This game was played using the "Star Trek: Attack Wing” rules by “Wizkids” and set up using two 40 Squadron Point fleets. The Federation Faction consisted of Ship Card: U.S.S. Enterprise-D, Manoeuvre Card: Galaxy Class, Captain Card: William T. Riker and the Upgrade Cards: Worf & Photon Torpedoes. The Borg Faction consisted of Ship Card: Scout 608, Manoeuvre Card: Borg Scout Cube, Captain Card: Third of Five and Upgrade Cards: Fourth of Five, Borg Alcove & Magnetometric Guided Charge.
The ‘encounter’ was played on an empty 3’ x 3’ space mat, using an adapted version of the Mission: A New Source of Dilithium from the main rule-book. This meant that each faction began the game “opposite from each other across the play area.” Whilst a planet token was placed in the centre of the play area. The winner was the faction that either managed to warp off the play area with three Dilithium miners first or eliminated their opponent...
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“The story so far… Captain Jean-Luc Picard has returned to Earth in order to fully recover from his Borg assimilation and left Commander William T. Riker in charge of the U.S.S. Enterprise (See "Star Trek: TNG" TV episode "Family"). Embarking upon a routine mission to collect the miners residing within the Lithium-cracking facility on Delta Vega, the Galaxy-Class starship's task is suddenly made all the more vital when its forward scans show a Borg Scout Cube is about to enter the planet's orbit..."
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Detecting the approach of the N.C.C. 1701-D, the Borg vessel stopped its approach towards the large orange-coloured world and noticeably reversed backwards, as if waiting for the Federation Flagship to reactive to its presence in the system. Despite its square-shape the spacecraft appeared unbelievably manoeuvrable.
Nervous as to the Borg's formidable firepower, and keen to discern the alien race's intentions, Commander Riker similarly threw his starship into reverse, and nervously acknowledged that his cautious 'Red' order had required the U.S.S. Enterprise to utilise Auxiliary Power (and thus prevent it from executing future Red Manoeuvres as well as any Actions, even Free Actions).
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Third of Five watched his opponent falter in their approach to Delta Vega and sensing a reluctance to engage the Borg, sent his scout cube hurtling straight towards the Dilithium-rich planet at Warp Factor four. The vessel's engines whined with the strain of the speed and tapped into its Auxiliary Power in order to attain the required speed.
Cursing, William Riker realised his hesitancy had been seen as a sign of weakness and ordered the U.S.S. Enterprise to match the Borg's speed and course towards Delta Vega and the hapless miners trapped on its surface.
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Sensing that he could goad his opponent into a rash course of action, Third of Five again ordered for Scout 608 to reverse its direction, and waited for the Human vessel to make its next emotionally-charged move before the Borg struck.
Spotting an opportunity to beam down to the planet and start rescuing the Dilithium miners, William T. Riker ordered the U.S.S. Enterprise to fly straight into a fast-orbit around Delta Vega at Warp Factor five. The Galaxy-Class starship zoomed into position and awaited it's Commander's orders to disable its shields and prepare for the Away Team's transportation.
Scanning the data before him, Third of Five continued to assess his opponent's actions, and calculated that the Federation flagship would be unable to perform a successful recovery of any humans trapped within the Lithium-cracking facility whilst it was still required to use Auxiliary Power. As a result the Borg Cube continued to steadily reverse away from the planet.
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Mindful that he needed to lower his shields in order to transport down to Delta Vega, Commander Riker ordered for his Galaxy-class starship to bank to port at Warp Factor three and skirted the planet's atmosphere. However although the move didn't put the Borg vessel within reach of the U.S.S. Enterprise's phaser arrays. The manoeuvre did place the Federation Flagship within range of Scout 608.
Third of Five immediately gave the order for the Borg cube to fire, and successfully rolled two hits. Not being the most agile of spacecraft the crew of the N.C.C. 1071-D were grateful that their opponent was firing at extreme range as it awarded them a second Defence Die, and allowed them to evade one of the blasts. But Worf still informed Commander Riker that their shields had been depleted by 25 per cent.
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With the opposing forces now within firing range of one another, the Borg Cube effortlessly slid to starboard, negating its need to utilise Auxiliary Power and allowing Fourth of Five to beam onboard the U.S.S. Enterprise. The alien cyborg immediately disabled two of the Federation Flagship's shields and its Photon Torpedoes, as well as Mister Worf.
Aware that his shields were currently depleted by seventy-five percent, his Head of Security was injured and that his secondary weapons system was offline, Commander Riker shouted for his Galaxy-class starship to fly straight ahead at Warp Factor four. However the course was not enough to get the N.C.C. 1701-D completely out of harms way...
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Scout 608 once again fired upon its weakening target, and this time used its Magnetometric Guided Charge. Not only did this weapon allow the Borg to roll three Attack Dice, whilst the "target ship does not roll Defence Dice against this attack." But it also allowed them to convert one of their Battle Stations results into a Critical Damage.
With a shudder the U.S.S. Enterprise rocked under the detonation's impact. Its remaining shield was instantly overwhelmed by the attack, and the vessel took both a hit on its hull as well as some Critical Damage; its helmsman being stunned. In response, all the Federation Flagship could do was repair the damage caused to its two shields by Fourth of Five.
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Believing that his foe was now ready for assimilation, Third of Five moved his Borg Cube towards his prey at Warp Factor Two, and acquired a Weapons Lock on the Galaxy-class starship. This meant the hostile aliens could "re-roll as many of his attack dice as he chooses."
Grimacing at the news that his opponent now a distinct advantage over his vessel William T. Riker reluctantly gave the order for the U.S.S. Enterprise to continue on its course out of the system at Warp Factor four. Delta Vega was lost and the Dilithium miners were destined to become Borg drones. The only good news was that Scout 608 was now within range of the Commander's secondary saucer phaser array. However with a Stunned Helmsman the N.C.C. 1701-D was unable to fire.
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Third of Five concentrated his square-shaped vessel's firepower upon the Borg's fast-fleeing prize, and once again battered the Galaxy-class starship's shields. Fortunately for the Federation Flagship though the alien's attack failed to penetrate to its hull, and with an angry last look at his fearsome opponent Riker took his bruised command out of the Delta Vega system...
Poor Riker, couldn't quite get to grips with the cube and was a bit out classed by third of five
ReplyDeleteTO be fair Andy, the game was arguably lost on the very first turn when Riker utilised Auxiliary power and thereby was unable to use any actions. The Enterprise was never in a position to perform a green manoeuvre after this in order to get it removed; thus handicapping the vessel from the start.
DeleteBut as you say Riker was immediately on the back foot just as soon as the Borg Cube arrived.
Limping off to fight another day, cracking report Simon.
ReplyDeleteThanks Michael. Hopefully the excitement felt during this confrontation is palpable from the report. It was terrific fun :-)
DeleteBrilliant game report. If I had an opponent to play against I'd certainly buy STAW.
ReplyDeleteStrike one up for the flying cardboard box!
Cheers Roy. Much appreciated. I'd certainly be very happy to give you a game if you were a little closer... And this flying cardboard box was the smallest on the fleet. Wait until you see some of its bigger brothers ;-)
DeleteIf they ever managed to get another blog-con organised, a 3x3 table in a corner would have to be arranged for spaceship games!
DeleteThough I'd also love to paint up a Laura Logan 'Wolverine' and a Suicide Squad Harlequin to go with my TV version Catwoman. I just don't have any reason to, and unless I have some motivation I just know nothing will come of it.
"If they ever managed to get another blog-con organised, a 3x3 table in a corner would have to be arranged for spaceship games!" - Quite right Roy, and a "7TV" superhero game would be an essential element too :-)
DeleteThat was certainly not Riker's finest hour. Cool batrep, Simon.
ReplyDeleteThanks Bryan. Our best game yet imho, and one which showed just how powerful the Borg can be if you give them an inch.
DeleteOuch, I expected better than that from Riker! He's got some explaining to do back at Starfleet HQ...
ReplyDeleteIndeed he does Hugh. But the Borg are a fearsome faction in this game, and probably outclass most one-on-one imho. Fourth of Five is certainly a major handful when he beams on board an enemy vessel!!
DeleteGreat stuff as always....though this must be a two-part episode as the Enterprise has had to retreat!
ReplyDeleteCheers Gordon. No two-parter this time I'm afraid. But both Commander Riker and the Borg will be back ;-)
DeleteAnother ignominious episode for the Next Gen crew, Kirk would be spinning in his grave (if he was dead of course!).
ReplyDeleteCheers Roger.
Thanks Roger. The last two BatReps have not gone well for the Enterprise-D I must admit. Its probably a good job then that it'll have some 'Original Series' help in the next one ;-)
DeleteWouldn't have happened with Pickard at the helm. Riker needs more combat simulation training in the holosuites methinks.
ReplyDeleteIts a shame really as Riker's ability (return fire) is rather useful if the vessels are close enough. But for this game the Borg just kept their distance and battered the Enterprise. Riker will be back though; albeit Picard will be back in command for the next one... along with a Constitution-class Captain ;-)
Deletethat was pretty intense, I honestly thought Riker was going to loose his ship and entire crew at one stage... not to mention his life.
ReplyDeleteSimon, do you normally play solo or with/against an actual face to face opponent? My next question would be, how does STAW fair as a solo game?
Cheers Hil. Most kind :-)
DeleteI probably play 50/50 these days Hil, and "STAW" can easily be played solo imho. In fact just randomly rolling dice for their movement produces some fantastically fun moments. The Captain scores make it clear who goes first, so its just a question of rolling dice most of the time and seeing what Fate delivers. That's one of the main reasons I love "STAW" so much.
were sitting reading the comments together today, doing blog catch up.
ReplyDeleteSo STAW CAN do played solo, hmmmm that's interesting. We`re always on the look out for good solo games. Even though we do most stuff together, it is always real nice to have that option.
"We're sitting reading the comments together today, doing blog catch up." - Very romantic Steve :-) "STAW" certainly produces the goods for me as a solo game, and I'd be very interested to know how you get on with it.
Deleteoh absolutely, we`ll keep you posted (if and when we actually buy into this one... I think it may be likely at some point).
ReplyDeleteand *blush* yeah, we really do share everything like that hehe.
Thanks Steve. I'm not sure why but "STAW" has really grabbed me for some reason. If you ever need an article for your wonderful blog on how I got so caught up on it then give me a shout ;-)