Thursday, 9 January 2025

"It's A Megalodon."

"It's circling back."

This 32mm scale Megalodon Dorsal Fin (Submerged) was created using "Elegoo" Water Washable Resin on a Mars 3 Pro 3D Printer, and is available as an STL (Standard Triangle Language) file from "Loot Studios" as part of their "Forgotten Beasts" Sci-Fi Subscription bundle. 50mm tall and 80mm in length, the miniature actually comes in two separate pieces, with the 'Splash' needing to be printed on its own.

I was initially tempted to plonk the ensemble onto a "Citadel" circular stand. But then decided that one of the Nottingham-based company's plastic 52mm x 90mm oval bases would greatly reduce the amount of waves I would need to create in Green Stuff, as well as add to the overall dynamic of the giant fin cutting straight through the water at a serious rate of knots. Resultantly, I super-glued the huge spray down, and once I'd finished painstaking 'cutting in' plenty of ripples on the putty with a modelling knife, gave the entire piece a couple of coats of "Vallejo" Heavy Blue and a splosh of "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade.

"Alternative Armies" WIPs - A converted Retained Knight Commander with Octa Power Sword

I then repeatedly just added a little bit more "Vallejo" White to the mix, and used a make-up blusher brush to patiently lighten all the numerous ridges sculpted onto the Splash. Once I was happy with the waves pigmentation, I picked up a much smaller make-up brush, and applied some pure "Vallejo" White to the very edges of the spray.

With the larger piece completed, I next turned my attention to the fin and primed it with a combination of "Vallejo" Neutral Grey and Sombre Grey, before shading the triangular print with some "Citadel" Nuln Oil. The Megalodon was subsequently dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Sombre Grey, and later had all its injuries washed with a little "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson. Lastly, it was given a second dry-brush of (even more) "Vallejo" Sombre Grey, and a last lick of Neutral Grey.

"Wizkids" WIPs - S.T.R.I.P.E. is having all his red armour 'picked out'

Alongside this opening trip to "a strange, different reality, where the moon intercepted the gigantic meteor that would bring extinction to all dinosaurs", I have also been working on a 28mm metal model by "Alternative Armies" which I first bought and converted approximately four years ago. This Retained Knight Commander with Octa Power Sword was given a pair of plastic "Games Workshop" Blood Angel wings so I could better use it as a Sanguinius proxy for my 15mm Horus Heresy project using "The Ion Age" range - and once the base colours/washes were applied has disconcertingly just sat in a drawer until now.

I've also 'dug out' an age-old "Heroclix" sculpt of S.T.R.I.P.E. by "Wizkids". This supposedly "super rare" 28mm scale plastic figure has previously been cut off of its flying stand and been potentially pigmented in "Citadel" Leadbelcher to cover its pre-paint-job, before being set aside for a rainy day. So I figured I apply some "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson to Pat Dugan's armoured suit, and see whether that motivates me to finally finish the Star-Spangled Kid's side-kick...


  1. Great looking Shark Fin Simon, and nice progress on the Sanginius proxy and S.T.R.I.P.E.

    1. Thanks Dave. I've got the actual Megalodon to come - but he's currently in multiple pieces awaiting assembly before painting, LOL!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Bill. Much appreciated. I was tempted to print the 75mm version, as the fin just about fitted on my build plate. But the splash didn't. LOL!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Cheers Michal. This was a lot of fun to paint, as I don't often get to do green stuff work on a base so it blends in with the figure/base.

  4. What an eclectic mix of stuff in this post. That Sanguinius proxy is a blast from the past as I am sure that has been knocking around for ages! Now, let's address that shark fin. What the neck are you doing? Lol.
    It does look great and I am mightily impressed with your sculpting of the water on base. Great job!

    1. Thanks Undercoat. The Retained Knight Commander is definitely an old project that is badly due to get finished. LOL!! I spotted the "Loot Studios" Megalodon release on YouTube, and when I read how cheap it was going (along with all the other superb STLs) I simply had to get it. LOL!!
