredible modular, with a variety of separate heads, arms and weapons. In addition, this particular release includes some cool-looking motorbikers, so expect a few of them to make an appearance once I've finished working on my core unit of infantry...

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