"There are many ways to earn such favour, though none are easy or pleasant." |
This 28mm plastic multi-part model of an Icon Bearer of Nurgle comes from the “Games Workshop” Plaguebearers of Nurgle boxed set, and whilst on the tabletop can actually allow me to add D6 more Plaguebearers to my unit if I "roll a 1 when making a Battleshock Test". This potential bolstering of my daemonic horde as "reality blinks" has already encouraged me to purchase a second unit of these "disgustingly resilient" footsoldiers in order for me to be able to assemble three more of the 'Command figures'.
Having followed the figure box's instructions found within the figure’s box, and assembled the standard carrier from his relevant sprues, I treated the gangly, bony-limbed creature to a double-dose of “Vallejo” Heavy Khaki and washed it with “Citadel” Thrakka Green. The cyclopean "Tallyman of Nurgle" was then dry-brushed with some additional “Vallejo” Heavy Khaki before his single horn, gaping mouth and numerous sores were undercoated with “Citadel” Abaddon Black. With all the base layering now completed I applied a coat of either “Vallejo” Heavy Red or Dead White to the Plaguebearer's bloated stomach gums and formidable dentures, and finally washed them with either “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade and Carroburg Crimson.
"Some become Rotbringers by slaying a suitably powerful champion of one of Nurgle's hated rivals..." |
Painting the Icon itself was reasonably straightforward with its metallic plates initially being undercoated with "Vallejo" Brass (an old pot from their "Flames of War" range) and washed with "The Army Painter” Strong Tone Quickshade. They were then dappled with the "Citadel" Technical paint Nihilakh Oxide before being dry-brushed with more "Vallejo" Brass. The standard's straps were painted using "Heavy Brown" and its staff with "Heavy Sienna. Both of these areas were then washed with "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade.
My biggest problem with the banner was the severed head, which dangled from one of its battered brass plates. This gruesome trophy was simply painted using "Vallejo" Warmgrey and washed with "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson. The stitched eyes and mouth were then supposed to be 'picked out' with "Vallejo" Heavy Brown. But in the end I had to simply settle for dabbing a few spots of the opaque water-based acrylic over where I thought the stitches should be as opposed to where they actually were, and hope a generous wash of more Strong Tone Quickshade by "The Army Painter" would 'mask' my error. In addition I thought a few bright "Vallejo" Heavy Red boils would help distract attention away from the mistake as well...
Lord of Plagues WIPS - This Hero of Nurgle now just needs his shoulder pad to be finished |
With my Plaguebearers unit now complete (for now at least) I have made some considerable progress on my Lord of Plagues. This multi-part plastic model of a "blessed mortal follower of Nurgle" will be my Host's General, and as a result allow me to utilise his 'unique' Command Ability "Grandfather's Gift" during the Hero Phase of "Age of Sigmar".
For now though I have simply been busy painting his "dreadful helm of Nurgle's executioner" with a combination of "Vallejo" Brass and "Citadel" Nihilakh Oxide, and washing his bloated body's "rancid boils, open sores and cankerous bulges" with all manner of "Games Workshop" Shades...
Excellent work on the standard bearer and the unit looks great in its gribblyness. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Leon. I'm glad to get these Plaguebearers finished and move onto something different - like the Lord of Plagues :-)
DeleteWhile not a GW fan, I look at these and contemplate buying some just to paint.
ReplyDeleteCheers Clint. "AoS" is well worth a look, imho, even if just to paint some of the models.
DeleteYou have done an excellent job on painting this pair, Simon.
ReplyDeleteThanks Bryan. Still a few bits to finish on the Lord of Plagues but he's certainly getting there I'm pleased to say.
DeleteThose all look really cool!
ReplyDeleteCheers Roy. I'm very happy with the unit - my first "AoS" one!!!
DeleteReally good job so far mate. The unit looks foul, in the most Nurglest of ways of course ;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks Andy. To be fair these grabbed me the moment I started gluing them together. Expect some more, and some "Oldhammer" versions, at some point ;-)
DeleteThey all look superb dude. What a joy to face all these on the table it would be!
ReplyDeleteCheers Simon. Its a pity you're not further south, as I'd be delighted to give you a game with them; of course both you and PulpCitizen would probably have me painting "Batman Miniatures Game" figures too!!!
DeleteHa Pulp City, 7tv2 and Across the Dead Earth as well!
DeleteVery true Simon :-)
DeleteGreat-looking standard bearer! Looking forward to the finished 'group shot'!
ReplyDeleteThanks Gordon. I'm afraid you'll have to just make do with this post's Plaguebearer group shot for now. I've still got a ways to go before the entire Host of Nurgle is finished. But as soon as it is, it'll be posted.
DeleteMore smashing work, Simon.
ReplyDeleteCheers Roger.
Cheers Roger. One unit down, a General and two more units to go... Plus another Nurgle unit for September!!
DeleteYay! Group-shot! Unit looks super cool. Some of your best work imo. Well done mate. I even hunted through my old bits box and found some classic metal Plaguebearer figs.... tempting, so tempting - but I've got so many projects on the go already....
ReplyDeleteMany thanks indeed Dai. Very much appreciated praise from a fellow follower of Nurgle!! I'll be digging my own metal Plaguebearers out soon enough, so perhaps I can tempt you just that little bit more...