Monday 21 October 2024

"The Dutch Grenadiers..."

"...Were A French Imperial Guard Regiment During The Napoleonic Wars."

This 28mm scale metal model is sold by “Wargames Foundry", and can be purchased as part of their identical eight-figure blister FN175 - Imperial Guard Dutch Grenadiers In Greatcoat Marching. The company's Napoleonic French range was sculpted by Michael and Alan Perry, and I picked this set up in person when I was lucky enough to visit the manufacturer's store in Newark, late last year.

The "assault-specialist soldier" was originally primed using a mixture of "Citadel" Abaddon Black and Vallejo Surface Primer Black, before trousers and various leather straps were layered with "Two Thin Coats" White Star and later 'dirtied-up' with some heavily watered-down "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. I then applied some "Vallejo" Heavy Blue and "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade to the miniature's winter-coat, as well as patiently began 'picking out' all the details around his waist - such as his drinking bottle, sword and ammunition pouch.

"Wargames Foundry" WIPs - Three more Dutch Grenadiers at various stages of completion

Of particular note was the tassel tied around on the Dutch Grenadier's sword-hilt, which was going to be "Vallejo" Heavy Red. However, as I was simultaneously working on some Soviet Cosmonauts by "Black Site Studio" at the time, I ended up carefully tracing the detail out with a combination of "Two Thin Coats" Sanguine Scarlet and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson instead.

Nonetheless I did use my usual 'team-up' of "Vallejo" Heavy Red and "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson on the model's epaulettes, bearskin tassel and grenadier emblem. I was also planning on applying a little "Two Thin Coats" White Star to the actual grenade detail on the headpiece too. But the raised surface wasn't as clear or centrally-placed as my obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) would have liked, so I decided against tackling such a frustrating-looking extra.

"CoolMiniOrNot" WIPs - Nick Fury is predominantly being painted from the base up

I had recently started plonking a few more 40mm scale plastic super-heroes by "CoolMiniOrNot" back into my painting queue in anticipation of receiving my Marvel United: Multiverse pledge (via Kickstarter). Sadly, the vast majority of my enthusiasm for such a project has been utterly obliterated by CMON's recent admission that they've inexplicably misplaced almost 400 orders - my own included - in China. So whilst the vast majority of the campaign's twenty-one thousand supporters have received their goodies, mine are still languishing on the other side of the planet in East Asia.

Ordinarily, such a massive disappointment would be the end of a painting plan, as I have plenty of other lead (or plastic, or resin) mountains to chip away at. However, on this occasion I still fancied ticking a few of Stan Lee's finest off of my list, so thought I'd give Nick Fury a lick or two of my brush-tip - albeit this particular sculpt features the reimagined leader of S.H.I.E.L.D. as created by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch for the 2002 limited series "The Ultimates", as opposed to the original, cigar-chomping Howling Commando.


  1. Great work on the Grenadier Simon, and other 3 are progressing well as well, and nice start on Nick as well, sorry to hear your kickstarter has been delayed, but does mean you have more time to get other bits finished until it arrives.

    1. Thanks Dave. The aim is to get the other three Dutch Grenadiers finished by the end of the month, and then I'm planning on adding four Napoleonic figs to the project every month after that. I've got a fair few Marvel United models I'd like to get tabletop ready, so that's what I plan to do until the latest edition arrives - as long as there's no more delays. Otherwise I'll probably move on to something else tbh.
