Saturday, 1 February 2025

(Lead) Mountain Musings - "Partially-Painted/Printed Pledge” [III/IV] February 2025

"We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh."

As I'm now half-way through my Partially-Painted/Printed Pledge (PPPP), and I'm quite a considerable distance behind where I had hoped to be when it comes to pigmenting my backlog, I thought I'd spend this month working my way through a number of old 28mm metal "Doctor Who" models by "Black Tree Design" I recently encountered whilst sorting through a few hobby drawers. In reality, I've already managed to get a good handful of these former "Harlequin Miniatures" sculpts tabletop ready during the past few weeks. But in scratching around the odd figure tray here and plastic box there, I have discovered a load more classic monsters which are just begging to be finished.

Furthermore, my 'Two-For-One' purchasing/printing policy for any future wargaming pieces I want to buy/produce is also on rocky ground, thanks largely to my encountering the STL (Standard Triangle Language) files creator "Loot Studios". This company absolutely bowled me over with their fantastic looking "Forgotten Beasts" science-fiction subscription, and resultantly I have been busily printing out a whole host of deep-sea creatures, anthropomorphic dinosaurs and primeval monsters."

"Our reputation speaks for itself, sir."

With "Beachhead" 2025 literally just around the corner, this means I really need to get some more models on the battlefield, before any big buying splurge at the Bournemouth-held show completely swamps my hobby table with numerous new shiny goodies - something all too possible considering that I aim to at least get a few more figures from "Athena Miniatures" and their hand-crafted Apocalypse Survivors range. To make matters even more pressing, I've discovered that Paul Hicks is releasing a new range of fantasy Orcs and Elves at the end of the month, and frankly I just know I'm going to be picking up some of these nostalgia-laced figures just as soon as I can.

Lastly, despite my best efforts (when not completely distracted by other genres/ranges) I still have a few Sons of Horus models to finish for my 500-point strong traitor force. I therefore thought it would make a great start to February to get another MK IV wearing Adeptus Astartes from the "Games Workshop" Betrayal At Calth boxed set completed. Rather embarrassingly, I've been working on this particular ten-man squad since last Summer, so would really like to see the back of it so I can focus on some of the army's characters instead.

January 2025 - "Black Tree Design" takes an early lead, just as they did last year

The miniature was predominantly painted using "Citadel" Sons Of Horus Green, "Citadel" Nuln Oil, "Vallejo" Gold, and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Although I also applied some "Citadel" Abaddon Black to the fellow's knee-joints, elbow-joints, right shoulder-pad, backpack and Bolter. This left me needing to simply treat the odd breathing tube and firearm part to a little "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil, whilst also plonking a spot of "Scalecolor" Speed Metal and "Citadel" Flesh Tearers Red into the Space Marine's eye slits.

With one of the lowest productivity scores recorded for a January since I first started keeping a tally of my output over a decade ago, it's hard not to view the past few weeks as a major let-down - especially as without my aforementioned last-minute obsession with "Black Tree Design" it would be significantly lower. My hope for this month though is to actually start getting some more games in (and post a few Battle Reports too), as this always help instil me with a sense of passion and purpose for a painting project...


  1. Great finish on the Son Simon, and another one down. You must have almost as much stock of Black Tree design models as they do, with the constant finding of more of their models found in a drawer ! LOL Hope your output picks up, ready for Beachead, and your current printing exploit.

    1. Thanks Dave. Just a few more Sons of Horus left to do - and then I can assemble the next unit, LOL!!! I own a lot of BTD Dr Who figures, so I wasn't surprised to find another cache in my collection. There's a lot of companions in this latest batch too, so I'm hoping to get a fair few of them done during February. I'm really looking forward to Beachhead. Should be a lot of fun.

  2. Another great Sons of Horus marine, an awesome colour scheme. Dr Who month? Your old favourites coming back again is no surprise!

    1. Thanks Undercoat. Yes, I thought I'd try to clear out a load more Black Tree Design Dr Who minis - I seem to traditionally do this at this point in the year. LOL!!!
