Monday, 20 January 2025

"Holy Moses! What's That?"

"They seem to be springing out all over the place."

These two 28mm metal models are produced by "Black Tree Design" and are available as DW336 - Gell Guard and DW347 - Gell Guard II from their "Doctor Who" miniatures range. "Blob-like creatures which Omega made while trapped in a Black Hole domain made of anti-matter", these figures are clearly based upon the "shapeless lumpy-globule-like creatures" seen in Bob Baker and Dave Martin's 1972 television story "The Three Doctors".

Primed using a couple of coats of "Vallejo" Heavy Orange, the duo were washed in "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and sporadically dry-brushed using a little "Vallejo" Gold and Gunmetal. They were then treated to some watered-down "Citadel" Flesh Tearers Red in an effort to capture their somewhat metallic-looking blistered costume. Unfortunately, a single layer of the Contrast paint didn't provide enough of an even coverage over the details though, so I eventually ended up giving the renegade Time Lord's minions a second 'going over.'

"Fire at will!"

This did make the monsters a little more red than I had intended. But at least seemed to have gotten the job done - at least until I applied some "Vallejo" Matt Varnish to each model, and disconcertingly watched much of the "Citadel" Flesh Tearers Red evaporate under my brush..!?! In an effort to thwart this problem, I combined a quantity of the "Citadel" Contrast colour with some "Vallejo" Matt Varnish, and tried to seal my paint-job a second time. Sadly, this didn't really either...

As a result I slapped some 'pure' "Citadel" Flesh Tearers Red over each Gell Guard, and only when that was well and truly dry, did I carefully apply a tiny amount of "Vallejo" Matt Varnish to the figures blob by blob. After a fair few touch-ups, this process finally seemed to work, and despite having some Doctor Who creatures which were far rosier than I had anticipated, I was subsequently able to apply some "Vallejo" Gloss Varnish to them without any further problems.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - These three Space Marines are at various stages of completion

Lastly, I gave each large cyclopean eye a lick or two of "Vallejo" Dark Vermillion, and later shaded them all with a splash of "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson. This combination worked so well that I decided to then use "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson on the underlings' pincer-clawed hands too - simply so the fearsome limb which can shoot explosives, stood out a bit more from the rest of Omega's simple servants.

Alongside my Jon Pertwee era monsters I have some slight in-roads on the last of my "Games Workshop" Sons of Horus traitor space marines. I've let myself get a little distracted from this month's goal to complete these "Horus Heresy" traitors, so have plonked the trio 'front-and-centre' in my painting queue and hope to get at least a couple of them completed within the next week or so...


  1. Well they definitely are spotty after all that hard and extra work!

    1. Thanks Ray. Whilst they're a little bit more red than I intended, I think the metallics underneath really help sell all their bobbles and bits.

  2. Great work on the Gell Guard Simon, great progress on the two Mk IV and the MK III sons as well.

    1. Cheers Dave. More Gell Guards to come, and hopefully more Sons of Horus too - though their incredible detail is becoming annoying to pick out. LOL!!

  3. Great work! Waiting for Marines now :)))

    1. Thanks Michal. Fingers crossed I can the SoH finished soon - as I've just found another one I need to complete too.

  4. Zitsoids, that should be their name. Gross and I love them even more with the red.

    The axe on that Marine leader is huge!

    1. Cheers Dai. I've got another three of the Gell Guards finished, so plan to post them up over the next couple of postings. I did convert the SoH leader with some Forge World bitz. But the large axe came with him on the plastic sprue.

  5. Well I think that Gel Guard looks awesome, despite your difficulties. The sculpt and your paint scheme look tremendous. The problems with the varnish are very odd and disconcerting but I am glad you got through it. Glad to see your Sons of Horus getting some Horus Heresy

    1. Thanks Undercoat. I certainly got there in the end with the Gell Guards. I think the problem with the "Vallejo" varnish is that I brush it on, so when it becomes tacky it simply lifts off the Shade underneath it if touched again. Definitely want to get these three Horus Heresy miniatures completed by the end of January. But it's going to be tight, LOL!!!
