Thursday, 29 February 2024

"This Is A Public Announcement."

"Flash Gordon is to be executed."

This 28mm scale metal model is produced by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" and can be brought either individually as SKU: MINI 1293 Uranian Royal Guard B, or as part of the four-figure set SKU: DEAL 367. Sculpted by Ernst Veingart, the miniature is clearly influenced by one of Emperor Ming's guards who escort a certain Earthling to his execution in Mike Hodges' 1980 science-fiction movie "Flash Gordon"

Primed using a double-helping of "Vallejo" Heavy Red, the legionnaire was drenched in "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson and enthusiastically dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Red. I then 'picked out' the trooper's footwear and belts using some pure "Citadel" Abaddon Black, before pigmenting his hand-weapon in "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - Three Magma Apes awaiting their flesh to be applied

Originally, I had planned to keep all of the guard's costume the same colour. But I then noticed in the film that their gloves were a slightly different shade, so gave them a lick of "Vallejo" Dark Vermillion (and splash of "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson) instead. Finally, I dabbed some "Vallejo" Gold across the model's belt buckle and death mask, and later shaded these areas with a dash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade.

Alongside this latest addition to my "Flash Gordon" project I have also managed to make a little more progress on the Lincolnshire-based company's four resin Magma Apes. In the past I've usually drowned my fur-based figures with an appropriate shade once the base layer has dried, and subsequently dry-brushed it so as to provide some rough highlights. However, for this quartet of (not) Mugato, I don't plan on applying this technique until after all their claws and areas of bare flesh are properly painted.

"Black Tree Design" WIPs - A trio of Sea Devils at various stages of completion

Furthermore, I've made some slight 'in-roads' with a few more 28mm Sea Devils by "Black Tree Design". I must confess to finding these classic "Doctor Who" monsters somewhat hard-going these days, with my enthusiasm for the BBC Television series waning in favour of other science fiction franchises - such as "Flash Gordon".

However, that hasn't stopped me trying to break up the monotony of the similarly-sculpted aquatic Silurians, by adding a few samurai-looking warriors of Elite Group One into the mix. Despite recently leaving the Fourteenth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) early, I'm still quite keen on painting enough miniatures to 'attain' my annual 500-point tally, and hope that these figures will help carry me over that personal threshold before the event's deadline in the middle of March...

Monday, 26 February 2024

"The Maus Tank Was Originally Designed..."

"...To weigh approximately 100 tons and be armed with a 128 mm main gun..."

This 15mm scale multi-piece kit is produced by "Forged In Battle" as Code P-59 Maus Super Tank, and was bought from the "Westwind Productions" stall at "Warfare" last year. The resin hull is 12.8cm in length and 7.5cm wide, and comes on a pre-sculpted base. However, as I wanted my "heaviest fully enclosed armoured fighting vehicle ever built" to 'work' with my "Flames Of War" German D-Day Beach Defence Grenadier Company (using some unofficial rules), I decided to base it upon a Large and Medium plastic stand by "Battlefront Miniatures" instead.

"...And a 75 mm co-axial secondary gun."

"Captured by advancing Soviet military forces" following its completion in late 1944, the tank was assembled and thoroughly undercoated using "Vallejo" Leather Brown Surface Primer. It was then base layered in "Vallejo" Dark Yellow, shaded with plenty of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade", and finally highlighted, courtesy of a rough dry-brush using (more) "Vallejo" Dark Yellow.

With the basics completed, I attempted to tie the colour of my Maus' tracks in with my usual basing palette by applying some "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, "Citadel" Rakarth Flesh and Agrax Earthshade over them. I also took the opportunity to 'pick out' its headlights with a combination of "White Star" by "Two Thin Coats" and a spot or two of "Vallejo" Pale Grey.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - These Guards are simply awaiting some washes

Finally, I settled down to patiently pick out the massive miniature's camouflage pattern - something which I had been unsuccessful applying upon a plastic Panzer IV by "Battlefront Miniatures" last year. Basically, areas of the hull and gun barrels were treated to some round(ish) splodges of “Vallejo” Heavy Brown, Luftwaffe Camouflage Green and Heavy Sienna, before all being sploshed with “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade. Each area was later simply highlighted back up with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Brown, Luftwaffe Camouflage Green and Heavy Sienna.

The super heavy-tank's commander was predominantly pigmented in "Citadel" Abaddon Black. Whilst his gunner was undercoated in “Vallejo” German Fieldgrey WWII, washed with “Citadel” Nuln Oil, and dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” German Fieldgrey WWII. Any details on the metal crew figures subsequently pigmented predominantly using “Vallejo” Gunmetal, German Camouflage Dark Green, Heavy Sienna and a series of “Citadel” Shades.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - This Drone is slowly being highlighted up to "Vallejo" Silver

I had actually been working on the Maus for the Fourteenth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) as a submission for its Challenge Library's History bonus. But having left the AHPC early, I've simply been plodding on with it alongside some more "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" figures for my ongoing "Flash Gordon" project. These 28mm miniatures currently consist of a Major Domo Drone and four Uranian Royal Guards - all of which should soon be finished...

Thursday, 22 February 2024

"The Place Is Full Of Leathery Things Sealed..."

"...Soft to the touch."

These five 15mm alien models are by "Ground Zero Games" and can be bought as code SG15-X01 Xenomorphs. The six-figure pack contains two similar(ish) poses, and are clearly based upon H.R. Giger's famous extra-terrestrial killers from Ridley Scott's 1979 science fiction horror flick "Alien".

All the miniatures were super-glued in place upon a "Battlefront Miniatures" large plastic base, before being painted using my 'quick and dirty' method of dry-brushing "Vallejo" Heavy Bluegrey over a "Citadel" Abaddon Black undercoat. Each alien was then drowned in one or two applications of "Citadel" Nuln Oil, depending upon just how prominently the "Vallejo" "Heavy Bluegrey was showing through after its initial sploshing.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - Three X-Commandos

I had actually been saving these miniatures for later on in the Fourteenth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) as a submission for its Challenge Library's Science Fiction bonus. But now I've left the AHPC early, I fancied pigmenting them a bit sooner as they were relatively straightforward to finish - so took them down from where they've been sat for the past several years, gave them a quick dusting, and quickly got them tabletop ready.

With such a simple side-project, I have also have time to get cracking on four 28mm X-Commandos by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio". Quite embarrassingly I recently discovered that I have a whole bag full of these body armoured bad-boys (and girls), so felt it was about time I added a few more to those I previously-painted back in March 2021.

"Black Tree Design" WIPs - These Sea Devils have had their feet and bases pigmented and shaded

This substantial 'find' has proved doubly-timely as I aim to add the soldiers to my Heroic Sci-Fi genre Cast for a series of "7TV" games, using the rule-set's latest Neutral Extra cards - "Sarge" and "Soldier". These two-three point troopers will join my "Mysterious Stranger" and his trusty "Final Girl" in a series of 'linked' scenarios against the diabolical "Evil Overlord" and her nefarious minions.

Lastly, I've taken some additional 'baby-steps' with a load more 28mm Sea Devils by "Black Tree Design". Sticking with my present obsession for all-things "7TV", I recently purchased the game's "M.A.N.T.A. Ray 5" Feature Pack, and was delighted to find it contains the rules for the Villainous Extra "Nautican Warrior"; a role which I feel the "bipedal marine race" from "Doctor Who" will admirably fill...

This posting and many others can now be viewed on the main "Fantorical" website.

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

"During Millions Of Years Of Hibernation..."

"...The reactivation machinery has deteriorated."

These three 28mm metal models are produced by "Black Tree Design" and are available as part of the 'exclusive' seven-figure strong box DW1015 Sea Devils from their "Doctor Who" miniatures range. Related to the Silurians, as they are "just like those cave monsters we met in Derbyshire", the race of reptilian humanoids made their first appearance in Malcolm Hulke's 1972 six-parter "The Sea Devils".

All the models were initially undercoated with a mixture of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black and "Warlord Games" Pitch Black. Their Maggie Fletcher-designed costumes were then enthusiastically layered in "Vallejo" Verdigris, drowned in "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade and finally dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Verdigris.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - These four Uranian Guards have had their guns finished

The Sea Devils' webbed feet, arms and heads were subsequently painted using a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Whilst their belts were carefully 'picked out' with "Two Thin Coats" White Star and shaded in "Vallejo" Pale Grey. Finally, each of the "ocean demons" hand-guns were treated to a little "Vallejo" Gunmetal and a splash of "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

I had actually considered submitting these classic monsters from Jon Pertwee's era into the Fourteenth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) as a third attempt to 'qualify' for its Challenge Library's Local History bonus - as the television serial was mainly filmed locally around H.M. Naval Base Portsmouth and No Man's Land Fort. However, as I decided to leave the AHPC just before they were completed, they are instead now simply destined to be used for some upcoming games of "7TV" by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio".

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - Three Magma Apes base-layered in "Two Thin Coats" White Star

Speaking of the Lincolnshire-based manufacturer, I have also managed to make a little more progress on a quartet of their Uranian Royal Guard figures I own. I was planning on simply pigmenting the rest of these "Flash Gordon" inspired Villainous Extras with "Vallejo" Heavy Red. But now plan to 'mark out' their gloves in a richer ruby colour, before dousing them in my tried and trusted "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson, and applying a patient dry-brush of their base colour over them.

Furthermore, I've splattered my previously primed resin Magma Apes with some White Star" by "Two Thin Coats", to help me visualise whether they'll work as Emperor Ming's cyclopean incarnation of a Mugato - "large horned ape-like carnivore" seen in the original Sixties "Star Trek" television series. These furry fellows still have plenty of work to be done on them, yet shouldn't take too long to finish once I've 'black-lined' around their clawed hands, feet and bare chests...

Sunday, 18 February 2024

"From Out Of The Marsh Bursts The Gnashing Jaws..."

"...And whipping tentacles of a terrifying Marsh Beast."

This 28mm scale resin model of a Marsh Beast is produced by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" and can be brought as SKU: MINI 1297. Sculpted by George Fairlamb, and heavily influenced by the Arborian Swamp Creature briefly depicted in Mike Hodges' 1980 science-fiction movie "Flash Gordon", this multi-piece miniature has been sat in my 'Pyramid of Possibilities' since I first received it way back in 2022, following the Lincolnshire-based company's successful Pirates of Luna City Kickstarter.

Ultimately shot by Prince Barin with a laser pistol, the monster had all its sharp-tipped tentacles super-glued into position, before being treated to an undercoat of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black and Heavy Green. The ensemble was also given a lick of pure "Vallejo" Heavy Green, shaded with plenty of "Citadel" Nuln Oil and Biel-Tan Green, as well as dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Green.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - These four Uranian Guards are being painted from the feet up

I then 'picked out' all of the Marsh Beast's cruel-looking spikes using a combination of "Vallejo" Charred Brown and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, and momentarily considered dry-brushing their very ends with an additional touch of "Vallejo" Charred Brown. However, in the end I left well enough alone, and instead just darkened down both its gaping maw and some moss-covered patches on its body with (more) "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. These areas were later treated to a careful dry-brush of "Vallejo" Heavy Green to help somewhat blend them in with the surrounding blubbery mass.

With the first of my post-Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) projects completed, and my enthusiasm for all-things "Flash Gordon" positively thriving, I've continued working on four Uranian Royal Guard figures (also) by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio", Like so many of the uniforms utilised by Emperor Ming, this quartet will be predominantly pigmented in red, so I'm hoping to use the merciless minions as 'test pieces' for a simple palette that I can then apply to all the Alien Legionnaires I also own.

Despite the X-Commandos being thwarted by moving scenery, Sarah Jane wins the day for Tweedy

My hobby fervour has also been greatly enhanced by a first game of "7TV" using the recently-released Core Rulebook. This small-sized head-to-head between the (Space) Duchess, her Jackbooted Sadist and Titan Gladiator bodyguard, against the meddlesome Tweedy Mattison, his companion (Sarah Jane) Meddings, and two X-Commandos was an absolute riot - even if we did resort to using some old Countdown, Gadget and Profile cards rather than use the latest ones.

Foremost of this encounter had to be some incompetent scenery chap moving a ruined wall in front of Mattison's Heroic Extras to thwart their early attempts to overpower my Titan Gladiator (as per "Set Dressing"), and the Duchess seducing one of the X-Commandos. But in the end I twice succumbed to some fiendish "Script Editing" , which saw the show's Stars swap places, eventually allowing Meddings to use her Prototype Jammer a couple of times on-the-trot to take-out my giant mechanical Extra...

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

"I Call It Making An Affray."

"I must ask you to come down the station with me."
This 28mm metal single-cast figure is sold by by "Black Tree Design" and is available as Code DW415 - Victorian Policeman from their "Doctor Who" range. The model is based upon the various constables seen in Robert Holmes' 1977 BBC Television story "The Talons of Weng-Chiang". But I like to think of him as actor Conrad Asquith's character PC Quick, who would go on to many further adventures in the "Big Finish" audio spin-off series "Jago And Litefoot".

Originally given a coat of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black and "Warlord Games" Pitch Black, the "Peeler" was treated to a couple of layers of "Two Thin Coats" Marine Blue and a good dousing in Oblivion Black Wash. He was then enthusiastically dry-brushed with (more) Marine Blue by "Two Thin Coats", before having all of his buttons and belt buckle spotted in "Vallejo" Gold and a smidgeon of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade.

"Black Tree Design" WIPs - Sea Devils undercoated in a mixture of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black & Verdigris

The British Bobby's cape chain and helmet badge were later 'picked out' with a little "Two Thin Coats" Sir Coates Silver and "Citadel" Nuln Oil. Whilst the Policeman's wooden truncheon was given a blanket of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. I also traced along the lines of the stout fellow's facial mutton chops with some "Citadel" Abaddon Black.

Due to my close proximity to Portsmouth Central Police Station, which was actually established (in Albert Road) during 1872, I had hoped my Nineteenth Century Policeman would be ideal for the Fourteenth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) and its Challenge Library's Local History section. Frustratingly though, my scoring minion felt otherwise, so having been denied the same twenty bonus points with two different entries, I have subsequently decided to 'bow out' of the AHPC early for my own sanity's sake.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - Three Magma Apes awaiting base layers and washes

Despite my grumblings with the AHPC, my hobby mojo has remained high enough to continue progressing nine more Sea Devils by "Black Tree Design". I had intended to use these figures to trial a new(ish) way of soldiering on through a number of models simultaneously. But disappointingly, my recent visits to the painting table have not been as frequent as planned, and resultantly my cunning plan is already well behind schedule.

Somewhat encouragingly though, I have also managed to base and prime a quartet of resin Magma Apes by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio". Originally, I'd been thinking of doing them in a similar palette to the company's much larger 50mm Arena Beast - which I recently started working on too. However, I'm now more inclined to go with the 'official' paint-job, and give them all a white fur look similar to that of a Mugato from the original Sixties "Star Trek" television series...

Monday, 12 February 2024

"You Sure Don't Look Like An Iguana."

“We are not on your planet now. We are on mine.”

This 28mm metal model is manufactured by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" and can be purchased either as part of the four-figure SKU: DEAL 339 Resistance Fighters, or separately as SKU: MINI 1190. A "news cameraman at the time of the First Invasion", this miniature has clearly inspired by Marc Singer's character, Mike Donovan, in Kenneth Johnson's 1983 American science-fiction television miniseries "V".

"One of the leaders of the Visitor Resistance", "Gooder" was initially undercoated using a mixture of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black and "Warlord Games" Pitch Black, before having his trousers base layered in "Vallejo" Heavy Bluegrey and later sploshed with some heavily-watered down "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade so as to provide him with the illusion of wearing faded jeans.

"Resisting the Alien Invaders are this ragtag group of freedom fighters."

I next applied some "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna to the central part of the figure's two-tone jacket and Heavy Brown to its sleeves. The entire coat was subsequently shaded in "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade, and then both the torso and sleeves were dry-brushed with their previous base colour. One of the last areas I tackled was the journalist's famous video camera, which was treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

Following a dry-brush of (more) "Vallejo" Gunmetal, I then carefully tried to 'block back out' the predominantly plastic parts of the optical instrument with some "Citadel" Abaddon Black. Finally, I used my regular recipe of "Vallejo" Heavy Skintone, "Citadel" Reikland Fleshtone", and (extra) "Vallejo" Heavy Skintone to highlight the nose, lips and cheeks, on the model's face.

"Black Tree Design" WIPs - Sea Devils undercoated in a mixture of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black & Verdigris

With one of my last contributions to the Fourteenth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) completed, including an additional bonus 20-points for tying my entry in with the Challenge Library's Romance section (alongside a previously posted [not] Juliet Parrish Freedom Fighter I have pigmented), I have started working on nine more Sea Devils by "Black Tree Design" I recently discovered in a drawer. The majority of these classic "Doctor Who" monsters come from the company's seven-figure set DW1015 - Sea Devils, and should slowly be brought up to tabletop standard over the next ten days.

Indeed, I plan to use the miniatures as (yet another) experiment in overcoming my loathing for batch-painting - so everyday I'll just work on applying a layer here or dabble with an area there, before focusing on some of the other models I have on my painting desk. This might well seem like a long-winded affair. But as I've never been able to properly knuckle down to a factory conveyor-belt like process before, thus I'm hoping that this might work out better than some of my other attempts...

This posting and many others can now be viewed on the main "Fantorical" website.

Friday, 9 February 2024

"The Adder Is The Standard Light Ground Vehicle For The Muster."

"It typically has a crew of two and is capable of dealing with low level threats."

This resin and metal multi-part 15mm scale Orange Adder Combat Car is by “Alternative Armies” and can be purchased as Pack Code IAF035D from the company’s "The Ion Age" range. Approximately 45mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall, the infantry support variant comes armed with "a 50mm Grenade Launcher in a turret mount", and is actually one of company's somewhat roughly-hewn older castings - which have since been replaced with an update model using their "improved production technique."

Ordinarily, I super-glue these sorts of vehicles directly onto a Large "Flames Of War" plastic rectangular base by "Battlefront Miniatures". However, as I wanted to ensure the bottom of the car was pigmented without the need for my brush-tip to perform some supernatural contortionist act, I first gave the underside a generous application of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black, "Warlord Games" Pitch Black, "Vallejo" Dark Grey and "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"The Myrka's in corridor seven."

Once this stage was completed and dry, I then permanently attached the Orange Adder to its stand, and slapped the entire vehicle in "Vallejo" Dark Grey, sploshed it with "Citadel" Nuln Oil" and lastly dry-brushed it using (more) "Vallejo" Dark Grey. I next 'picked out' all of its wheel trims, any visible/reachable undercarriage or axels, as well as its main weapon with a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal" and "Citadel" Nuln Oil". Before carefully applying some "Two Thin Coats" White Star and "Vallejo" Pale Grey to any lights I could see.

Alongside one of my last entries into the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC), I have also finished and submitted a second Myrka by "Black Tree Design" into the event. Measuring an impressive 46mm in length, this reptilian creature can be bought as Code DW509 Myrka from the manufacturer's "Doctor Who" miniatures range, and first appeared in Johnny Byrne's January 1984 BBC Television story "Warriors Of The Deep".

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - These four Uranian Guards are being painted from the feet up

Easily able to destroy any probes Sea Base Four sent out in the year 2084, the beast was super-glued onto a "Citadel" 75 x 42mm oval base, primed with two coats of "Vallejo" Heavy Green, and drenched in "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. It was then dry-brushed using (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Green, in order to roughly highlight its "strange kelp-like growths", washed with plenty of "Citadel" Biel-Tan Green, and lastly treated to a second (and final) dry-brush of "Vallejo" Heavy Green.

With this month's plan to get a fair few of my "Rick Rhodes" range miniatures by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" completed already somewhat behind schedule, I have made a little progress on four Uranian Royal Guard. Sculpted by Ernst Veingart these marvellous models have clearly been inspired by the execution squad seen escorting the titular character to his supposed death in the classic 1980 film "Flash Gordon", and will hopefully be the start of a series of colourfully-costumed minions from that movie...

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

"I Must Get Back To The Doctor And Report To Him."

"There was a mechanical monster. And it moved, it just killed someone."

This 28mm metal single-cast figure is sold by by "Black Tree Design" and is available as Code DW151 - Ben from their "Doctor Who" miniatures range. Sculpted to represent "an able seaman on a shore posting", the miniature is clearly based upon the First and Second Doctors' companion Ben Jackson, who initially appeared in Ian Stuart Black's 1966 BBC Television story "The War Machines".

Originally primed using a mixture of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black and "Warlord Games" Pitch Black, the Royal Navy sailor was subsequently heavily dry-brushed with “Vallejo” Heavy Charcoal and given a healthy dose of "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I then painted his trousers with a lick of "Two Thin Coats" Marine Blue, and darkened them down with a solid sploshing of "Citadel" Nuln Oil. Lastly, I gave the pants some rough highlights by dry-brushing (more) Marine Blue by "Two Thin Coats" across the clothing's folds.

"Black Tree Design" WIPs - Whilst painting these Sea Devils I've noticed one is missing their right head-fin

With the basics completed I dabbed some "Vallejo" Gold onto the buttons of Ben's duffle-coat, before carefully applying some "Two Thin Coats" White Star and "Vallejo" Pale Grey to the top of his cap. At this stage I did also consider providing actor Michael Craze's character with some sort of jumper, as the 'official' paint-job appeared to show one poking out from under the top of his heavy coat. However, the figure itself didn't look as if it had any such garment on, so I simply stuck with the open neck look - which is actually how the time traveller appears on the small screen.

Considering that Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, the rest of His Majesty's Naval Base, the D-Day Museum and the Explosion Museum of Naval Firepower are all local, I had thought this vintage (Sixties) sailor would be perfectly eligible for the Fourteenth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) and its Challenge Library's Local History section. However, my scoring minion felt it somehow didn't meet the criteria of being "something from the history of your own land, region or town", so frustratingly decided not to award me the twenty bonus points.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - This Marsh Beast has been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

Despite this disappointing blow to my AHPC plans, I have continued 'cracking on' with the five "Black Tree Design" Sea Devils I intend to add to my flourishing Reptilia Sapiens force. Having spent a session patiently applying some highlights upon the quintet's webbed feet, three-clawed hands, and prominent head-fins, as well as working on their blasters and eyeballs, I now only need to tidy up their fishnet clothing before they'll be ready for a coat of "Vallejo" Matt Varnish.

Sticking with science-fiction, though moving on to "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio", I've made some significant in-roads on the Lincolnshire-based company's fair-sized Marsh Beast. This multi-piece resin kit is clearly inspired by the Arborian Swamp Creature from the cult 1980 film "Flash Gordon", and should prove a fairly straightforward mini-project to complete now I've finished pigmenting the bulk of the brute...

Monday, 5 February 2024

"Move The M-16 Or I'll Make You Eat It."

"You make it back safely and I'll tell you the story of my life."

This 28mm metal model is manufactured by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" and can be purchased either as part of the four-figure SKU: DEAL 339 Resistance Fighters, or separately as SKU: MINI 1191. A former CIA operative who "went on specially requested missions for the U.S. government into other countries", this miniature has clearly inspired by Michael Ironside's character, Ham Tyler, in Brian Taggert and Peggy Goldman's 1984 teleplay for "V: The Final Battle".

Helping to form the W.L.F. (World Liberation Front), as well as "develop the ammo that could cut through the Visitor armour", Tyler was originally primed using a mixture of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black and "Warlord Games" Pitch Black, before being layered in "Citadel" Abaddon Black, enthusiastically dry-brushed with "Vallejo" Heavy Charcoal, and shaded with plenty of "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I then gave the figure's pants a lick of "Two Thin Coats" Marine Blue and darkened it down with (more) "Citadel" Nuln Oil.

"Warlord Games" WIPs - These Volgan Yaks have been dry-brushed and then shaded with a Speed Paint

I did actually consider dry-brushing Ham's trousers with some Marine Blue by "Two Thin Coats so as to act as a 'quick and dirty' highlight. However, I actually thought they looked suitably dark (for night-time raids upon the alien's facilities) as they were so ultimately left them well enough alone. In addition, this short-cut allowed me to spend a little more time on the mercenary's watch-face, firearm and hair, so these different areas were appropriately given a coat of "Two Thin Coats" White Star, "Vallejo" Gunmetal and Heavy Sienna, and then later washed with either "Citadel" Nuln Oil or Agrax Earthshade as needed.

With my latest entry into the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) completed, I have turned my attention back to two 28mm resin Volgan Yaks I pre-ordered from "Warlord Games" late last year. This pair of killer robots have now been dry-brushed with (more) "Two Thin Coast" Sir Coates Silver, and sploshed in Algae Green by "The Army Painter".

"Black Tree Design" WIPs - Three Sea Devils at various stages of completion

I'm actually hoping to use this particular Speed Paint as the central colour for all my Volgan forces, and have been pretty happy with the metallic effect it creates when applied over the top of a predominantly silver-looking miniature. There is however, clearly a skill yet to be mastered in getting the "highly saturated and specially designed paint" precisely where it needs to go within a short time limit. But I'm hoping to be able to cover any mistakes with some weathering whenever the need arises.

Alongside these "war droids with [a] powerful flight capability", I've also made some considerable progress on five classic Sea Devils from the "Doctor Who" range by "Black Tree Design". I still need to finish all the maritime monsters' hand guns, 'dot their eyes' and tidy up the creatures' fish-net clothing. But hopefully they'll soon be table-top ready, and allow me to move on to seven more Aquatic Silurians - who will form a force of shock troops for my ever-expanding force of Reptilia sapiens...

This posting and many others can now be viewed on the main "Fantorical" website.

Friday, 2 February 2024

(Lead) Mountain Musings - "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” February 2024

"In Greek mythology, the Titans were the pre-Olympian gods."

With the Fourteenth Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge (AHPC) now in full swing, I thought I'd spend this month working my way through a number of science-fiction related figures by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio". The vast majority of these miniatures have quite depressingly simply been sat gathering dust since I received them from some of the company's successful Kickstarter campaigns over the past few years, so it's probably high time I got cracking on with some of Emperor Ming's merciless minions, and a few hamster-munching extra-terrestrial visitors.

To get things moving straight away, I have completed work on a fifth of the Lincolnshire-based company's 28mm scale resin Titans. This particular pose can be bought as SKU: MINI 94 Titan A (Reaching) from their Villains and Monsters range, and despite the multi-piece kit containing two separate arms, I ultimately decided to equip the mechanical monstrosity carrying a Hammer and Shield taken from the company's metal Titan Weapon Arms (SKU: DEAL 85) instead.

"They were overthrown as part of the Greek succession myth."

This 'conversion' required a surprising amount of drilling and filing so as to ensure a strong bond between the quite heavy hand-weapons and the figure's much lighter torso, as well as plenty of copper wire, green-stuff, and super-glue. But once assembled, the 53mm tall figure was quickly primed in "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, layered with Bronze, enthusiastically drenched in “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade, and dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Bronze.

To help tie the miniature into the "living giant bronze statue" look I've used for Doctor Ulysses Argo’s other hefty robots, I then applied various amounts of “Citadel” Nihilakh Oxide in between the model's numerous joints and ridges. These areas were later roughly blended back in with the rest of the Titan using a (third) dry-brush of “Vallejo” Bronze. At this stage, I did momentarily contemplate 'picking out' the robot gladiator's hammer-head and parmula in "Vallejo" Gunmetal. However, I liked the notion of the enormous effigy appearing to be a metal sculpture which had magically come to life.

January 2024 - "Black Tree Design" has taken a strong lead following my rekindled interest in "Doctor Who"
Despite the past month only being the sixth best January I've had pigmenting miniatures since I started keeping a record way back in 2014, I'm actually rather pleased with the sheer number of "Black Tree Design" 28mm metal figures I managed to get 'tabletop ready'. In particular, I now have quite a sizeable group of Robomen to accompany an old Slyther monster I finished almost five years ago, as well as some classic Silurian reinforcements (including a large Myrka) for my ever-growing Homo reptilia force.

Furthermore, I don't see this enthusiasm dying down any time soon, as I've currently got ten Sea Devils (in various poses/costumes) on the go, along with another Myrka and some of the Doctor's time-travelling companions. These somewhat old 'chunky' models will actually be completed as a priority over several of the "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" figures I have planned, so could well cause me to dust down even more monsters from my considerable backlog in the near future...