This is the first in a series of games I've set during the caped
crusader’s early years, using “7TV” by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio”. In this
opening engagement Batman and Robin are searching a warehouse for clues as to
the secret lair of Edward Nygma. Unfortunately for the dynamic duo, the Riddler
has dispatched a number of his men to the same building to ensure no such hints
as to his hidden location exist.
Prologue: Having
driven the Batmobile into the warehouse and gone their separate ways looking
for evidence, the game actually started with only Robin being on the table. The
boy wonder would need to roll a 4+ at the end of the turn to see if the dark
knight was going to make an appearance. To make matters worse, the vast
majority of the Riddler’s ‘Eavies immediately appeared at the opposite quarter
of the 2x2 foot table.

Turn One: Automatically gaining the first turn’s initiative,
the ‘Eavies started to fan out into the warehouse. Only one was carrying a
pistol, so he quickly made his way beside some large pipes with a good view of
a clue that had been inadvertently left on the floor in the centre of the
building. Meanwhile another ‘Eavy, this time armed with a crowbar, dashed past
the piping towards a second clue. Alone, but armed with his trusty battle
stave, Robin moved towards the centre of the warehouse, ensuring the crates
blocked any line of sight of the ‘Eavy armed with a pistol.
Turn Two: As there was no sign of Batman, three ‘Eavies
decided to teach Robin a hard lesson, and rushed the youngster with their
crowbars. Only “Luck” and “Dodge” saved the ‘dependable deputy’ from falling,
and even then he only survived with one hit intact. A crack on the nose with
his unwieldy two-handed weapon took one of the ‘hired muscle’ down but the
brightly costumed crime-fighter was in trouble.
Turn Three: A bat-a-rang in the back of another ‘Eavy’s ‘ead
announced the arrival of Batman, and with a heroic surge the ‘million dollar
marvel’ was using some barrels as cover and dispatching the final ‘Eavy
menacing Robin with another of his throwing weapons. Inspired by the presence
of his benefactor, the boy wonder also heroically surged and snatched the clue
up from the middle of warehouse before darting back into cover beside Batman.
Turn Four: Furious at the youngster’s boldness, the ‘Eavy
armed with a pistol vaulted over the piping, and started shooting at the
dynamic duo. And whilst bullets whizzed off of the barrels the caped crusaders
were sheltering behind, another small party of ‘Eavies approached them; one
snatching up a third (and final) clue en route.
Turn Five: Finally finding the presence of mind to actually
aim his weapon, the ‘Eavy with a pistol sent Robin reeling with a shot, and the
boy wonder was out of the game for good. Sensing victory, the closest of the ‘Eavies
then charged Batman, claiming the clue Robin had dropped as he fell, and also
causing the dark knight to grimace as a crowbar struck his cowled head.
Final Turn: Incensed by the injury to his ward, Batman
flattened the ‘Eavy trying to ‘steal’ away the clue obtained by Robin, and
promptly recovered it for himself. But in doing so was unable to reach the
other ‘Eavies who had earlier picked up the other two clues within the
Aftermath: Amazingly, despite the loss of Robin, the
‘scuffle in the warehouse’ had proved a draw. Batman’s single clue proved to be
as valuable a piece of evidence as the combined total of the two clues
recovered by the Riddler’s ‘Eavies.
BATMAN (Million Dollar Marvel)
Move: 6 Defence: 5 Hits: 3 Strength: 5 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 4 Morale: 5
Basic Special Effects: Luck (2)
Additional Special Effects: Body Armour, Heroic Surge, Fists of Fury, Daring Leap, Leader (1) and Gadgets
Attacks: Brawl/Unarmed and Sling
ROBIN (Dependable Deputy)
Move: 6 Defence: 4 Hits: 2 Strength: 3 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 4 Morale: 3
Basic Special Effects: Luck (1), Sidekick and Disarm
Additional Special Effects: Plucky, Dodge and Heroic Surge
Attacks: Brawl/Unarmed and Two handed-Weapon