Monday 3 April 2023

(Lead) Mountain Musings - "Big Mr Tong” April 2023

"From Out Of Space... A Warning And An Ultimatum!"

Following the successful completion of another (exhausting) Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) I usually find my enthusiasm for the hobby rather depleted during this month as a rule. However, the regular release of new and exciting STL (Standard Triangle Language) files from the likes of "Big Mr Tong" on his "Patreon" subscription service means I'm still feeling pretty chipper about pigmenting another large-scale swathe of 3D printed figures.

Resultantly, I plan to focus upon some of the prolific sculptor's latest miniatures over the next four or so weeks, and finally start play-testing the homemade rule-set I want to use them with for an upcoming campaign. In addition, I still have a couple of 7.5cm Tank Hunter Gun Teams by "Battlefront Miniatures" to finish for my "Flames Of War" German D-Day Beach Defence Company, before plunging though a mass of "Games Workshop" Sons of Horus space marines. I had optimistically been hoping to be further along with these two long-standing projects, as once completed I was thinking of purchasing some of "Warlord Games" Thirty Years War Epic Battles models. However, I have now pushed that goal back and may well not pick any of the 'Black Powder' sprues up until I'm at "Salute"...

"It's like hitting them with tennis balls."

Happily, I haven't just spent the past few days planning what I'm going to paint for the foreseeable though. But have actually completed two more 10mm metal American medium tanks which used to sold by “Pendraken Miniatures” as Code A10 - Sherman M4A4, no skirts, 75mm gun. Initially primed with two layers of "Vallejo" USA Olive Drab, the armoured vehicles were subsequently washed with "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade, and dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" USA Olive Drab.

I then 'picked out' the tracks and wheels with a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and a double-helping of "Citadel" Nuln Oil, before repainting their track/wheel mechanisms with (more) "Vallejo" USA Olive Drab and "Citadel" Reikland Fleshshade. Finally, I decided to apply a trio of Allied Stars to the M4 Shermans using some supplied by "Decal Details", as well as the titles "Vagabond" and "Kraut Killer" from their 10mm US Armour Names and Slogans sheet.

March 2023 - "Papsikels Miniatures" completely overhauls "Big Mr Tong"

Undoubtedly the impetus of the AHPC provided me with the motivation to progress an amazing number of models throughout March 2023. These predominantly consisted of numerous science-fiction related 3D prints by "Papsikels Miniatures", which saw the "Patreon" Subscription Service's popularity top my favourite manufacturer's chart. However, my determination to get 50-points worth of "Flames Of War" Germans on the tabletop also caused me to rattle through four Panzer IV tank kits by "Battlefront Miniatures". alongside a camouflaged 7.5cm Anti-Tank gun and supporting crew.

Doubtless, the sheer number of splendid sculpts produced by "Papsikels Miniatures" will undoubtedly see the range receive plenty of attention during the next few weeks. But, having cast my eye on some future dates for some "Horus Heresy" battles, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see "Games Workshop" making a strong impact upon my hobby too - especially once I've sated my current appetite gaming the Second World War...

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