Monday, 3 February 2025

"Sauvix Was The Leader Of Elite Group One."

"He was killed when Bulic sprayed him with hexachromite gas."

This 28mm metal model of an armoured Sea Devil is produced by "Black Tree Design" and can be bought as DW513 - Sauvix from their "Doctor Who" miniatures range. "Revived from suspended animation by the Silurian leader Icthar", the sculpt is clearly based upon the commander of Sea Devil Elite Group One as seen in Johnny Byrne's 1984 television story "Warriors Of The Deep".

Primed with a double-helping of "Citadel" Abaddon Black, the miniature was dry-brushed in "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal and shaded using some "Citadel" Nuln Oil. Parts of the figure's uniform, along with the Aquatic Silurian's hand-weapon, were then 'picked out' using a smidgeon of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and a splash of (more) "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"Athena Miniatures" WIPs - Four more British NBC Troopers

The Sea Devil's flesh was simply treated to a brush-tip full of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, before being washed in "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Lastly, I gave the monster's somewhat complicated-looking samurai-flavoured headwear a few strokes of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and a bit of a dousing in "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

In addition to "the only Sea Devil named in the television series", I have also been busily progressing a quartet of 28mm metal British NBC Troopers by "Athena Miniatures". These Apocalypse Survivors would be pretty straightforward to pigment if not for their camouflage-patterned ammunition pouches, so I'm currently just patiently working my way through the three-colour scheme. Once this is completed, the rest of the models shouldn't take too long to get tabletop ready.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - A MK IV Space Marine with Legion Vexilla

I'm actually rather keen to get these soldiers finished 'toot sweet' on account of the wargaming show "Beachhead" 2025 only being a week away, and my plan to purchase several more products from the Swindon-based manufacturer whilst I'm there. Indeed, I could well be tempted to 'dip my toe' into the company's Franco-Prussian Wars 1870-71 range too - a conflict I have long fancied having a dabble with.

I'm also still plugging away on another MK IV wearing Space Marine from the long out of production (OOP) Betrayal At Calth boxed set by "Games Workshop". Equipped with a Legion Vexilla (Legion Standard), this particular traitor from the Horus Heresy will doubtless prove a rather time-consuming project on account of all the detail 'plastered' over him. However, as I'm now pretty familiar with how I like to paint Maximus Armour, I'm pretty confident my somewhat dwindling enthusiasm for this genre will still see me through to finishing him before the month plays out...


  1. Great work on the Sea Devil Simon, and great progress on the NBC suit and Son

    1. Thanks Dave. I've got a fair few more Sea Devils to come. But I think I've got a good process to get them done reasonably quickly.

  2. Agree, great work on the Sea Devil sir!

  3. I like the samurai influence on the Devil. Don't recall them from Who but then it's been a bit. :)

    1. "Warriors Of The Deep" is my fave Peter Davison story, Dai. But it got panned at the time, and is still widely regarded as one of the worst Dr Who stories made. The Sea Devils' samurai look was one of the many complaints made about it. But I love them.!!

    2. I quite like Warriors of the Deep, Simon

    3. Yeah. I know the bright lighting and Myrka weren't what the writer envisaged. But I thought the storyline was excellent. Janet Fielding does a great job of narrating the story alongside its soundtrack as an audio CD too.

  4. Dwindling enthusiasm for Horus Heresy space marines?! Sacrilege!! How long has it taken you to paint up 500 points worth? I think they are fed up too!! Lol. Another great looking Sea Devil. As a Dr Who expert, can you enlighten me as to why they wear samurai armour?

    1. LOL!! Cheers Undercoat. Apparently the Doctor Who production team wanted the Sea Devils to look more menacing and fit Warriors Of The Deep's narrative that they were a highly-trained aquatic army.
