Wednesday 16 October 2024

"On July 20, 1967 Alexei Levanov Became The First Man To Set Foot On The Moon..."

"...Securing a triumph for the CCCP and cementing Soviet Russia's place as the victor of the Space Race."

This 32mm resin Russian Astronaut is produced by "Black Site Studios", and forms part of the Lunar Core Game pre-order I made with the American-based company way back in July 2021. These days I believe the figure is available as either part of the five-figure set SKU: LNR6805BSS - Soviet Cosmonauts, or the manufacturer's current Two-Player Starter Box, and was patiently assembled from an almost overwhelming number of tiny pieces which come with the kit.

Permanently attached to a "Citadel" 30mm circular stand, I equipped the fellow with what appears to be an Avtomat Kalashnikova-47 rifle, and undercoated him with plenty of "Two Thin Coats" Sanguine Scarlet. The 'official' paint scheme appears to show the Eastern Bloc spacesuits being a pinkish-brown in colour with red trim and blue gloves/boots. However, I wanted a simple palette for my guys which wouldn't be too time-consuming to get on the tabletop and could readily be recognised as being Russian.

"The reform of the Prussian army was begun by Gerhard von Scharnhorst."
Resultantly, the astronaut was sploshed in "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson and dry-brushed with (more) "Two Thin Coats" Sanguine Scarlet. I then 'picked out' the spaceman's helmet visor with some "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, and later returned to the area using a combination of Gold and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. Finally the figure's firearm was given a lick of "Citadel" Abaddon Black, "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I had planned on dabbing a little "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade on some of the AK-47's wooden areas. But frankly the weapon was so tiny that I felt that leaving it well enough alone was a far saner option.

With the first of my five Soviet Cosmonaut's completed, I have found the time to push on my long-term Napoleonic project, and finish the last of the Prussian soldiers from blister PN063 Infantry in Peaked Cap Marching by "Wargames Foundry". As with all his identical comrades-in-arms, the 28mm metal figure was largely pigmented using "Vallejo" Sombre Grey, Stormy Blue, Heavy Red, Heavy Sienna, Gunmetal and a selection of "Citadel" Shades.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - Four Imperial Guard Dutch Grenadiers In Greatcoat Marching
Somewhat disconcertingly I was recently contacted by "the home of 28mm wargaming miniatures" to be informed that some quite considerable price rises are to be brought in later this month. Upon hearing such news I have submitted a significantly sizeable order with them and begun re-evaluating my painting plans for the next few months as I'm soon to be swamped with all sorts of French, British, Prussian, Russian and Austrian soldiers.

My revised intention is to stringently put a brush-tip to at least four Napoleonic figures per month for the foreseeable future. This might seem a small number compared to some wargamers who rattle off regiments of 24 or 32 infantrymen in a week or so. But to someone who regularly only completes 10-15 miniatures a month, that's actually quite a significant portion of my hobby time. Leading this charge, and frankly being crammed into an already rather optimistically overloaded October, will be a quartet of soldiers from FN175 - Imperial Guard Dutch Grenadiers In Greatcoat Marching...


  1. Great finish to the cosmonaut Simon, must be nice to have the first of these finished. Great job on finishing the Prussian contingent, but by the sounds of it, there are lot more incoming, so keeping up with them is a good idea.

    1. Cheers Dave. Just a slow and steady approach being applied to the Napoleonics currently, which should help get the momentum going. I'm onto some more Frenchmen now, so should soon have enough for a little game of Black Powder - which I'd have thought would help motivate me even more.
