Thursday, 6 February 2025

"For The First Time In A Thousand Years..."

 "Britain has been invaded!"

This pair of 28mm metal models are produced by "Athena Miniatures" as part of their Apocalypse Survivors range, and are two of the eight similarly attired figures found inside the Swindon-based company's AS11 British NBC set. They were actually picked up as part of a much larger impulse buy whilst I was innocently perusing the stalls at "Warfare" 2024, and immediately grabbed my imagination due to being based upon the notion of the Soviet Union invading Blighty following some great calamity - whether that be a nuclear strike, zombie incursion or some deadly extra-terrestrial attack.

Both figures were primed with a couple of layers of "Vallejo" Heavy Grey, and drowned in "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. I then 'picked out' each trooper's boots, gloves, gas mask and firearm with a base coat of "Citadel" Abaddon Black. The soldiers' L98 A2 rifles and lenses were later treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil. To be honest I was pretty tempted at this stage to leave them be. But as a final touch, I wanted something which would help mark the British troopers out from their similarly attired Russian opponents.

"Paratrooper landings have been reported throughout the country."

I therefore splodged the models' ammunition pouches with some round(ish) dollops of “Vallejo” Heavy Brown, Luftwaffe Camouflage Green and Heavy Sienna. This basic camouflage pattern - which I unashamedly borrowed from my days painting 15mm German Panzergrenadiers for "Flames Of War" - was later sploshed with “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade, before each area was highlighted back up with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Brown, Luftwaffe Camouflage Green and Heavy Sienna.

Alongside my British NBC soldiers, I have also begun work on a blister of Napoleonic infantrymen by "Wargames Foundry". I had intended to pigment at least a quartet of miniatures from this manufacturer's almost exhaustingly extensive range every month. However, a few difficult sculpts, such as my recently completed Prussian Officer and a still unfinished British Grenadier, has seriously dented my enthusiasm for the long-term project.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - The first of eight Napoleonic Moscow Militia

I therefore felt I needed to get the momentum going again with some reasonably straightforward models, and spotted a set of eight heavily-bearded Russians from the packet RN043 Moscow Militia with Muskets. Sculpted by Alan Perry, I feel these Narodnoe Opolcheniye should be quite quick to get tabletop ready on account of their clothing predominantly consisting of just winter coats and the odd, colourfully-dyed sash.

Furthermore, the first model I have chosen to paint will also be used as the human incarnation of my (Russian) Werebear for "The Silver Bayonet" by "Osprey Games". The fellow is the only one in the set not to have a bayonet attached to the top of his musket, so even if I later decide to 'fill out' my Russian warband with some more irregular troops, he should still stand out 'loud and proud'....


  1. Great work on the two NBC suits Simon, and another pair finished, great start on the Russian which by the sound of it will have multiple uses.

    1. Thanks Dave. I've been a bit tardy recently with my Napoleonics. But these Moscow Militia are great fun to paint, so I'm hoping they'll get me back on track.

  2. love the NBC minis bud, beautiful

    1. Cheers Andy. Hopefully, the other four will soon be finished, and then I'll move on to more Russians.

  3. Those biotroops look oppressive and scarily like a 28 Days Later type force. Really cool Simon.

    1. Thanks very much indeed, Dai. Hoping to get the others finished before I get swamped with new goodies from Athena Miniatures' range whilst at Beachhead 2025. LOL!!!

  4. Lovely work on the British nbc troops, they look great and can fit into a variety of pulp and modernish games.
    Dwindling enthusiasm for Napoleonics? Last post your enthusiasm was dwindling for Horus Heresy! Have you got a 3D printing problem young man? Lol.

    1. Cheers Undercoat. I've got a few more of the British NBC Troopers to finish. But I'm almost there for this unit. Then it'll be more Russian NBC Troopers to balance up the two opposing forces.

      I've always found a difficult model can really beat out my enthusiasm for a project, and Napoleonic figures has always had that possibility. But I do have a fair few new STL files which I really want to 3D print. LOL!!!
