Thursday 16 June 2022

"With Greater Autonomy Than A Basic Unit..."

"...This machine has been programmed with tactical information and strategic knowledge."

This 28mm scale metal model of an Argonaut Commander is produced by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” and can be bought as SKU: MINI 231 Argonaut B from their Villains and Monsters range. The kit comes with two separate heads, one of which bares a striking resemblance to the Twelve Colonies' robotic foes in Glen A. Larson's 1978 American science fiction television series "Battlestar Galactica". However, as I wanted this particular figure to work alongside my previously-painted Ancient Greek-flavoured mechs, I pinned its bearded head in place instead.

Reaching a height of 36mm, the automaton represents one of Doctor Ulysses Argo’s more sophisticated metallic minions for the second edition of the skirmish rule-set “7TV”, and appears in an official paint-scheme of bright gold and black. Despite being tempted by this palette, I really wanted it to closely tie in with the two somewhat larger Titans, so decided to stick with something more in keeping with Talos' appearance in Don Chaffey’s 1963 film “Jason And The Argonauts”.

"The battle for Europe had begun in earnest."

Resultantly, the entire miniature was primed in “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna and later layered with Bronze. It was then shaded using plenty of “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade and "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade, before being dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Bronze. Lastly, I applied various amounts of “Citadel” Nihilakh Oxide onto its numerous joints and ridges. These areas were later blended in with the rest of the miniature with a (third) dry-brushed of “Vallejo” Bronze.

With all of the Argonaut Commander's metal work completed, I moved on to pigmenting his boots, trousers, hands, arms and torso with "Citadel" Abaddon Black. These areas were subsequently treated to a dry-brush of "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal and splash of "Citadel Nuln". I then applied some "Vallejo" Matt Varnish over the ensemble, and afterwards looked on in horror as I realised that some metallic flakes of "Vallejo" Bronze had transferred all over the rest of the miniature. Grumpy, I decided to simply repaint all these 'ruined' areas with (more) "Citadel" Abaddon Black, and would just let my finger oils add some highlights to the model when handling it in the future.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - This space marine sergeant has been primed, shaded & dry-brushed

Alongside the latest of Argo’s henchmen, I have also finished the last three plastic 15mm models produced by “Battlefront Miniatures” I need to field a full sMG34 Machine-gun Platoon for "Flames Of War". The Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO), Machine-gunner, Reloader and their Einheitsmaschinengewehr (Universal machine gun) were all painted in precisely the same manner as all the other teams I have completed for my German Beach Defence Company.

Finally, I have dug out a 28mm plastic Sergeant Space Marine from my "The Horus Heresy: Burning Of Prospero" set, and after adding a Sons of Horus resin shoulder-pad and helmet by "Forge World" to him, have set about applying some "Games Workshop" Sons Of Horus Green layer paint to his Mark III armour. The multi-part figure certainly took some time to assemble, as even its legs and backpack came in two pieces. But now its been primed, shaded and dry-brushed, I'm hoping to make some significant progress on getting the traitor table-top ready...

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